AMV Hell(s)

Heh, I was surprised to not seen any amv hell threads laying around after all the 4th and final one was released September 20ish(so it's still kinda new). Well whether you had a thread before the forums were hacked or I'm just blind, I'll try to be awesomely cool.

Unlike most anime music videos the amv hells are worth a watch. A fair warning a few of the clips may be offensive to people or (for ever reason you're viewing a hentai forum site at work)sightly not work safe.

Keep in mind these two are at least three years old now, don't expect to see any "newer" anime in them.

If you enjoyed those shorts I would highly recommend 3 and 4(Zero is also well worth a watch) both are motion picture in length, 3 clocking in at over an hour and 4 in an hour and 20 minutes.You can find torrents for them all at

If we already have a topic on amvhell go ahead and hit me.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
yeah pretty funny
That was pretty funny videos
4 sucked, only less than 5 good clips I believe.

Of course 3 is worth the watch, and 0 is a good starter if you plan on watching all hentai ever made.
Four was alright, even if it was just to have an excuse to kick off your shoes and have a few drinks with your buddies.