[Anime] Sword Art Online (Postponed to Summer 2012)

Buff_Daddy_Dizzle The True Buff Bizzle
rowanatkinson23 wrote...
Currently I'm playing Vindictus, and somehow I'm feeling their tension when enter a boss room/area, cant find him anywhere or the room is dark, then the fucking bgm starts and fucking suspense pre-boss battle cut-scene begins... I'm sure my eyes would are opened wide for things like that.

I know what you mean, I got that same feeling when taking on the Blood Lord for the first time.....first time I've ever been a part of a party of 7 people that almost got wiped out on normal mode, lol.
For Episode 8:

The meat doesn't look anything like the rabbit! It looks too big to be a rabbit!

And looks like we'll soon see more actions in this series. Been a long time since that battle in episode 2
Episode 8
Great episode, I especially liked seeing casual clothed Asuna and her awesome house. But I wish we could have seen the stew she cooked, what was the point of not showing it? It just showed the empty plates after they had eaten it. I was expecting more of a battle between Kirito and that guy but he just annihilated him. I also wonder who that cloaked guy in the crowd was. Now I'm dying to see the next episode, that boss looks badass.
Vertical Square! Linear! Avalanche! Sonic Leap! DERE2 ASUNA! YANDERE ASUNA!!
I praise the Lord for a finally GOOD EPISODE OF SAO!!

Ok ok, that was over. Calm down me.

This episode actually give some new stuff but good stuff, it blend nicely. Also, somhow the animation and the drawing felt better.

whattheheck i saw PoH
Buff_Daddy_Dizzle wrote...
rowanatkinson23 wrote...
Currently I'm playing Vindictus, and somehow I'm feeling their tension when enter a boss room/area, cant find him anywhere or the room is dark, then the fucking bgm starts and fucking suspense pre-boss battle cut-scene begins... I'm sure my eyes would are opened wide for things like that.

I know what you mean, I got that same feeling when taking on the Blood Lord for the first time.....first time I've ever been a part of a party of 7 people that almost got wiped out on normal mode, lol.

lol, a good example of the boss that nowhere to be found in the boss room, then bgm + cutscene, the wtf? reaction on his location when doing it for the first time...

I wonder if they also experience lag on SAO in the most unexpected/inconvenient time
Btw, I'm not the only one experiencing the gibberish right?

Forum Image: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=434885973221542&set=o.365436663480807&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
I'm content with this adaptation so far. Decent animation and effects, not rushed to the point where important details have been thrown out the window and in a few certain scenes they've done a better job than I'd imagined they would at displaying personality traits of characters.

Note: The spoiler below contains information about the next episode (Episode 9).

The next episode will most likely decide whether or not my feeling of contentment with this adaptation move up to something more. They've done an alright job of building the relationship between Asuna and Kirito, so far... but it's about to move to the next level. There's something to be said about the courting process and how it can add to the effect and believability of relationship for a viewer; I'm not really going to go into detail about this, but I'm sure whoever is reading this understands what I mean. I'm not really feeling that they'll rush it, or that they'll butcher it, rather I'm feeling they might over-dramatize the "moment", play it up a little too much and spoil the rest of the build-up. Hopefully this isn't the case, I can't say I'm not excited for the next episode though, there's bound to be lots of goodies to enjoy even if the one moment isn't done to my standards.
I enjoyed seeing Kirito destroy that guy's sword like a badass. Next week's episode should be awesome as well.
An awesome boss fight next week :)
yurixhentai wrote...
Episode 8
Great episode, I especially liked seeing casual clothed Asuna and her awesome house. But I wish we could have seen the stew she cooked, what was the point of not showing it? It just showed the empty plates after they had eaten it. I was expecting more of a battle between Kirito and that guy but he just annihilated him. I also wonder who that cloaked guy in the crowd was. Now I'm dying to see the next episode, that boss looks badass.

If I saw it correctly the cloaked guy must either be Heatcliff in Disguise (Most likely not) or one of the members of the Laughing Coffins (Maybe).

Also cannot wait for the next episode - I can finally see Kirito use his extra ability.
Keitaro Ito wrote...
yurixhentai wrote...
Episode 8
Great episode, I especially liked seeing casual clothed Asuna and her awesome house. But I wish we could have seen the stew she cooked, what was the point of not showing it? It just showed the empty plates after they had eaten it. I was expecting more of a battle between Kirito and that guy but he just annihilated him. I also wonder who that cloaked guy in the crowd was. Now I'm dying to see the next episode, that boss looks badass.

If I saw it correctly the cloaked guy must either be Heatcliff in Disguise (Most likely not) or one of the members of the Laughing Coffins (Maybe).

Also cannot wait for the next episode - I can finally see Kirito use his extra ability.

It is most definitely a member from the Laughing Coffin because after the duel ended, if you look closely they flash an image of the laughing coffin insignia on his glove I believe.
Silica wrote...
Keitaro Ito wrote...
yurixhentai wrote...
Episode 8
Great episode, I especially liked seeing casual clothed Asuna and her awesome house. But I wish we could have seen the stew she cooked, what was the point of not showing it? It just showed the empty plates after they had eaten it. I was expecting more of a battle between Kirito and that guy but he just annihilated him. I also wonder who that cloaked guy in the crowd was. Now I'm dying to see the next episode, that boss looks badass.

If I saw it correctly the cloaked guy must either be Heatcliff in Disguise (Most likely not) or one of the members of the Laughing Coffins (Maybe).

Also cannot wait for the next episode - I can finally see Kirito use his extra ability.

It is most definitely a member from the Laughing Coffin because after the duel ended, if you look closely they flash an image of the laughing coffin insignia on his glove I believe.

I believe it was the leader of the red guild Laughing Coffin. If you're read the LN, you'd know why such a member was speculating.
So I started watching SAO, and to be honest I'm kinda disappointed. It looks so promising, then they just flushed it all away. I'm by episode 7, and I'm wondering if it will ever get better. It feels like all the cool and exciting things happen in back story, along with things that seem relevant to the plot. Hell, as of right now the only plot is beat the game. Which they don't really focus on anyway, they jump floors so often its ridiculous. They're somewhere in the high 50's in terms of Floors to beat and we've only seen one Boss fight.

Another example, the start of ep. 5 begins with a war council of all the major guilds (first time seen together btw) planning a Boss fight. They cut to the opening, and jump 3 floors further. Why? They never mention that fight again, so why put that scene? And it sucks because I desperately want to like this anime. The art is good, the music is great, and though the concept is not too original it was enough to capture my attention. The first episode was great, then it snow balled out of control. My question is, why do people like this anime? Is there something I'm missing? Should I read the Manga? Does it get better? I just don't know....*sob*

Anyway, for now I'm gonna finish it, but if it doesn't pick up soon I'm going to be sadly disappointed.
You should be posting on the main Sword Art Online topic, but the main reason it's not great is that they're forced to rush it and also every episode except the first episode and last week's episode are all side story episodes. They decided to basically go in chronological order.
Kaimax Best Master-San
-Main Story starts at Floor 74, which is Episode 8
-Episodes 2 till 7 was Side Stories from the 2nd Volume, which consists of only side stories explaining the world of Aincrad and Essential Characters for Kirito's development and some will also reappear in the 2nd Arc.
-There's one more side-story right in the middle of the Main story
-It's told in chronological order
-It jumps from floor to floor because There are no stories from the Original Material. You want to see floor 10? It doesn't exist.
-SAO is about people who are trapped in a game, not a level grinding anime.
-Currently it sticks very closely to the novel despite obvious story cuts and rush pacing.

It doesn't suck, Non LN readers only feels lost. Just like the anime adaptation Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon.

The only complains from original LN Readers
-It's too fast and compressed. (side stories)
-Cut out material (This is obvious since it's an dapataion
Eps 10 - Crimson Killing Intent
Eps 11 - The Morning Mist Girl>
Eps 12 - Yui's Heart
Eps 13 - The Depths of Hell
I think Kaimax just shut you down.
Kaimax is actually pissed because everywhere people say that kind argument.
Gahald_Mills wrote...
Kaimax is actually pissed because everywhere people say that kind argument.

I thought the show is quite popular even to non-LN readers?
castor212 wrote...
Eps 10 - Crimson Killing Intent
Eps 11 - The Morning Mist Girl>
Eps 12 - Yui's Heart
Eps 13 - The Depths of Hell

Oh yeah, forgot that there's gonna be Yui. And I can't seem to remember what 'The Depths of Hell' is about...
Monster Girl
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