Azumax. Who's that?

Whats the difference between the two?
Wikipedia wrote...
Dōjinshi is produced by small amateur publishers outside of the mainstream commercial market in a similar fashion to small-press independently published comic books in the United States. Comiket, the largest comic book convention in the world with over 400,000 gathering in 3 days, is devoted to dōjinshi.
Unofficial fan-made comics are also called dōjinshi. Some dōjinshi continue with a series' story or write an entirely new one using its characters, much like fan fiction.

Manga is lots of people under one name. E.g. Shonen Jump
Actually, this past month's Wired magazine actually has a good article distigushing the two.

Manga=Officially published manga that is serialized in anthologies like Shonen Jump or sold Tankobon volumes.

Doujinshi=Unofficial manga made by individuals or small groups of people. It is usually not published in any official fashion and is often based on other works. A lot of it technically illegal, but the doujinshi market is largly ignored by publishers since it both boosts the sales of the actual manga and it a good breeding pool for new talent.