My Fate (Fate/Stay Night) Collection

OK. Here's my Fate/Stay Night figurines and merchandises (including Saber Guitar) I've collected so far...
I've got quite much (I'm still working hard to collect as much as possible)

Here's the link to my photo album

My Fate Collection photo album have 3 sub albums:
- Figures Dolls
- Rin Tohsaka Berserker (I'll move it to Figures Dolls later)
- Saber Guitar

The Fate Collection album is for merchandise like books, telephone cards, mangas, novels, etc...

I still haven't take some photos of fate stuff like telephone cards, trading cards and... sorry, I forgot atm :P

Here's some photos from my album:

Forum Image:

Forum Image:

Oh don't forget to leave your comment! Enjoy ^^
Wow, you've got quite the collection there. Thanks for sharing with us!
i am so jealous of that silver beserker you got. btw nice axe.
Awesome collection, you put all of us to shame :D I'd happy to have half of that stuff.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
nice guitar