League of Legends (LoL)

Tons. Like I said, he'd wreck whole team. I was Shen and just kept him alive long enough to kill (even after death, his passive gives him more time to cast spells lol).

Though other team did get wise enough to counter him, by then we were so fed (42 assists for me) it was GG.
SmityWerbenJagerManJensen wrote...
Tons. Like I said, he'd wreck whole team. I was Shen and just kept him alive long enough to kill (even after death, his passive gives him more time to cast spells lol).

Though other team did get wise enough to counter him, by then we were so fed (42 assists for me) it was GG.

Can I see pics?! :D
lol Don't have one sadly, was before I know how to take screenshots >< It was just a normal though, not something to brag about tbh lol. Only pics I have are 2 of my best kennen games.
This game is really, really frustrating at times. I just slogged through twelve games, out of which I won two. Random makes me want to punch kittens. Anyone up for a game or two? I'm on the NA servers.
Jesus christ.... 4 tanks can be annoying as shit even with magic pen and sitting @ 500+ AP.
Yes, randoms are quite annoying.

@Barte (and anyone on the US server really)- Whenever you want to have at least one decent player with you as you go into random (normals, 5 lvls to rank) just message me here so I can go log into LoL. I'll be on that more later on, but my friend I usually play with lost his internet for the past few weeks so waiting on him (we are lvling together).

So yeah, pm me for some LoL whenever ^^;;
Swain is such an odd champion. Maybe I'm not playing him effectively but shouldn't he be "carrying" in a way?
vietxmikey wrote...
Swain is such an odd champion. Maybe I'm not playing him effectively but shouldn't he be "carrying" in a way?

Wouldnt say he's a carrying mage.More to a mage able to self sustain/tank in a way.
Argentine wrote...
vietxmikey wrote...
Swain is such an odd champion. Maybe I'm not playing him effectively but shouldn't he be "carrying" in a way?

Wouldnt say he's a carrying mage.More to a mage able to self sustain/tank in a way.

Hmmmmm... Does make sense. I read guides and they say that playing as Swain you don't want games to last too long and if it does, you kinda go tanky items then.
If you want to see one of the best Swains I've seen thus far;

Sauce played an amazing Swain here. If he can 1v1 against HotShotGG when he is Malz, have to give them props.
SmityWerbenJagerManJensen wrote...
If you want to see one of the best Swains I've seen thus far;

Sauce played an amazing Swain here. If he can 1v1 against HotShotGG when he is Malz, have to give them props.

That's pretty cool! Now I know a youtube channel for competitive LoL matches! :D
Yep! Can't wait for Dreamhack, gonna be some awesome matches.

So glad I have finally found enough active people to the point where I usually have a 5 premade now most of the time. No more random trolls :D

How's everyone else been doing?
Taking a break for a bit. Still reading up Swain. His auto-attack is so weird, kinda hard for me to last hit. ._.
At least his AA isn't anv's. That thing is so slooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Whats your LoL ID Smity? Viet?
Tyrienia is my IGN.
Mine is djquakquak, US server. Add me anytime.

So I've been saving up for Miss Fortune, almost have enough IP. But now Cait is free this week, and I am liking her too. Gonna play her a bit some more before I decide, but any thoughts or reasons why I should choose one over the other?
SmityWerbenJagerManJensen wrote...
Mine is djquakquak, US server. Add me anytime.

So I've been saving up for Miss Fortune, almost have enough IP. But now Cait is free this week, and I am liking her too. Gonna play her a bit some more before I decide, but any thoughts or reasons why I should choose one over the other?

I'm not too sure. Never tried Cait but from the games playing against and with her, I would say she is powerful. MF is powerful as well but Cait just rules over her. Cait also has ridiculous range.
mf has some pretty nasty early game pressure thanks to her impure shots and its free, and gives 50% healing reduction and atk speed boosts. Its also free . You can also poke for 110% damage with her Q through creeps or even tankier foes (alister to sona). Her ult is OK, its not like Ashe's which can radically change how a player approaches the game, if set up properly it can do mad damage, but only if. I do like her E, that circle of slow is always awesome. She doesn't have any form of escape which Cait has, (net through thin walls ftw.
Cait has a definitive farming and early game pressure advantage thanks to her giant blade thingie, but her trap is by far inferior to Nid's (though still useful for space control) and her escape/slow isn't all that great. Her ult is alright but limited entirely if the opponent has teammates to take the bullet. Her passive is alright but requires time to set up and I prefer the mspeed MF gives.

I would choose MF for her early game speed bonus and better W and E, and I believe that she does more damage late game (also again thanks to impure shots).
Great points you two, appreciate the input ^^;; I've always been leaning on MF due to her more team oriented abilities as opposed to Cait's mostly single target dmg (I work better with AoE oriented champs anyway). MF's ult is harder to hit with successfully, but I am playing with premades mostly now (thank the heavens), and I can coordinate stuns to aid in taking out targets with a full ult. Cait's traps are nice though. Not as good as Nids like you said, but still useful in setting up escape routes, blocking paths, and even minimal warding.

As of now, leaning on MF. She fits into my main premades comp better. But till then, gonna farm the IP with cait, so we shall see. Thanks again =D

Now, important news; http://www.leagueoflegends.com/news/season-one-championship-website-has-launched
Link to the Season 1 Championship stream. Gonna be some epic stuff.

and this; http://www.leagueoflegends.com/news/champion-sneak-peek-%E2%80%93-yorick-gravedigger
Sneak peak at a Season 2 champ. Yep, Season 2. So far we have Yorick and The Monkey King, will Riot release more than one at start of Season 2?

Either way, no more champs for Season 1. What we got is what we get for now.
Man, RIOT is pumping out a shit ton of champs.

EDIT: Wow! That trailer was epic. LoL got really big considering the fact the game got on to Dreamhack. Glad they chose LoL over HoN though.