How many times have you gone to an anime convention?

How many times have you gone to an anime convention?

Total Votes : 5,244
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Sorry for the missing poll option last time, so let's try this again.

I haven't done many myself, probably somewhere around the neighborhood of 5 or 6 over the last 7 years. My area doesn't have much in the way of cons and travel is expensive!
I want to go to one eventually...

I finally have the money but still need a ride.
I've... only been to one.
I am ashamed... nya~
Though I may go to fanime-con this coming may(?) yay.
Nine times for me (since 2002). Planning to visit 2-3 french anime conventions this year.
I'd actually like to go sometime,
I live in the Canada Ontario area, can anyone recommend any good places?
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I see that some people don't want to go to an anime convention. Why's that? Too expensive/too many geeks/sounds boring/all of the above?
I've been to 4, soon to be 5 with anime STL
Never been to one but i'd love to go some day.
Thankfully there are quite a lot of anime conventions in the bay area.
[color=#9400D3]I have never went to an anime convention before, And I truly do not plan on going to one any time soon...[/color]
Nikon wrote...
I see that some people don't want to go to an anime convention. Why's that? Too expensive/too many geeks/sounds boring/all of the above?

/a/ horror stories
Seems like there's a large proportion that haven't gone to a convention like me. I'm just too lazy.
didn't have the chance to
Would like to, but there's a lack of time for me :-(
currently been to one, and ill go to another, next time i get a chance.
I would really like to go to a convention but I would need a car...and someone who'd like to go since I don't have friends who are into wanting to go....sadly (>3<)
conventions are never anywhere near me and i cant afford traveling
11. There was an annual one in my home city, and one that's relatively near the city my university is in.
Fuck my job, that constricts me from going.
DaSheepdogg87 Noobish Ronin
I would go to a convention, but then I took an arrow to the knee.....

but the whole reason I can't go to one is because both school and work keep me too busy to do much besides eat and sleep, in fact the only reason I'm able to post this is because I'm waiting for an email so I can get back to work -_-