User Posts

robbiechan2 wrote...
i dont know how anyone can be with a dude, even girls, guys are disgusting

Edit: Oh, and i have another questions for all you fawkers (mainly girls), I'm not circumcised, is that a huge turn-off? or am i just worrying for no reason?

Why the fuck care? You're going to cut off some 10,000+ nerve endings and your glans' protective sheath just to appease some chick? If they have issue with an unmutilated man then fuck to them.

But I digress. I imagine that most women will not have a problem with a properly hygenic man.
Sechs. Alas, she exists only in digital form. God bless Jessica Elwood. I shall be spending Valentines Day forlornely moping and fantasizing about snuggling with this beautiful, and what I imagine, edgily tomboyish vixen. Sigh...

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Edward wrote...
That seams rather unlikly suprised there hasn't been any thing on the news about it.

about 50% of girls I see have small breasts, I'd say about 40% have medium & the other 10% big

next they might ban massive knockers because they believe it premotes obisity.

TYT did a piece on it, check youtube.
All I needed to see was Asuka wielding a M249 and I came buckets.

Personally though, when it comes to Asuka, Izurumi kicks all others' ass.

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And now, from the A-X series.

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I kinda agree with the showering-everyday-not-necessary ideology, but I have to put in a caveat that the late, great George Carlin said.

At least wash every day these four areas: Asshole, Armpit, Crotch, and Teeth.

And you can save time by using the same brush for all four!
First off, can anyone identify the doujin the above panel is taken from?

Also, I understood that the cover of A-7 was this:

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So then, is this:

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merely a fan-photoshop cover or a different release cover? (2nd run?)
ZZelos wrote...
This reminds me of a somewhat related article from almost a year ago...

Ah, found it.

I dunno about you guys, but Australia seems like a place I should visit sometime.

I will say that three good things did come from Aukland:

-Steve Irwin
-Vauxhall VXR8 Bathurst
-Abbey Winters
Ahh, a thread for all things creampie. Pics of females, pubescent and older, their bodies doing what nature built them to. I do doubt there is a sexier sight than a satisfied woman effusing the proof she pleased her man as well. This thread for all things creampie, internal or external, to pay tribute to this glorious sight!


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Note: Implied bestiality in the following pic. Not actual, just implied.

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(And new rule, .gifs must be spoiled.)
ShaggyJebus wrote...
Sankaku? Hmm. I don't trust anything they say.

If it's true, then I'm glad I don't live in Australia. Not just because I like small breasts, but also because it's a very stupid thing to do. Still, I gotta believe that this isn't true. It just doesn't make sense. You cannot outlaw small breasts; adult women all over the world have small breasts. They can't help it, and liking small breasts does not make someone a pedophile.

[see top, original source]

(Original Source)

How the fuck do you work that out? Pictures of small-breasted women illegal because it promotes CP? Now I know Australia's a shithole.
Azuran wrote...
ITT: A lot of women stereotypes.

How fun!

@sv51macross: Wow, you post 5 stories from a gun loving forum to show how bad relationship with women are. Man, I don't know whether to laugh or feel pity at you.

You're paranoia is kind of pathetic.

Yes, you are absolutely correct.

But barring further experience, this is my opinion and belief. And I shall continue to pontificate as such until my belief structure changes. Good day to you.
sandel-hat wrote...
Scary shit man, scary shit.
And it looks like all of these are just freaking harpies.
There are good girls out there, but damn do these make it look as bad for girls as the wife beaters do for guys.

Enough of a risk to keep me out. I'm not dangling my dick in a bear trap with the collective female populations' foot on the trigger plate, just for some pussy.
Jesus fucking christ.

Frank45 (from said:

They do it once they'll do it forever, I'm A NJ escapey. My Ex once called from a hundred miles away and said I was killing her, yup. She called her local municipality (home town in NJ)and they called my locals and I was treated like Jack the Ripper. They trashed my house (no gun registration ha) they knew of every gun I ever bought ad demanded I turn them over. I had months before turned them all over to a friend of mine knowing this was coming.
After making bail a day later as I was leaving the P.C. asked where you going and I said home he said no your not. This town was so small they had no jail they let you sit in a chair that looked like it was from the space shuttle and strapped and cuffed you to the chair. Well he said your not leaving until you give me the names and addresses of every person you sold your guns to. Well I had turned them over to a relative of one of his Captains and I wouldn't give him the info. I sat there for about 6 more hours until the Captain strolled by and seen me, he said what you doing here and others explained to him what had happened and he fessed up that his cousin had the guns, they tried to take them from him but he knew more of the law then the PC.
Bottom line was about a day and a half in Jail, $3,000.00 for a lawyer and she was actually ripped apart by the judge. And yes I was given a FRO (FeMale Judge)against her. She has broken it about a hundred times and has never been arrested yet, including breaking into my home.
And here we are 8 years later I moved a thousand miles away and I have to go to court again in NJ because she files more bogus papers in court and yes my attorney said it will cost me oh just send a check for a thousand dollars to start.