[Locked] SHIRLEY!!!!!!!!!!!...wait is that how you spell her name?...

WOW WOW WOW, WOW WOW Can't believe this.
Freaking Rolo... I officially hate him now...
but it made the episode... so is it okay in the end?...


HELL TO THE NAW IT ISN'T... freakin' Rolo...

Im'a make a Geass wear Rolo has to put a Banana up his ass... or just one that changes time... yeah i think I'll go with that one.

Up the booty sounds a bit... (Harsh for a guy)

Dude this isn't cool...(continues the long pause til Rolo dies)............... [ -' _ -' ]

I'm just starting ep. 14 now... of R2,
yeah... i couldn't really wait til tomorrow...
You know you could talk about this in the episode discussion forum.
:cry: :cry: :cry:
aznstoner wrote...
You know you could talk about this in the episode discussion forum.

Yeah i know but i started a Code Geass post earlier in here so might as well keep it in here.

You could go into the dedicated thread and complain there?

More sympathy over there, I assure you.
This is a terrible topic/post for two big reasons.

1) Spoilers should be in spoiler boxes, for god's sake. You probably pissed off tons of people because of this.
2) Wrong section. Post in the Code Geass thread in the Anime discussion forum or make an appropriate post in the Episode Discussion subforum.

Thread locked.
Monster Girl
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