Kamen no Maid Guy

Besides Kanokon and To Love Ru, Kamen no Maid Guy should be the third fanservice title of Spring 2008.

The first episode starts off with busty Naeka winning a battle in a kendo competition. Unbeknownst to Naeka, two figures are secretly watching her, supposedly protecting her from assasination attempts, who were later revealed to be maids hired by Naeka's grandfather, with the female named Fubuki, and the male named Kogarashi. On the surface, it appears that Naeka's grandfather would like Naeka and her brother to have a better lifestyle, but a darker turn to the storyline reveals the suspected death of Naeka's parents and the desire of Naeka's grandfather to protect his remaining heirs.

The rest of the episode features Naeka's lifestyle with her newly employed maids. Part of the fanservice comes in due to Kogarashi unintention sexual harrassment of Naeka. Will Naeka get used to her new lifestyle and will she make it to her 18th birthday under the protection of Fubuki and Kogarashi?

Moving on to the opening and ending theme songs, the former has images of the manga (if there is even one) being shown, and the music suitably chosen for a title of its genre. On the other hand, the ending theme could possibly be a parody of horror movies, with victims attempting to escape from a monster.

Here are some screenshots and images directly related to Kamen no Maid Guy:
Forum Image: http://img163.imagevenue.com/loc1028/th_11760_KamenNoMaidGuy04_122_1028lo.jpgForum Image: http://img243.imagevenue.com/loc144/th_11776_KamenNoMaidGuy02_122_144lo.jpgForum Image: http://img158.imagevenue.com/loc990/th_11777_KamenNoMaidGuy03_122_990lo.jpg

Forum Image: http://img120.imagevenue.com/loc672/th_11871_KamenNoMaidGuy05_122_672lo.jpgForum Image: http://img175.imagevenue.com/loc1092/th_11882_KamenNoMaidGuy06_122_1092lo.jpgForum Image: http://img133.imagevenue.com/loc1178/th_11888_KamenNoMaidGuy07_122_1178lo.jpg

And lastly, a poster found in the May issue of Megami magazine:
Forum Image: http://img180.imagevenue.com/loc258/th_11969_KamenNoMaidGuy01_122_258lo.jpg

Who else is intending to catch the series or is already doing so? Some may brush it off as simply another ecchi, fanservice title, mixed with the growing popular theme of maids and butlers. However, for those who share a similar taste in anime as I do, then you may come to enjoy Kamen no Maid Guy.
this season was good for this kind of anime, i'm curious about who will win the title of best fanservice anime of this spring.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Loli_Boy wrote...
this season was good for this kind of anime, i'm curious about who will win the title of best fanservice anime of this spring.

so far, to my understanding...

nudity award = Maid Guy

Cocktease = Kanokon

Regular Fanservice Show = ToLoveRu
tsujoi wrote...
nudity award = Maid Guy

Cocktease = Kanokon

Regular Fanservice Show = ToLoveRu

"The circle is now complete ..."

I have to say that, as of right now, Maid Guy entertained me more than the other two. Maybe it has something to do with Kogarashi laughing evilly all the time ...
Due to the upcoming exams, I have not been catching up on most of the Spring 2008 titles, but the second episode of Kamen no Maid Guy did provide me with some form of reprieve. Associated to studies, it suggests that bust size is inversely proportional to the maths score of a female. :D
Hmm I found Maid Guy and ToLoveRu on animesuki but Kanokon is a no go there so anyone have any suggestions on where I could find it? or maybe just torrent links.
Ramsus wrote...
Hmm I found Maid Guy and ToLoveRu on animesuki but Kanokon is a no go there so anyone have any suggestions on where I could find it? or maybe just torrent links.

Ayako is subbing Kanokon. Animesuki doesn't list it probably because it's goes a little too beyond ecchi.
Ah thanks. I'm a little new to this whole torrent thing (seriously I've only started using em for the last 6 months) but that was easy enough to figure out.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of animesuki. I much prefer thesubwire.com they have pretty much everything on that site, including live action asian shows, manga, etc. Plus you can create a profile and select only what you want to see, and select which shows you are tracking and up to what episode you've watched, so you know immediately if it's something you want to download or not. As well as recieve emails when a show you're tracking releases a new episode. They seem to get updates on new releases at least as fast as animesuki as well, if not faster.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
i just use baka-updates, anime-source, tokyotosho, and datorrents.
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I'm enjoying this anime. It's so crazy.
Ok so I've watched the first 3 episodes now and....I'm really afraid of Maid Guy. I think he's up there on my top 10 things I don't wanna get surprised by in a dark alley. On the other hand of course there is the actual maid girl (God I'm shitty with names) who, in my opinion, is superior in all aspects to the main character.
I've watched episode 4. Man, I love this anime! I found myself laughing all through this episode. We get to see Kogarashi fight another maid and he shows how fast he is.
I wanna be a Maido Guy in the future...
Just having the Eyes would be bad enough without the other perks he can do :D
Forum Image: http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/1760/snapshot20080512201453zf0.th.jpg
"You cannot unsee this."

Forum Image: http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/4797/snapshot20080512202427lg3.th.jpg
Every Maid Guy has 37 different senses.
This anime intrigues me... I'll probably wait until it's finished then download a torrent.
i love the anime who have lots of fanservice. i'll looking for it