League of Legends (LoL)

None of those champs I actually use, but I want to try out Irelia though. I'm glad they nerfed Annie, she rapes my Teemo. :| And Smity, the mastery pages are free. :]
ever since the ap nerf to Irelia i kinda stopped playing her cause it sucked out the fun for me of running around with 800 ap and a lichbane.
Oh and my game name is Lapore i'm considering a name change.
vietxmikey wrote...
I'm glad they nerfed Annie, she rapes my Teemo. :|

I like Annie, she has been one of those champs that is really good and easy to use, but no one uses her (unlike the 1000 Ashe's I see). I guess the lower dmg will stop her from melting faces too quick.

And Smity, the mastery pages are free. :]

I know, hence my overjoyed CAPS LOCK shout of happiness:

SmityWerbenJagerManJensen wrote...
BUT CHYEAH ABOUT TIME MORE THAN ONE MASTERY PAGE!!! And they are free? Thank you Riot!!!

See? :D Already have 5 pages saved lol.

Rosalina wrote...
ever since the ap nerf to Irelia i kinda stopped playing her cause it sucked out the fun for me of running around with 800 ap and a lichbane.
Oh and my game name is Lapore i'm considering a name change.

Isn't Irelia still pretty good though? True you can't melt faces though, I can see how that'd be less fun. Lapore isn't a bad name, but it's all preference. I'd just rather buy a skin than a name change (djquakquak is too cool to change anyway ;D)
You on the U.S server?
Opps, misread it. :|

Do you guys play normal or ranked?
Lol it's all good ^^;;

I play normal for now till I hit 30 (lvl 24-almost 25). Already have 2 friends with me to get a ranked team going though, so cannot wait for that!

SmityWerbenJagerManJensen wrote...
Lol it's all good ^^;;

I play normal for now till I hit 30 (lvl 24-almost 25). Already have 2 friends with me to get a ranked team going though, so cannot wait for that!


I play normal games. I have never played a ranked game yet. I just see it too seriously, I have a bit more fun playing normal. I mean, it's obvious that it's ranked so it should be taken seriously but I don't know. And I'm not that great at this game either, so I would have a lot of people bitch at me. I do wanna win in normal games though.
I can understand that, it's perfectly fine :) just gotta do what you enjoy most, and if that's doing normals and not ranked, than that works! lol I even have a friend who plays LoL, has paid for tons of RP for champs and skins, and is happy just playing customs xD

Who is the one champ you NEVER want to lane against? As in you know your game is going to have to be top notch to stay alive (assuming the player is semi-decent).
Play ranked when ever i get the chance. Last match in ranked as Garen i went 12/0/3 before my team fed and got me 8 deaths for it. Despite all the feeding it still took 5 enemies to put me down because by then i had 4k hp with atmas impaler and an insane amount of armor and magic resistance.
Very nice, fed beefy-champs are always fun to play as. Question for you, how is ranked solo queue? As in how often are you stuck with horrid partners? Don't mean how often you get a loss, because I can deal with my team being ok or even making mistakes, but I mean those awful people who make you wonder how the lvled to 30 in the first place lol.
Ashe and Annie. Fucking hate those two. It's really any champion who can harass really well.
SmityWerbenJagerManJensen wrote...
Very nice, fed beefy-champs are always fun to play as. Question for you, how is ranked solo queue? As in how often are you stuck with horrid partners? Don't mean how often you get a loss, because I can deal with my team being ok or even making mistakes, but I mean those awful people who make you wonder how the lvled to 30 in the first place lol.

Its all on luck right now my luck is bad since I've been set back too many times to where an elo that doesn't have common sense

Also heres what i build for Garen in the match.
Mostly Tanky masteries and runes.
Boots of Lucidity, - Atmas Impaler, Sunfire Cape, Force of Nature, and Warmogs

IF i play Akali i build this or build them in the order
Ad and Ap runes and masteries centering on offensive skills.
Rylai's, Boots (Sorcery or Mobility), Deathcap, Abyssal Sceptor, and lichbane, followed by Mejai's Soul Stealer last or first depending on how well i do.
I play bots since random and ranked annoys me to no end.

I never want to lane with Mundo....EVER.

LOOK AT ME I GOT GIANT CLEAVER I CAN SPAM and god damm lane partner dont buy pots.FK
Argentine wrote...
I play bots since random and ranked annoys me to no end.

I never want to lane with Mundo....EVER.

LOOK AT ME I GOT GIANT CLEAVER I CAN SPAM and god damm lane partner dont buy pots.FK

You don't play normal games? And yes, Mundo is pretty gay.
@viet- Ashe is annoying to lane against, that range is can get to you.

@Rosalina- Oh, what good news for someone with horrid luck in random lol. And nice Garen build. For the Akali one, I can see getting Mejai's early if you are doing good, but is it worth it as a last item?

@Argentine- Haha I play bots when I try new champs or I feel like having fun with tank kennen. And Mundo can be soooo annoying!!! Only counter I have is my spammable shuriken, but his has the slow ><

Oh, and Orianna First look out. Robot with 6 arms and a pet ball? I'm listening Riot...
Well i get them first last or in-between but its usually never for me since i'm rushing my core items first like Rylai boots and death cap. Mundo is fun to fight when you got a 4k hp Garen thats moving like an armored top.
True, makes sense. And hey, we aren't all lucky like you with 4k health xD I don't even get that much with Shen, seeing as I go tank/support. Met a Mundo with 4k health b4, so not fun.
Roaming, not much to be said about it. Haven't experienced it in my games often. The few times there was roaming, it led to some devastating results. Alistar and Shaco, sons of bitches. I'd say you need the proper hero to even consider roaming.

Annie wasn't really nerfed, altered at least, buffed at most. Her lategame really does just become a stunbot. This patch apparently gives her some better AP ratios for a better lategame. A stronger ulti too. Seems fitting.

And hah, the way you say "lucky" implies Rosalina didn't use skill and planning to get 4k health.

Also, I played ranked solo queue. I've always considered Normal games as practice mode, and level 30 was when the real game actually starts. So my first game of ranked, I was 1400, and I remember feeling wow-ed by all these serious-looking players and the whole banning system and not being able to play a champ if the opposing team already got that champ. 200 games of continuous ranked solo queue later, I have fallen to ~1000 rating, and I have 20 more losses than wins. In short, in solo queue, if you're not playing to carry, then you're not even trying. My username's NeoStriker, my playing time is usually ~4:00PM to ~9:00PM EST.
lol, I know skill and planning was involved to get to 4k health, I was more so saying the champ selections and builds I use don't allow for 4k health. Lucky was just an inappropriate word I used it seems.

I actually played around with the new Annie, and really like the changes for her. Especially glad of the Tibbers' changes.

Pretty much, Normal's don't even compare to Ranked games. I've seen the way ranked games go, so I've been doing everything I can to get good enough for those. Even though chances are high I'll get wrecked first couple tries, I am actually excited.

^More details from Riot about Orianna. She has my interest, more so than most recent new champs. Can't wait to see the moveset in full detail.
True that Smity. Never really liked Ashe. Cait is annoying as well. Her range is ridiculous.
i play lol, but i like HoN Better.