
omnicide wrote...
okami wrote...
praise the all mighty teachings of the milk jug!!!

Hey man, i appreciate random comments as much as everyone else, but we are attempting to have an intelligent dialogue here. so I'd appreciate it if you would go do this in the Incoherent Babble section. thanks man.

Its a reference to a segment on He explains how prayer is useless by saying "Pray to the Milk jug" if your prayer comes true then the milk jug granted your wish (using the Yes, No and Wait thing I mentioned earlier)
I'm an Athiest, I don't want the title but it's there I think they made that up just to piss off the guys like me who prefer to put down N/A for religion.

I know all kinds of crap about religions ,except the religions of Russia before they gained Catholicism(other than they were a miserable lot), the middle-east religions are a little blurry to me and so are the religions of the orient, but those are only blurry I still know a thing or two about them, personally I prefer Norse religion because those gods did almost everything right, the only thing they didn't revolved around not killing Loki at an earlier date. The Norse didn't care about your religion, if you shared it you died all the same as someone who didn't share their religion. What a jolly religion it was, one of the creeds it has was to celebrate everything you can, someone died you celebrate their life and passing into the afterlife, someone was born you celebrate their arrival into the world and their future, etc. The Norse knew how to have a good time their clergy could have sex, if both parties were willing, if not then they had special punishments for rapists. They didn't care about your sexual orientation, however it was seen as unmanly to be gay, and you don't want to be unmanly in Norse society, they will make fun of you a lot. I think that if any religion did it right it was the Norse and no other.
Kais86 wrote...
I'm an Athiest, I don't want the title but it's there I think they made that up just to piss off the guys like me who prefer to put down N/A for religion.

I know all kinds of crap about religions ,except the religions of Russia before they gained Catholicism(other than they were a miserable lot), the middle-east religions are a little blurry to me and so are the religions of the orient, but those are only blurry I still know a thing or two about them, personally I prefer Norse religion because those gods did almost everything right, the only thing they didn't revolved around not killing Loki at an earlier date. The Norse didn't care about your religion, if you shared it you died all the same as someone who didn't share their religion. What a jolly religion it was, one of the creeds it has was to celebrate everything you can, someone died you celebrate their life and passing into the afterlife, someone was born you celebrate their arrival into the world and their future, etc. The Norse knew how to have a good time their clergy could have sex, if both parties were willing, if not then they had special punishments for rapists. They didn't care about your sexual orientation, however it was seen as unmanly to be gay, and you don't want to be unmanly in Norse society, they will make fun of you a lot. I think that if any religion did it right it was the Norse and no other.

kinda make me want to switch religion.....

oh,and i forgot to mention that i also have the feeling that my religion is predetermined by my parents.....

you see,it's not my choice that i'm a moslem(islam).
it's my parents who decided that i should also became a moslem because they are.i'm was a child who understands nothing,and yet they asked me to follow what they're doing.i know parents wants the best for their child,but religion is the very basic of human rights.

sometimes i feel that my rights to choose is stolen.i want to research the best religion to suit me,think calmly,and choose it on my own.
on the other hand,had i decided to switch to another religion,my parents would likely to shun me,given the fact that they're fanatic.

it is just me or.....
how about you guys?
If they were good parents they wouldn't shun you.
I refused to accept religion until I found one that wasn't boring to practice, only problem I ran into is that my religion of choice is dead (/cry) thanks to the catholics.
well.. sorry bout the incoherent babbling then~

anyway, i am pretty much a christian on name only...
I hate religion and everything about it..
i dont know how my parents will react if they find out about this.
that doesnt mean i dont believe in God though...

i actually believe in a supreme and all-powerful existence in which we people call God. This existence created us. thats pretty much about it.
he wont and dont interfere with our daily lives and decisions and such.
It's probably just observing us, for all i care..

i think that there is actually a term for this but i forgot it.. so there~
I call that "fate" is playing around with us puny lights of existence. I firmly believe that there is something out there that either likes to meddle with our lives or observes us from higher up, laughing silently while we struggle for everyday survival. I believe so because I swear sometimes the things that happen to people are too cruel to even laugh at, and others are basking in good luck.

Other names: the cosmos, the higher order, omniscient being, lady luck thy fickle mistress, etc. etc.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Actually. I believe the highest reason for people to have religion is because people have a hard time accepting things they don't understand, or gray areas. It makes people uncomfortable to not know what happens after death. So they comfort their fears or anxieties by grasping onto something that will make them feel safer at night.

Kinda like a night light. It won't stop anyone from attacking you at night but it sure as hell makes you feel better.

I realized this when I was in world history and they spoke about the middle east where people would lie about their religion to avoid higher taxes and other shit that goes on there. My question was if they believe in a religion and stated they lived in another, wouldn't that conflict upon their god, like... god is listening O.o; wouldn't god be upset that his little follower is lieing to get out of trouble?

God is a saftey blanket.

Also, I spoke to a Jehovah once she stated that only a certain 400 some people will go to heaven, and I didn't want to be rude to her, because she is a nice girl, but I thought - then heaven is already full, and that means hell will be one god damn fun place. Well, that was my grandfathers input who's a buddhist/pagen.

But Jehovah's are considered a cult religion. When she wanted to know why I believed in evolution I told her 'because the facts are everywhere - there's fish fossils in the middle of the Saharah Desert with cave men drawings of them swimming. The earth tilted a few degrees and a lush area for large herbavors (sp?) and people, along with fish died out because it became one of the most deadliest areas to live in.

Her response: God put those fossils there.
Though, I have to give her some credit, if I was a god - I'd pull shit like that just to throw people off. Lol.
Religion was supposed to be a guiding light in dark and unknown times when the earliest civilizations became smarter but still woefully ignorant of the world. The concept of "god(s)" was an answer to things that early people could not explain or even begin to fathom, like droughts, wars, plagues, bountiful crop harvest, long periods of peace, etc. However, religion then evolved into something more than just a mere answer, it became something that people could put their faith into; religion became a way of life and people could easily accept it. It is said that people have two needs: the basic survival need, and the need that the human soul craves, which can be satisfied by human interaction or religion. People can't live without dreams or goals, or else simply living would become a dreary existence in the world, hence the evolution of religion into a way of life. (I know it's ironic that use the word "evolution" and "religion" in the same sentence together, but yeah, that's the best way to explain it.)

However, we've got science explaining mostly everything we don't know, science that's still trying to explain things we don't know, and science trying to bridge the gap between religion and science. If anyone read the novel by Dan Brown, Angels and Demons, the book also gives a very interestng perspective on the relation between science and religion, though I don't really prescribe to religion in the first place.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Actually. I believe the highest reason for people to have religion is because people have a hard time accepting things they don't understand, or gray areas. It makes people uncomfortable to not know what happens after death. So they comfort their fears or anxieties by grasping onto something that will make them feel safer at night.

Kinda like a night light. It won't stop anyone from attacking you at night but it sure as hell makes you feel better.

I realized this when I was in world history and they spoke about the middle east where people would lie about their religion to avoid higher taxes and other shit that goes on there. My question was if they believe in a religion and stated they lived in another, wouldn't that conflict upon their god, like... god is listening O.o; wouldn't god be upset that his little follower is lieing to get out of trouble?

God is a saftey blanket.

Also, I spoke to a Jehovah once she stated that only a certain 400 some people will go to heaven, and I didn't want to be rude to her, because she is a nice girl, but I thought - then heaven is already full, and that means hell will be one god damn fun place. Well, that was my grandfathers input who's a buddhist/pagen.

But Jehovah's are considered a cult religion. When she wanted to know why I believed in evolution I told her 'because the facts are everywhere - there's fish fossils in the middle of the Saharah Desert with cave men drawings of them swimming. The earth tilted a few degrees and a lush area for large herbavors (sp?) and people, along with fish died out because it became one of the most deadliest areas to live in.

Her response: God put those fossils there.
Though, I have to give her some credit, if I was a god - I'd pull shit like that just to throw people off. Lol.

g-money wrote...
Religion was supposed to be a guiding light in dark and unknown times when the earliest civilizations became smarter but still woefully ignorant of the world. The concept of "god(s)" was an answer to things that early people could not explain or even begin to fathom, like droughts, wars, plagues, bountiful crop harvest, long periods of peace, etc. However, religion then evolved into something more than just a mere answer, it became something that people could put their faith into; religion became a way of life and people could easily accept it. It is said that people have two needs: the basic survival need, and the need that the human soul craves, which can be satisfied by human interaction or religion. People can't live without dreams or goals, or else simply living would become a dreary existence in the world, hence the evolution of religion into a way of life. (I know it's ironic that use the word "evolution" and "religion" in the same sentence together, but yeah, that's the best way to explain it.)

However, we've got science explaining mostly everything we don't know, science that's still trying to explain things we don't know, and science trying to bridge the gap between religion and science. If anyone read the novel by Dan Brown, Angels and Demons, the book also gives a very interestng perspective on the relation between science and religion, though I don't really prescribe to religion in the first place.

This is the reason I love FAKKU. Though, I'm seriously developing a Crush on ZiggyOtaku if she keeps this up she'll have a fanboy..That didn't sound as good as I had hoped.
Just remember, hugging is hard when one of you is on fire.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
What's this about fire and hugging?
Fire+hugging=good times.
well.. sorry bout the incoherent babbling then~

anyway, i am pretty much a christian on name only...
I hate religion and everything about it..
i dont know how my parents will react if they find out about this.
that doesnt mean i dont believe in God though...

i actually believe in a supreme and all-powerful existence in which we people call God. This existence created us. thats pretty much about it.
he wont and dont interfere with our daily lives and decisions and such.
It's probably just observing us, for all i care..

i think that there is actually a term for this but i forgot it.. so there~

Sorry man, didn't get the reference.

If they were good parents they wouldn't shun you.
I refused to accept religion until I found one that wasn't boring to practice, only problem I ran into is that my religion of choice is dead (/cry) thanks to the catholics.

I agree completely.

I call that "fate" is playing around with us puny lights of existence. I firmly believe that there is something out there that either likes to meddle with our lives or observes us from higher up, laughing silently while we struggle for everyday survival. I believe so because I swear sometimes the things that happen to people are too cruel to even laugh at, and others are basking in good luck.

Other names: the cosmos, the higher order, omniscient being, lady luck thy fickle mistress, etc. etc.

In regards to this subject. I believe god really is unable to, or loath to interfere with our lives in any way. If you take into consideration that most really shitty things that happen to people are either caused by themselves (lack of planning, not thinking/paying attention, plain stupidity, etc.) or other people (rapists, thieves, murderers, etc.). then not letting these things happen would be interfering with free will. Also there is the simple fact that experience is the best teacher, learn something the hard way and you won't forget it.
Arizth wrote...
Just remember, hugging is hard when one of you is on fire.

Hey, look at it like this. Ninjas can't catch me if I'm on fire.
Seriously, stop going off topic guys.

@omnicide: sometimes, preparation isn't enough. If you're a woman, how are you supposed to fend off a rapist that comes up from behind? For the coastal cities bordering the Gulf of Mexico, no matter how much they prepare for hurricanes, there's always property damage. You can't control mother nature, which also makes me think that there's a being up there who delights in watching us humans fight for our lives, much like the ancient mythical Greek Gods, who thought of humans as their sport in their downtime.
g-money wrote...
Seriously, stop going off topic guys.

@omnicide: sometimes, preparation isn't enough. If you're a woman, how are you supposed to fend off a rapist that comes up from behind? For the coastal cities bordering the Gulf of Mexico, no matter how much they prepare for hurricanes, there's always property damage. You can't control mother nature, which also makes me think that there's a being up there who delights in watching us humans fight for our lives, much like the ancient mythical Greek Gods, who thought of humans as their sport in their downtime.

That's not what I'm saying. Now as far as natural phenomenon go I'm really not sure. But what I was saying is that god stepping in and stopping a rapist is interfering with the rapist's free will, urging that individual toward good. What I'm saying is that god is either unable, or doesn't want to interfer with our free will. Not that I approve of rape or anything, i'm just using that as an example. The again you could be totally right, perhaps god is a complete dick with a lousy sense of humor.
Well, if we go by Christian tenets, "God" gave us free will to learn and fight and know pain in order to teach us about life. If so, I think too much shit goes around for me to believe that "God" wills it. Or the fact that people pray to God for some miracle, and it happens, while the other 92395203 people who pray for a miracle don't get one. Omnipotent and omniscient my ass.
What I love most about religious people (usually mostly Christians) is the whole aspect of thanking god or praying for gods support in regards to entertainment and sports.

They are basically saying when they thank him that god judged the other team/people unworthy and evil, so he made it so they won. Which just cracks me up every time. "I'd like to thank god for acknowledging that everyone else is evil and unworthy, and instead allowing me to win."
heh nice point ultenth. Personally I feel there is a balance to everything. so perhaps the reason all these deplorable things happen is because god is not all good. Perhaps god is both the ultimate good and evil. I've always viewed perfection as complete harmony and balance. without good there can be no evil, and without evil there can be no good. So perhaps the answer to all the bloodshed, and all the other fucked up shit over the ages is the will of god. Like I previously stated I believe god is completely beyond human comprehention.
god gave me free will.. yet.. every decision i make is according to god's plan.. Fuck that..

totally agree on the good and evil part..