Blade of the Immortal

Tsujoi Social Media Manager
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Plot: Blade of the Immortal follows the deeds of Manji, a skilled samurai who has a decisive advantage: no wound can kill him, except for a rare poison. In the past, his criminal actions led to the death of 100 other samurai (including his sister's husband). He becomes immortal at the hand of a 800-year-old nun named Yaobikuni, and is compelled by the death of his sister to accept the quest that will end his agelessness. He has vowed to make amends by killing 1000 evil men, and until he does Manji will be kept alive by kessen-chu ('sacred bloodworms'), remarkable creatures that allow him to survive nearly any injury and reattach severed limbs even after hours of separation. They work by sacrificing themselves to seal the wound - they're worms that were bred to be as close in their chemical and physical make-up to humans as you can get without being human. They cannot handle regrowth on a large scale, but, for example, can reattach a severed limb or seal a hole in the brain.

Manji crosses paths with a young girl named Asano Rin and promises to help her avenge her parents, who were killed by a cadre of master swordsmen led by Anotsu Kagehisa. Anotsu killed Rin's father and his entire dōjō, making them a family of outcasts. Anotsu's quest is to gather other outcasts and form an extremely powerful new dojo, the Ittō-ryū (a school teaching any technique that wins, no matter how exotic or underhanded), and has started taking over and destroying other dojos.
Wow. Sounds pretty epic. I think I'll get on this boat and start reading it. Thanks.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Oh man, just got done reading what I had downloaded. Loving every page, everyone should check it out.
I love blade of the Immortal,Its story line has those twists and turns that few mangas now a days have.he art work is just beautiful,But my favorite thing would have to be the full page death spreads the guy does,their so well done and still have that gritty feel to them.
I started reading Blade of the Immortal at the same time as I picked up Vagabond. That turned out to be a big mistake because, as good as BotI is, Vagabond is infinitely superior to it in every manner possible. I also hate the fact that Darkhorse decided to flip the frames for some reason so that it reads like a normal comic book. I also can't follow how many volumes there actually are. I got up to 3 and then checked Darkhorse's site and it said they were at volume 158 or something.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
chapters 119-121 are out
this manga is freaking epic,almost as epic as vagabond.
those who haven't read it,by all means,READ IT NOW.
I agree, this is what turned me on to manga. The spreads are wonderfully artistic and beautiful, and the story is great. I started reading this maybe 8-10 years ago, and was only able to find a few issues. I've found the first four at a local bookstore, and since then, keep an eye out for them. They don't come along that often up here, and ordering things online is not something I'd like to be doing just yet. Just wondering, where do you guys find/read newer issues?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
These are the known scanlators. I usually see the US releases in the DCP packs when they are released though(demonoid).

I love Blade. Its a great series. The art is fantastic and the fights are amazing, it is one of the best drawn comics ever. Defiantly one of my faves.
Seriously, this is definitely a non-cliche new type of story
Its a good manga, and its pretty hooking too
One of my favorites