
[ Locked ] SD - Rules and Guidelines Keep It Serious This isn't the place for YouTube videos, one-answer questions with little to no debate in them or threads with no real topic. If you have n…


um i was wondering jacob do you intened to translate all of the manga on the site or only a few? just wondering.
[ Locked ] Canine & Human courage combined- True story! This happened to me just yesterday and holy crap was pretty scary in the initial moments of its happening. I was with my dog(German Shepard named Boston)on my way back form Noa…
i need a drink... have you ever been so pissed off that you can stop moving? can anyone tell me something to stop and relax? i've tried watching tv, hentai, playing video games, sitting outside on the patio, even coo…
Fakku, making a difference I want to thank you, Jacob for making this sight. Your making a difference in the world even if you can't see it from my point of view. The thanks I'm giving isn't just for something you have done for…
YouTube downloader Sick of worrying if those download sites are catching your data? Not to worry. Load up this page and enter in the YouTube link, and my site will sen…
2008 Olympics- Tibet & China I think most people would have heard of the recent turmoil in Tibet that is giving China an immensely bad image in the followup to the 2008 olympics, an event that most Chinese would have been looking…
[ Poll ] do any of you play does anyone here play world of warcraft if so tell me i am thinking about making a guild called fakku on the malfurion server so please let me know if you think this is a good idea
[ Poll ] Making a game with the visual novel Blade enigne i dont know if any of you have seen the post on the main page about the "Visual Novel Engines". but i looked into it and its actually pretty easy to make a game with it. now i…
Armageddon I badgered Jacob for a while about putting a mention of this briefly in a news topic, but it never eventuated. This is more for the New Zealanders [if there are more than one that vist the…
[ Poll ] Consider this scenario of having your gender changed Okay, consider you had the chance to experience life as a female (or as a male if you're a female, but for simplicity's sake I'll just explain this from the male perspective). You have two…
Interesting discuss of Hentai and Ecchi Yeah,I know,it maybe old,but I find it still worthy to read especially if you are still unaware of what you're doing in t…
the check is in the mail... for anyone who has to pay the taxman here in the us... what are you going to do with your $600...? I should get mine soon, and I'm seriously thinking about either a 360 or a PS3, but which one, I hav…
Net Neutrality and Virgin don't mix Hey guys, just thought I would bring this to your attentions. Virgin (the company) is working with the ISP Sky in the UK against Net Neutrality. As I understand it, they will give faster load times to…
what does all this crap mean? I don't really feel like getting into international trouble, so could someone translate this for me? このメールは、NECビッグローブ株式会社 カプライト事務局より
danbooru download script I wrote a script to download pictures from servers that run danbooru. So what does it do? You tell the script a tag or more and it will download every picture from danbooru that is t…
Adult advertisements Pictures are... well.. ok, bearable for the sake of FAKKU, but could you ease up on the videos? A lot of us only read hentai manga/doujins because, once we read them, real porn seems really disgusting…
The legalization of illegal substance's,contraband,etc. I am a man who lives a very hellish life and to get through it i drink and from time to time smoke w**d (i'm only putting on the * as to protect myslef) and i was just pondering why its illegal. In re…
Obama's Race Speech Did anyone see or read Obama's speech today on the racial conditions of the U.S. and his association with Wright? The transcript is viewable here …
Anime Boston Only got one thing to say so far. 6 hour line to get a badge to enter. Missed whole Friday anime day due to having to go to work afterwards. :( Most Anime Cons don't have problems like this ri…
Happy Easter Happy Easter, FAKKU folk! Or for the less religious, Happy Zombie Jesus Day! May it be a pleasant one. I'll post a picture of my Easter Activity in a bit.…