Fakku's "legit" failure as a legal streaming platform

I had a fear that the streaming strategy for Fakku is a complete failure. They have deceived customers by saying they will add more new hentai anime with own dubs but lied. Instead its actually new material released only by Media Blasters. While Media Blasters' did agree to give Fakku the digital rights to include their anime for subscribers to watch, nothing much has been changed. Thus far only 25 videos were included and the most recent addition was Hump Bang in 2020. And requiring a subscription to watch them legally is not helping. This is why no one goes to fakku anymore. They don't want to spend too much money on this. Fakku is going to give up their digital distribution rights and transfer them back to Media Blasters/Kitty Media only.

They knew their time on the internet is up.
When FAKKU announced they were adding an anime section, I already have doubts that they have their own streaming platform and I was right!

So it was no surprise that FAKKU acquired a license with a third-party and when that probably failed, the Unlimited subscription is only down to manga and doujins included with the subscription.
The only thing that was left was www.fakku.net/anime

Forum Image: http://https://twitter.com/pastaloverastro/status/1453523726243409926?s=21