League of Legends (LoL)

Anyone else here played League of legends?

Has a good PVP and i never seen a hack there. They say it looks a lot like DOTA, dunno never played that, but my guess its that LoL has a more agressive play style.


If you want your summoner name on the first page, PM Tsujoi with name and server.

Fakku Name : Summoner Name

Server NA

Elegy : Darthelegy
Schmitty : michglich2
Limegreen : limegreen55
Tsujoi : Tsujoi
Jinrou Koko : Koko7
Avatarend : Avatarend
Bartre : Charonic
Sindalf : Sindalf
Zetsubo666 : Zetsubo666
VoodooChild: Montrovant1488
AwaKeNSmok3 : AwaKeNSmok3
SkyPersona : Pawni
guammastermind671 : Guammastermind
Corsair : TheBlueCorsair
iWhitie : Psychotropia

Server EU-W

Schmitty : DJNobunaga
Limegreen : Mintogreen
Jinrou Koko : Kokonuts
Sleepy, Lord of Slumber : Mawaru
Zetsubo666 : Last Order 20001
Raizuke : Larreyftw
DreamSaint - DelicateSaint

Server EU-E


Sleepy, Lord of Slumber : Flibbertigibbet
I am a LoL player. Playing it since last december.

My account is on the EU servers though.
Started playing fairly recently, it's a solid game imo. Not to mention they're pretty good about listening to what sort of changes the players want and implementing them.
Playing this since, uh, not too long after it came out.

Playing mostly tanks and casters. Shen, Soraka, Morgana and Sion are my best heroes.
I do play,but now not as frequently as I would like

I mostly play Garen if he is available.Got to love Demacian Justice ^^
Been playing warwick and kog'maw lately, also used to main mord but hes not very usefull.

Enough people here to make a 5x5 fakku premade. We would get pwned lol.
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
Is it F2P?

Of course sir.
Hentanize wrote...
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
Is it F2P?

Of course sir.

awesome. thanks, i looked a little myself, but i didn't see anything that said free or pay.
Seeing as it's a DotA clone, it has a huge cast of heroes. You "unlock" those heroes either through real money or points you gain from games you complete (First win of the day bonus, more points if you win faster / lose slower.), prices for heroes vary from something about 450 to 6300, with an average of 140 points gotten from a win. That wouldn't even sound too bad if it wasn't for the rune system, a meta-game mechanic where you buy passive status increases you can buy from match points alone to fill your runebook with (x9 Blue/Yellow/Red, for Support, Defense and Offense respectively + x3 Purple, the strongest in every regard and most expensive ones.), ranging from about 200 to 820 for regular T3 ones (You unlock a higher tier of runes every 10 levels.) and about 1000-2000 for purple ones.

If you're going to unlock too many heroes at first, your runes are gonna suffer. If you're aiming for an awesome runeset, you're at the mercy of the spotlight system that picks 5 heroes that become available for everyone in about a 5 day cycle.

@PredHK: Sadly, since Olaf got his release Warwick is a very outdated hero. There is literally no reason to play him anymore, as Olaf does everything Warwick does but several times better. He's going to get an overhaul soon tho, as Riot realized what they did to him with Olaf.
I just tried it for one game.


i took out all three middle turrets alone, and got crushed by the enemy players at their base. i was out numbered 3 to 1. when i asked for help, my team mates said no because i died too much. they were dicking around all over the map, not accomplishing anything. the minions alone took out more towers than the other players on my team. not too impressed so far, but i'll keep at it.
Randoming is pretty much asking for a loss... Or a game with tards.
The quality of players should rapidly increase once you get your summoner profile to a higher level.

The ELO calculation for matchmaking is highly level dependant, sadly. Just focus on getting a good grip of the game and the capabilities of the individual heroes as you work your way up. Getting wins shouldn't be hard at this point, and winning gets you out of that sad playerpool really fast.

The game revolves highly around zoning, map control and implied threats. Look at the minimap and learn to predict otherwise unseen enemy movements. You can't die to what you can see coming, and dying is the worst thing you could do in this game. It's not uncommon in higher ELO games that the first 15 minutes pass without anyone dying on either team.
lol nacho some moves are pretty hard to predict,something like gate + ashe combo(gate ulti in while ashe arrows from middle lane,gate keeps randoms his cards while exhaust = dead opponent).

Warwick is still nice I guess.Still hate that his utli immobilizes me - -;;
nacho wrote...
The quality of players should rapidly increase once you get your summoner profile to a higher level.

The ELO calculation for matchmaking is highly level dependant, sadly. Just focus on getting a good grip of the game and the capabilities of the individual heroes as you work your way up. Getting wins shouldn't be hard at this point, and winning gets you out of that sad playerpool really fast.

The game revolves highly around zoning, map control and implied threats. Look at the minimap and learn to predict otherwise unseen enemy movements. You can't die to what you can see coming, and dying is the worst thing you could do in this game. It's not uncommon in higher ELO games that the first 15 minutes pass without anyone dying on either team.

Thats why i have two accounts, because when you premade for fun you end up matched against a very organized team, then the defeats screw up your ELO back to the "malady is good" playerpool.
I saw a review for this on GT. I got stuck at the registration process though. Wouldn't work for me so I never got around to playing it.
Now its a good time to start because theres a new update coming with new game modes and stuff (season 1). The game irs getting more balanced too, even with all the players constant QQ.
Hell all, I noticed in the HoN Vs DOTA thread that some of ya'll great folks play League of Legends.

And since there was no thread for LoL made, I decided to create one myself.

So, feel free to post your Nickname and favorite character and lets join up on LoL sometime.

Nickname: TalismanTwelve
Favorite Champion: Nasus (The Curator of the Sands)
Least Favorite Champion: Mordekaiser -He's fun to play but a pain to fight-

I prefer 3v3 but 5v5 isnt bad occassionally.
Nice to see someone playing something similar, but other than dota :D

Nickname: umnut
Favourite heroes: Cho'Gath, Twisted Fate, Warwick, Master Yi, Urgot, Ryze
Least favourite heroes: Evelyn
Level: 15
Summoner Spells: Ignite, Ghost.

Check this thread out if you wanna talk about LoL.