Emotional scenes

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neko-chan wrote...
@catcher - Tomoya scene with his father was pretty emotional, it was like a sudden realization of how wrong he had been about his dad. Actaully scratch that, it was much more complicated then that - only people who watch all the episodes prior would understand.

But for Code Geass:
Shirley's death was SOO stupid. It wasn't sad for me, I was just mad that they killed her off FOR NO REASON.


What! No Way, I thought Shirley's death was sad as hell, altho she didn't deserve it, but I actually had some hope for the shirley and lulu pairing, until she died. I think her death was more emotional then Euphy's death(I didn't like her because she was introduced poorly to me, and some other reasons)
Am i the only who find the fate anime ending emotional?
@Superior: I found the anime to be bullshit, no offense. In fact, many users here who have played the VN will actively deny the existence of the anime.
i could care less about the opinions though it's a fact that the VN is far more superior than the anime if there's anything i liked it was the fact that it was fate route and ..jeez guess thats pretty much it LOL

i find the ENDING quite emotional
I've never played the VN, and I still found the anime dumb.

Here's another emotional scene, while not a scene per se, but it inspired feelings of GAR within me and expressing it at the top of my lungs, Busou Renkin OP:

g-money wrote...
I've never played the VN, and I still found the anime dumb.

Here's another emotional scene, while not a scene per se, but it inspired feelings of GAR within me and expressing it at the top of my lungs, Busou Renkin OP:

The last part of the Song was epic, compared to his master piece Rurouni Kenshin i actually prefer Busou renkin more because Tokiko is not your average Girl from Shonen manga, that AND she's tsun
Uzumaki101 wrote...
Superior wrote...
Uzumaki101 wrote...
Post your favorite emotional scenes from animes.


If you've watched the whole Alabasta/Arabasta Arc, you'd know why this is so Goddamn Emotional and Badass.

Why Badass? Because no matter how much the Marine Ships Shoot at the Straw-Hats, they don't break off their pose and their farewell.

And another one. Chopper's Scene

If you know about Chopper's past, then you'd know why this is emotional.

also, inb4 Clannad

if you're going for OP emotional scenes how can you ignore Robin's I want to live moment

I need to show that.... NOW

Heh I liked that one a lot. But what about Going Merry's funeral? That was really sad. It was much better in the anime than in the manga. Actually seeing it and hearing the voices of the SH crew was epic.

My favourite is not really a scene. Its the 6th opening of One Piece. It invokes a deep sense of adventure. Along with the video, it's emotional in it's own way.

Ga-Rei Zero. The whole anime was pretty emotional... Especially the last episode... And the.... 8th episode...?

Yeah... Yomi... T_T
Kagura... T_T
g-money wrote...
I've never played the VN, and I still found the anime dumb.

Here's another emotional scene, while not a scene per se, but it inspired feelings of GAR within me and expressing it at the top of my lungs, Busou Renkin OP:

makes me want to cry epic manly tears
I think the my personal fav is the last episode of Shuffle when the main char slit his wrist so his dying GF would have to use her powers to save hers and his life....ahhhh i did shed a cpl tears T-T
Animeholic wrote...
Uzumaki wrote...
inb4 Clannad


Haha, while I will admit Clannad takes the cake in overall emotional roller coaster moments, I actually thought Air did a better job creating a masterpiece through symbolism. It may not have had me cry as "hard" as it any of the scenes in Clannad, but the scenes in Air meant more to me. I know a lot of people thought it seemed chaotic, but there was just a lot of symbolism. I guess you really have to have a good grasp of the theories and beliefs of reincarnation to appreciate Air.

ShiaSpirit wrote...
Ga-Rei Zero. The whole anime was pretty emotional... Especially the last episode... And the.... 8th episode...?

Yeah... Yomi... T_T
Kagura... T_T

At first I didn't know that Ga-Rei Zero was a prequel so at the end I was left with a feeling of "wow, that was a really sad way to end it..."

Actually, for the people who never read the manga it was even more emotional. It is like watching Star Wars starting with Episode I and seeing anikin skywalker turn into Darth Vader (without already knowing it was going to happen). In the last 3 movies you'll still be upset that he became such an evil figure.
jmason Curious and Wondering
One of my favorite emotional scenes is the one from the last ep of Chrno Crusade.


emo scene starts at 2:12 until the end of the clip.

[size=6](well, I could've posted my fave emo scenes from Clannad ans Code Geass R2, but the vids are already posted here, so I'll have to do with this one ^_^)[/h]
The entire second half of Clannad After Story. And a lot of scenes in Kanon, as well as many in the first parts of Clannad. Key does good Pathos.
jmason wrote...
One of my favorite emotional scenes is the one from the last ep of Chrno Crusade.


emo scene starts at 2:12 until the end of the clip.

[size=6](well, I could've posted my fave emo scenes from Clannad ans Code Geass R2, but the vids are already posted here, so I'll have to do with this one ^_^)[/h]

OH. How could I forget to add this one! This was so emotional
Only those who watched Gundam 0080 understands how strong this scene is...

jmason wrote...
One of my favorite emotional scenes is the one from the last ep of Chrno Crusade.


emo scene starts at 2:12 until the end of the clip.

[size=6](well, I could've posted my fave emo scenes from Clannad ans Code Geass R2, but the vids are already posted here, so I'll have to do with this one ^_^)[/h]

Oh great, the anime I plan on watching next. I need a good sob. XD
I forgot. Emotional scenes doesn't need tearjerkers. They just gotta make you go


Be sure to press the HQ button for an even more epic experience!


This scene mad me cried manly tears.
Mostly Clannad.
And in One Piece: Nami's Story
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