Capital Punishment = PUNISHMENT

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Should we go on with the date?

Total Votes : 21
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
It's a big deal in the states. I assume you're talking about lethal injection right?

In my own opinion. I think there should be limits and what not, but I'm also at the same time pretty cold hearted about the issue too. Our tax dollars go to prisons for scum bags to watch cable tv, eat three meals a day, excercise, and have a bed. Sure it's not the Hilton Hotel, but it's a lot better then many low income families.

You have never been in a prison have you. Neither have I, But I hear there is a guy named Buba who wants to get to know everyone in the an intmate why. AKA he wants to rape you.

Over 27 people a year arer cleared from the death penlaty (a year folks) from DNA evidence...without a doubt. Makes you wonder how many are in there, but whom don't get cleared completely. AKA Texas witch sends 100 men to the eletric chair, a year. While the other States only muster 50 all together.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I wasn't crying because I didn't grow up with my Daddy, I was better off without him.

I'm terribly sorry for your mom, but my mom isn't the healthiest person in the world either. She had thyroid cancer twice, NOW she has a chronic disease called sarcadosis (sp?) It's a disease that can't be treated and that she'll die from. It takes over your entire body. She has it in her lungs, behind her heart, in her ovaries and kidneys, in her liver. It's all dormant except for the mass behind her heart and that's the 'beehive' as the doctor says. That even if they take everything out of her the 'queen bee' will just spread it to the organs again. They can't get rid of the mass behind her heart.

Everyone has their shit. But don't sit there and say child support is bullshit, I think my mom out of anyone deserved something from my deadbeat father.

And you're right. That's life, you take your difficulties in life and grow stronger from them. My mom is the strongest person I've ever met in my life but I don't think you have any room to sit there and drawl on about how it's pointless to have it. And why shouldn't I use that term with you? You're sitting there saying that they had the choice to abort? What the hell?

Oh, an edit. I wanted to point out that I'M thankful my mother didn't choose abortion. I'm glad she took the responsibility to raise me. I'm quite happy with life.

On another edit, I'm sorry I got so offended, but it's just irritating when you hear a Shovanistic guy claims that child support is bullshit when I see it as if you can't spare some time with the kid you helped create, then maybe you deserve to put in some cold hard cash. And I really am sorry about your mom, I'm going through something similar with my mom, because she just gets more sick and more sick. The nice thing is though she doesn't let it effect her life. It makes coping easier on both of us.

But it's not bullshit. And I'm sorry to everyone how the subject got dramatically changed.
g-money wrote...
Oh, and who's going to invent the exoskeleton and pay for the gatling gun?

What I meant by that was that us ordinary citizens are giving up our tax money to feed people who won't rehabilitate no matter what treatment you impose on them, people who will and will always remain a menace and a danger to society, and people who live out a life sentence without ever having to life a finger for food, showers, recreation, and sleep. On top of that, now our tax money is going to build crap that won't function for a couple of years from now and weapons that have no practical use? Fuck that. A fucking third of my parents' income goes to Uncle Sam, and we shouldn't be paying more, and yet these prisoners are still alive and using up money that my parents earned with their blood, sweat, and tears. Strikes me as a huge waste of money and uneeded sympathy.

Net_Spectator wrote...
George Carlin used to say that killing is getting more negotiable...
He maybe right, and I think its all because we're getting lax and lenient about it...
I think capital punishment should still be made viable option, but a harder one, per se...
People who killed others by accidents shouldn't be given capital punishment...
People who killed because of self defense also can't be given such punishment...
People who killed because of social, economic reasons may be rehabilitated, yeah...

However, people who killed a lot of people, people who killed in cold blood, people who kills for the sake of killings should be put down... coz I hate to take chances with such people...
Who would guarantee that they won't do it again?
Rehab them? that's just fucking non-sense... That's like gambling with a lot of risk of losing...
Life time in prison? that's even more fucking shit...
Why would I want them to live comfortably (comfortable for a life time???) after all the mayhem they did? Are you serious??
That is just fucking stupid, especially if I contribute from the tax I paid...
I'm a fucking good tax payer, and I want my tax to be used for something friggin useful... not for supporting the life of people who don't value life...
Oops, I'm ranting to much...

PS: Respect yourself by respecting others. Respect your life by respecting other people's life...

I totally concur, nuff said.

Arizth wrote...
Do NOT bring your religious insecurities/prejudices/angers onto the internet. The internet does not have a religion. There is no religion on the internet. There are no people on the Internet. You are getting mad at letters. And Words.

It does matter. Religion's always been a serious topic, and there are limits in overreaching the boundaries of respect when talking about religion, and your post was pure disrespect. Though you may think your words are just text on a screen, they represent your thoughts, your views, your opinions whether it be true or false because there is nothing else representing you. Netusers build their personas through what they type on the forums, and if that doesn't represent you, nobody exists metaphorically.

Well, if we're going to bash religion, head on over to the religion thread in the Serious Discussion subforum category and duke it out there, WITH respect of course.

On another note, I offer my condolences for both Arizth's and Ziggy_Otaku's family histories. It must've been damn hard to live, and that has my respect.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
MIB wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
It's a big deal in the states. I assume you're talking about lethal injection right?

In my own opinion. I think there should be limits and what not, but I'm also at the same time pretty cold hearted about the issue too. Our tax dollars go to prisons for scum bags to watch cable tv, eat three meals a day, excercise, and have a bed. Sure it's not the Hilton Hotel, but it's a lot better then many low income families.

You have never been in a prison have you. Neither have I, But I hear there is a guy named Buba who wants to get to know everyone in the an intmate why. AKA he wants to rape you.

Over 27 people a year arer cleared from the death penlaty (a year folks) from DNA evidence...without a doubt. Makes you wonder how many are in there, but whom don't get cleared completely. AKA Texas witch sends 100 men to the eletric chair, a year. While the other States only muster 50 all together.

My brother writes to me often and he was moved to state prison for 9 years for dealing heroin to a undercover cop on school grounds. Although, he was busted for other things too like DUI's etc. They're doing a program now where he can go to bootcamp for a year. Then he'll be in a series of other things but he'll be on house arrest for quite some time. The nice thing is my brother has learned his lesson and plans on straightening his life out once he gets home. But he doesn't write about stuff like that. In fact I should take the time to write one of his letters. He says its not bad at all. You get to be outside all day and inside there's TV etc. The worst thing that happened to him was he got MRSA there. But that's done and over with. He said that hurt him more then all of his tattoos combined. (He's got a lot :roll: )

I also have to be careful with what I say now that I think about it. I say kill em' if they're dumb, but I have to say I love my brother very much despite the fact we've never lived with each other. He's always kept in contact with me and made sure I never steered off a good path. Even if he did something as insane as killing someone I'd be very upset if he was on death roll.

It goes back to when I mentioned that Play Write. It was amazing to me because it was about assassins wanting to assassinate the Duke, and they did manage it. They failed one time because a child was in the way. One assassin thought it would've been injust to kill the child too, the other saw it as just since he was a spoiled pompous child.

After the assassination the one assassin actually got caught and sent to prison. The wife of the Duke spoke to him there how despite the wrong things he did she loved him and he loved her too and saw it as injust to kill him. The assassin was sentenced to death and the person in charge of the hanging was a inmate. He was imprisoned for murdering someone because he was hungry. They made him in charge of the hanging in agreement that for every person he hung his sentence would be shortened by one year.
Where's the just in that?

It's just how you look at it, there's so many circumstances that you have to take in count for - and the willingness to do it.
I'm pretty damn sure that rape isn't all the common.

It probably does happen, but not as much as people think.

I do know people who went to jail for various things( Fighting, DUI, Drugs )
And they say its pretty boring. They talk but you never make a friend. The food's bland and mostly you lay around and sleep until you get tired of it.
illumi wrote...
I'm pretty damn sure that rape isn't all the common.

It probably does happen, but not as much as people think.

I do know people who went to jail for various things( Fighting, DUI, Drugs )
And they say its pretty boring. They talk but you never make a friend. The food's bland and mostly you lay around and sleep until you get tired of it.

Wot? That sounds like my life minus the internet and hentai...

But still they got it all for free...
We paid for their living expenses...
The usual criminal I can live with it, yeah...
But I don't wanna have to pay for a mass murderer's living expenses...
Do you?
Okay, about the religious debate that got fired up in this thread.

Guys, Seriously.

GET THE FUCK OVER IT! Atheists will always think religion is useless, dumb, stupid, pointless, etc, etc, etc.

The religious will always think their particular faith is the proper, morale, just, decision.

This whole idea about "Don't say anything because somebody might get offended" is ridiculous. In America we have a right to say or express ourselves however we want. Its the first right granted to us by our countries constitution.

If we don't say anything to offend you then under the same logic we could say "Don't mention your religion around us" see my point? It just goes in a circle of "don't say that it offends me" or "Somebody might get their feelings hurt"

Either way animosity and hate between non-believers and the religious will always be there. Can't do anything about it.

On topic: We should just keep capital punishment as an option to be exercised on mass murderers, serial murderers, and treason. These crimes have intent to harm large numbers of people. At that level there is no excuse for killing people. Blow up a building in downtown Chicago and kill dozens of people takes planning, intention, and timing. You don't "accidentally" kill dozens of people like that. Treason is the intent to betray an entire country. That's millions of people you put in harms way either directly or indirectly. Death should be a common option for these people.

Harsher punishments for other crimes for theft, etc will be a deterrent for people. If you steal a car stereo and get caught and the punishment is ten years. You won't be risking it. Which leads to the next step. Make prison actual punishment. Place them in cells alone, with no human contact except for dinner when its brought to there cells. Completely separate them from the other prisoners. No cable, no personal effects, no letters from home. Give these people the very basics needed to survive. Make hell the subject of peoples nightmares.

Another idea for prisoners is a tweaking of the above idea. You could also put prisoners to work in areas that are dangerous such as mining companies. The basic idea is to make going to prison the idea of hellish nightmares. Make people piss themselves in fear of going to prison.

Also do a fundamental rehabilitation program. Don't use religion to try and rehabilitate people that is not what I mean by fundamental. Use Psychology to find out why these people commit such crimes and then enact society changes to fix the problems that lead to this behavior.

No one thing will stop crime but, a series of changes across the board would do miracles in lowering crime rates.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom, you're right in the fact that there is always a rift between believers and nonbelievers, and that this is the net anybody can say anything, but there are limits between respect and outright condemning. People who post on the net should have the common sense to know what's respectful and what's not.

On topic, your idea somehow reminds me of 1984, by George Orwell. The system I don't believe in, but the some of the measures I do.
Personally I'm pro capital punishment, but only for those who truly deserve it, and cannot be rehabilitated. If there is irrefutable proof of an individual's guilt, and they show no signs of remorse, they should be executed. However, this shouldn't apply to just any crime, and as far as drug charges are concerned, thats mostly a whole bunch of bullshit. Hell, the main reason drugs are illegal is because the government can't put a tax on them. However, murder, rape, child molestation, these should all be capital offenses, and punished without mercy.

Also, yes everything you hear about jail is true, the food sucks, you talk and talk, and never make a friend (like anyone would really want to make friends with those people), and the guards are dicks. Btw the rape thing is prison, not jail, a common misconception I keep hearing. (no one here from other friends)
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
omnicide wrote...
Personally I'm pro capital punishment, but only for those who truly deserve it, and cannot be rehabilitated. If there is irrefutable proof of an individual's guilt, and they show no signs of remorse, they should be executed. However, this shouldn't apply to just any crime, and as far as drug charges are concerned, thats mostly a whole bunch of bullshit. Hell, the main reason drugs are illegal is because the government can't put a tax on them. However, murder, rape, child molestation, these should all be capital offenses, and punished without mercy.

Well, heroin is a bit different then dealing some pot. People get killed over heroin.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
omnicide wrote...
Personally I'm pro capital punishment, but only for those who truly deserve it, and cannot be rehabilitated. If there is irrefutable proof of an individual's guilt, and they show no signs of remorse, they should be executed. However, this shouldn't apply to just any crime, and as far as drug charges are concerned, thats mostly a whole bunch of bullshit. Hell, the main reason drugs are illegal is because the government can't put a tax on them. However, murder, rape, child molestation, these should all be capital offenses, and punished without mercy.

Well, heroin is a bit different then dealing some pot. People get killed over heroin.

True, I have my issues with certain drugs myself, and heroine is one of them, as well as meth. The point I'm making is that if certain drugs were leagalized the exposure to the harder drugs would be dramatically lessened. For example, most people start off smoking a little pot, that escalates to harder and harder drugs. If pot was made legal then marketed to the public (with age restrictions of course) the criminal element would be removed from this particular situation, and the temptation to move on to harder drugs would be reduced.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
omnicide wrote...
Personally I'm pro capital punishment, but only for those who truly deserve it, and cannot be rehabilitated. If there is irrefutable proof of an individual's guilt, and they show no signs of remorse, they should be executed. However, this shouldn't apply to just any crime, and as far as drug charges are concerned, thats mostly a whole bunch of bullshit. Hell, the main reason drugs are illegal is because the government can't put a tax on them. However, murder, rape, child molestation, these should all be capital offenses, and punished without mercy.

Well, heroin is a bit different then dealing some pot. People get killed over heroin.

My friend got shot in the leg because of a fucked up heroin deal. It was a through and through, so it wasn't all that bad. The whole killing over heroin is blown way out of proportion. It really depends on the person. Dealers usually give you a beatdown or a nonlethal shot in order to get their message across. Whacked out heroin addicts are willing to do anything for some diesel, so you gotta be careful around them.
The Jesus wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
omnicide wrote...
Personally I'm pro capital punishment, but only for those who truly deserve it, and cannot be rehabilitated. If there is irrefutable proof of an individual's guilt, and they show no signs of remorse, they should be executed. However, this shouldn't apply to just any crime, and as far as drug charges are concerned, thats mostly a whole bunch of bullshit. Hell, the main reason drugs are illegal is because the government can't put a tax on them. However, murder, rape, child molestation, these should all be capital offenses, and punished without mercy.

Well, heroin is a bit different then dealing some pot. People get killed over heroin.

My friend got shot in the leg because of a fucked up heroin deal. It was a through and through, so it wasn't all that bad. The whole killing over heroin is blown way out of proportion. It really depends on the person. Dealers usually give you a beatdown or a nonlethal shot in order to get their message across. Whacked out heroin addicts are willing to do anything for some diesel, so you gotta be careful around them.

Don't forget the damn methheads. They're just as bad if not worse. I never touched any of that shit. I stuck to good ol' pot and hallucinogens. However, this is getting off topic, I kinda had a feeling this would happen. The point is I am pro capital punishment, because some people just need to be taken out of society alltogether, including prison society. However, they're guilt must be poroven beyond any doubt.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
omnicide wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
omnicide wrote...
Personally I'm pro capital punishment, but only for those who truly deserve it, and cannot be rehabilitated. If there is irrefutable proof of an individual's guilt, and they show no signs of remorse, they should be executed. However, this shouldn't apply to just any crime, and as far as drug charges are concerned, thats mostly a whole bunch of bullshit. Hell, the main reason drugs are illegal is because the government can't put a tax on them. However, murder, rape, child molestation, these should all be capital offenses, and punished without mercy.

Well, heroin is a bit different then dealing some pot. People get killed over heroin.

My friend got shot in the leg because of a fucked up heroin deal. It was a through and through, so it wasn't all that bad. The whole killing over heroin is blown way out of proportion. It really depends on the person. Dealers usually give you a beatdown or a nonlethal shot in order to get their message across. Whacked out heroin addicts are willing to do anything for some diesel, so you gotta be careful around them.

Don't forget the damn methheads. They're just as bad if not worse. I never touched any of that shit. I stuck to good ol' pot and hallucinogens. However, this is getting off topic, I kinda had a feeling this would happen. The point is I am pro capital punishment, because some people just need to be taken out of society alltogether, including prison society. However, they're guilt must be poroven beyond any doubt.

At that point then they have the 'admit to insanity'. Any sociopath doesn't belong in prison. They need to be killed or kept tiddy in a padded room.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...

At that point then they have the 'admit to insanity'. Any sociopath doesn't belong in prison. They need to be killed or kept tiddy in a padded room.

Heheh, that's an old trick they use to abuse the 'hole' within the law......
"Excuse me your honor, judge, the thing is, I'm an insane person, that's why I kill those babies"

Used so many times that trick, yeah......
Net_Spectator wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...

At that point then they have the 'admit to insanity'. Any sociopath doesn't belong in prison. They need to be killed or kept tiddy in a padded room.

Heheh, that's an old trick they use to abuse the 'hole' within the law......
"Excuse me your honor, judge, the thing is, I'm an insane person, that's why I kill those babies"

Used so many times that trick, yeah......

I agree. It's sickening all the loopholes that truly twisted people can utilize to get out of what they truly deserve. Then again I do tend to be a bit of a nhialist.
i havnt read through the whole thread yet but heres my bit. countries generaly abolish the death sentence for this reason. they keep killing inocent people. it happans more than youd think and whos fault is it? the lawyers, they do there best to make huge amounts of cash and can make even the more innocent guy appear guilty. they can also keep the real culprits out of jail. this is a major issue in the legal system.
sanjuro wrote...
i havnt read through the whole thread yet but heres my bit. countries generaly abolish the death sentence for this reason. they keep killing inocent people. it happans more than youd think and whos fault is it? the lawyers, they do there best to make huge amounts of cash and can make even the more innocent guy appear guilty. they can also keep the real culprits out of jail. this is a major issue in the legal system.

Excellent point. Maybe the lawyers should be executed first, jk, jk. I'm not saying changes shouldn't be made. It's just that some people can't be rehabilitated, and other than killing them there isn't any way to stop them other than death.
sanjuro wrote...
i havnt read through the whole thread yet but heres my bit. countries generaly abolish the death sentence for this reason. they keep killing inocent people. it happans more than youd think and whos fault is it? the lawyers, they do there best to make huge amounts of cash and can make even the more innocent guy appear guilty. they can also keep the real culprits out of jail. this is a major issue in the legal system.

It's already mentioned about the loopholes and weaknesses in the law in the previous posts...
Both criminals and greedy lawyers have been abusing that, yeah...
That's why capital punishment should be made a viable but harder options...

I guess, your statements is one of the reasons we're going to see a lot of lawyers in hell... heheh...
Net_Spectator wrote...
sanjuro wrote...
i havnt read through the whole thread yet but heres my bit. countries generaly abolish the death sentence for this reason. they keep killing inocent people. it happans more than youd think and whos fault is it? the lawyers, they do there best to make huge amounts of cash and can make even the more innocent guy appear guilty. they can also keep the real culprits out of jail. this is a major issue in the legal system.

It's already mentioned about the loopholes and weaknesses in the law in the previous posts...
Both criminals and greedy lawyers have been abusing that, yeah...
That's why capital punishment should be made a viable but harder options...

I guess, your statements is one of the reasons we're going to see a lot of lawyers in hell... heheh...

yeah,if you ask me what is the most sinful job in the world today,it is judge and lawyer.

but not all of judge and lawyer are bad.
it's just the good,honest judges and lawyers tends to get assasinated quickly.
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