[Anime] Oreimo Season 2

[spoil]d-did you want to touch my boobs too?
Episode 7

Kuroneko being dominant and asking Kyosuke out finally, it was a pretty good episode.
Sneakyone wrote...
Episode 7

Kuroneko being dominant and asking Kyosuke out finally, it was a pretty good episode.

You know it was. I hope Kyosuke grows some balls and just goes all out and does his thing. Kirino may be his sister but in reality (excluding hentai logic) they wouldn't work together unless they lived in a perfect world.
Gawd, freakin' finally! I've just caught up to Ep.7 for this season of OreImo, and I got to say, I'm loving it so far, especially Ep.7. About freakin' time he grew a brain and some bawls to go out with her.
Kuroneko is cute when she breaks character.

Also expected twist in an unexpected way.

Josh why don't you shorten the title to just Oreimo? It's annoying when you have to start from page 14.
Kyousuke has found the dere in Kirino. I expected her to laugh at him instead of treating his cuts. Ruri's older little sister is awesome. Also that white outfit on Ruri was equally as awesome. Hopefully one of the upcoming Comikets will sell a doujin with Ruri in that outfit. This is just a guess: Ruri is plotting to get Kirino to go out with Kyousuke.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
This is just a guess: Ruri is plotting to get Kirino to go out with Kyousuke.

Isn't that obvious?
Episode 8
Ruri's imoutos are cute. And I think I recognize the voice of the younger one, I just can't remember where.... Also, the ending caught me off guard a bit; I knew it would happen, I just didn't think it would be so soon. It seems to me they might be rushing a little in terms of pacing, compared to the LNs. Then again, they have to cover more ground with this season than the first one, so I guess it's inevitable.
Ryssen wrote...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
This is just a guess: Ruri is plotting to get Kirino to go out with Kyousuke.

Isn't that obvious?

Yes but I don't understand why.
I'm assuming romance could develop between Kirino and Kyousuke. If that does happen Ruri would be giving up her feelings for Kyousuke. Also assuming some kind harem wont occur.
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Ryssen wrote...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
This is just a guess: Ruri is plotting to get Kirino to go out with Kyousuke.

Isn't that obvious?

Yes but I don't understand why.

It's called "Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai". Kyousuke falling for Kirino was inevitable. If he would fall for Kuroneko it would be called "My Little Sister's Mortal Enemy Can't Be This Cute".
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Yes but I don't understand why.
I'm assuming romance could develop between Kirino and Kyousuke. If that does happen Ruri would be giving up her feelings for Kyousuke. Also assuming some kind harem wont occur.

well ruri emphasized this episode that kirino and she were friends so...
my guess is she knows she can't date kyousuke without having the relationship with kirino being awkward since he's already established himself as a siscon and she indirectly as a brocon. and since she's kirino's friend and she likes both kousakas equally she wants them to be happy.

kind of like you can't date your friend's sister without things getting very awkward

regardless of what happens i'm still all for kuroneko (hell, i just ordered her figurine!)
Them loli imouto. Dokurosan needs to draw another Oreimo doujin.
Episode 8

what a nice heart warming episode, Ruri is so cute~

but that last task.

Inb4 josh.
Episode 8

Damn that escalated quickly :[
Episode 8

I was really happy watching Ruri and Kyousuke spending time together, dating and meeting the family and whatnot. The two little sisters were goddamn adorable too, I especially liked the older of the two (Hinata?), what with her basic knowledge of what a girl bathing when her boyfriend is alone with her means, hahaha. And FUCK, what is up with that last mission in Ruri's journal!? KyousukexRuri is my favorite shipping godddamn it, why are you doing this to me author!? They look so happy together, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck...

Ryssen wrote...

It's called "Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai". Kyousuke falling for Kirino was inevitable. If he would fall for Kuroneko it would be called "My Little Sister's Mortal Enemy Can't Be This Cute".

I see the logic in your assertion, and I agree that it's probably what the author is going for given that Kyousuke has already registered that Kirino is cute and shouted out that he has siscon tendencies to Kirino's designer friend. However, I do hope that all that the author wants is for Kyousuke and Kirino to re-establish a normal brother-sister dynamic as opposed to the sort of angst and lukewarm animosity between them at the moment. If the author is really pushing for an incest ending, then... well... FUCK... ; A ;
you people seems to forget the Doujins that follow the story are the true Cannon *TROLL FACE* (Zettai Imouto Ryouiki)
Fruid Lurker of Threads
Sigh. I personally like Ruri more than Kirino. Hell, even a bad end Ayase route would be more interesting to me than Kirino's.
Ep. 8... I flipped my fuckin' table because of that last part. Got me so steamed after seeing the whole episode.
The people in my circle of friends almost all see the Ayase end for some reason. I seem to be the only one optimistic for the Kirino ending.

It would be a sufficient substitute since I have been cheated out of my Ruri ending!
Monster Girl
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