High Quality really matter?

I was just wondering why some people go to the trouble of downloaded extra high quality manga/hentai.. I can understand it if the difference is really great eg the low quality is so blurred you can't make out their faces but if its just a slight difference then why bother?
LIke ive always downloaded rmvb encoded anime whenever ive had the choice because it downloads alot faster, and saves space on my crappy 32gb harddrive
It matters to a point. I have always hated low quality X-files rips, but I find the non HQ mangas that Fakku has are fine enough for me.
Kaimax Best Master-San
I think it's a matter of taste, some people likes to watch High Quality stuffs than downloading lower quality. For example:
There are two cheeseburgers, one from Mcdonalds and one from a vendor across the street. Will you buy the famous Mcdonalds cheeseburger, you know that it taste great but a bit expensive, with its healthy ingredients or from the vendor you don't even know and its unknown cheeseburger, for half a price?

I even got a friend, when he stars downloading anime from one source, he will always stick with the source. For example:
Downloaded Gundam 00 from [shinsen subs] and always download from them although they are slower than [Conclave-mendoi].
I'm one of those Quality whores. If anything than supporting the industry I actually go and buy the dvds(soon blu-ray) cause they're in an incredibly greater quality than the ones available from sub groups.

PS: isn't Conclave-Mendoi much slower than Shinsen. (Wouldn't be surprised since Conclave have the best quality stuff I've ever seen from a sub group)
kaimax wrote...
I even got a friend, when he stars downloading anime from one source, he will always stick with the source. For example:
Downloaded Gundam 00 from [shinsen subs] and always download from them although they are slower than [Conclave-mendoi].

I do that. It's as much a matter of consistency as quality. Seeing names change half way through a show always pisses me off. There is the odd time that I'll switch subbers for an episode or two but if I'm archiving I stay with the same group for as long as they are subbing.
I guess I can be accused of the above too.

Over here where I am, most manga titles are released by different publishers. I tend to purchase those imported from Taiwan or Hong Kong as they tend to be more explicit, either in terms of gore or sex, even though the differences in quality can hardly be detected.

Likewise, I can understand why some people would purchase the DVDs of certain anime titles. I shall not go into the issue of industry supporting, but more often than not, scenes in the DVD are uncensored, especially for the fanservice genre. :D

For manga, I prefer minimal scrolling to see an entire page (preferably up and down a page only, not sideways as in some cases of extremely large pictures/scans). I also want to be able to read the dialogue. Basically, I hate scrolling back and forth.

Sometimes I download high res scans, but this is mainly because I'm interested in seeing the art closeup (such as how screentones are applied; in small and low quality scans, screentones are the first to deteriorate).

For TV shows and anime, as long as I can make out the dialogue/subs, its fine by me (VCD quality is fine). When the DVD comes out, I'll buy it, but in the meantime the low quality stuff is good enough.
I agree with the scrolling thing, it can some times be a distraction. Also With a high quality download I find you need a really big screen to take advantage of a larger high res image. Which I don't have so no real point for me.
For me, i liek it high wuality. once a certain group releases something gret and hq and i like ill take an such. u know al lthat other stuff. i like high quality :lol: :lol:
Personally I don't care too much about high vs low quality. Medium is good enough for me, but occationally I want it done very well (Video/Audio, manga is meh, as long as it's not terrible). I had a roommate who was big on high quality, so I know some ppl do care about it.