Fall 2009 Anime Season

Thought the index series was a joke in that last short vid... who woulda guessed. Anyway 6 potentials from that list for me.
*yawn* Wake me up when the third season of Nodame arrives in January...
GSDAkatsuki wrote...
omg why is Inuyasha being brought back?

Because in the 34th issue of Shonen Sunday, it was announced an anime adaption of volumes 36 to the end will be made by the original cast and crew and will air on Japan's YTV. This will be the final season to finish the series off.
Im interested in watching romance of the 3 kingdoms. cant find the books though.
Dang, I wonder if I'm gonna have an overfilled list of animes to watch.
Inuyasha is still going?

Didn't the last episode air in like '07 that concluded the series by giving it a finishing montague?
I'm waiting for "Omamari Himari" then but for now I'll be watching Princess Lover with "imitation Maka" for the win!
Trapeze looks awesome. Darker Than Black 2 looks interesting. Everything else looks mediocre. Of course, I don't mind. I've still got a lot of other shows to catch up on. I still haven't started watching Cromartie High School yet.
hmm, only about 3 of them interest me. Two of them are maybes, inuyasha and queens blade. The only thing is, if the new inuyasha ends half as bad as the first, i'm going to send another formal complaint. as for queens blade, that's only a maybe because i haven't seen the first series due to the fact i couldn't find any sites who could sub them better than a third grader
woooo fairy tail....good manga so far, hopefully they wont mess it up....
so far i think i will only watch Shin Koihime Musou i will see about the others later
letter bee looks to be the only interesting one out of the lot but darker then black could surprise me.
Haruka and Railgun = A fucken win
HokutoCorpse wrote...
Fairy Tail looks like the creator of One Piece made it. The guy with the pink hair looks like luffy. Oh god more inuyasha my friend is gonna freak. Time to buy some ear plugs. Im to busy Finishing Gurren Laggen to watch any new animes ( On like episode 6 or 7 friend told me the one person i liked i like most of the characters but this guy was GAR hint hint died.)

Fairy Tail isn't by the same mangaka, but yeah I agree they look almost identical in drawing styles. Almost. I have noticed some differences when reading both the manga. It's actually the same guy who did Rave Master, Hiro Mashima.

Fairy Tail's probably also the one I'm most looking forward to, maybe with Letter Bee, Railgun and Kampfer following along too.
I'm so waiting for inuyasha and railgun =D
Definately looking forward to Darker than Black Comet of Gemini and Asura Cryin as well. I didn't know there was a second season for Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu definitely something to look for too especially for those otaku's :)
HokutoCorpse wrote...

Fairy Tail looks like the creator of One Piece made it.

Nope, the mangaka that draw Fairy Tail has the same teacher as One Piece's. That's why their drawing styles are similar.

Looking forward to Fairy Tail, the manga is super awesome ;)
Should I be interested?
Some of the shows listed could be good
a lot for me too watch again nano desu T_T
Monster Girl
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