
[ Locked ] SD - Rules and Guidelines Keep It Serious This isn't the place for YouTube videos, one-answer questions with little to no debate in them or threads with no real topic. If you have n…


no, this is serious... i know you've heard this news story, but i still can't wrap my head around it... …
The Perfect Hentai.... Can There be a PERFECT Hentai out there??
losing an hour don't forget to set clocks forward... or you're gonna be late to do, prolly nothing. f-u daylight savings
Scientology -- Owned at last Fuckin' owned. Discuss.
[ Poll ] New tattoo Getting a new tattoo when I get my paycheck. Which should I get? Google em if you dont know what they are.
Internet from space Japanese launch satellite internet service They're at it agai…
sitting at the back of my mind i wanted to ask you guys... do you think my boyfriend (who is really into hentai) will get bored with... well, in...bedroom time? i'm starting to see it a bit. he's mor…
MP3 to Midi Anyone know of a good program to convert mp3 to midi?
Twincest = Clonecest? I know that Twincest is Incest between twins, but would you consider sex between clones to be incest/twincest?
[ Poll ] Choosing a new bike Well hallo there fellow FAKKU forum goers. I'm making this thread to help me choose the right bike based on my and other peoples views. Well many of you probably do not know this but I am big on bikes…
Evolution (Human) First off, this is NOT about the religious / scientific theories of creation. This is about human evolution from our current stage. For benefit of this topic, suspend religious beliefs in …
Canada and Lolicon? Oi lads I have some questions about the law etc. etc. I currently live in the UK and I'm planning to move to Canada.. I've read some articles about a man who got sued for having some loli …
[ Poll ] Dominant or Submissive: which are you? Which would you say best fits your personality: dominant or submissive? If you're a mix of both, which role do you tend to prefer? If you're inexperienced or unsure, which would want to try first? Not…
The Mormon world is shattered.....This is not a joke. This I think to be a serious thing to post about. I am Mormon and I feel like telling the viewers this. The Gordon B. Hinkley died today 7pm this evening 1/27/08 in Salt Lake city, Utah. He was the Fi…
Why do people vote only for people they know in MOTE MOTE? Was it not meant to be a competition of looks rather than personality? I see all these people saying 'I voted this cause she's nicer' or 'I voted this cause I know her'. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I…
Whats YOUR new years resolution? Don't really have one, but I'm gonna make this year an awesome year for me. But whats yours? Discuss!
How did you folks/translators learn your japanese I plan on going back to college, (had a bit of a break down the last time I was there) and I want to get a degree for computer programing, and I would also like to become multi-lingual so I can be a t…
[ Poll ] Red or Blue I want know witch way Fakku tends to swing on the political side of things. Are you a Democrat, Republican, Other(Green and such), or are you a true American (OVER 50%…
Weight Loss Hey all. I've been dieting for a year and a half, roughly, and in that time I've gone from at least 375 (the last time I was weighed by a doctor; the home scale only goes up to 350) down to 290. How…
HAPPY NEW YEARS FAKKU! Well it's still a bit early for it but still better to post this early when everyone is still sane enough to understand what I'm typing. Anyways heres the thread for wishing all of Fakku's admins, use…