Vampires in anime/manga

Just how often are vampires not the standard blood suckers that we see so often? I took great interest in Baobhan sith's when it was brought up in the hellsing tv series, learning that it was part of is a type of vampire in Scottish mythology gave away to the fact that different myths have different types of vampires; I must say I also liked the character Bubbancy, even if she was only in one episode.
well, in Nasu's world.. more specifically, TsukiHime (not really sure if it applies in all other worlds), ghouls and zombies (names according to MirrorMoon) considered to be a type of lower vampire

ghouls are incomplete and eat flesh to restore their bodies
zombies have more complete bodies but lack intelligence
as the zombies gain intelligence, they become vampires
and most of their powers are acquired through study and training

and it was like around 10 minutes of reading.... :P
well in Hellsing they need to be virgins to become a vempire, if not they become ghouls, and to get more powers they need to train, drink a loot of blod or blood frome un other vampire have.

im only on the 6 vol so i dont know all the fakts
In Negima, Evangeline, who is not just a vampire, but a Maga Nosferatu, to be more specific, drinks blood about once every full moon to replenish her magical energy.
well i really wonder how the vampire in Monster Princess survive cuz there aint a scene showing here sucking blood not tht i want to watch........
I'm not sure if this counts, but Karin from Karin. I think the localized title is "Chibi Vampire". Why, I'll never know.

Anyways, Karin has a condition where she doesn't suck blood, but instead produces too much, and must regularly inject it into people, or suffer an extremely large nosebleed.

Like, Violent Murder Scene-large nosebleed.
Arizth wrote...
Like, Violent Murder Scene-large nosebleed.

Not generous-Kasumi-fanservice nosebleed?
DarkStalkers anime/manga ?
i remember a disscusion about this on irc...
How about Miyu, from VPM?