All porno switch by hisasi volumes are misprints

Just received confirmation from fakku support that their latest run of this volume are all misprints it seems. I first noticed my vol was a misprint when i saw out of order pages in the senpai ch and when i talked to fakku support, they told me all of their current stock is like this! I have no idea if the older prints were misprints too, but they basically implied to me they’re not going to print a corrected run until all of their misprinted stock is gone! Don’t buy porno switch by hisasi bc they’re all misprints.
That's too bad, thanks for the info though. Worth knowing before buying.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
It looks like 2 spreads have gotten reversed in a reprint that happened a while ago by mistake while the printer was assembling the book. It's an unfortunate reality of reprints and why there's a whole niche book collecting hobby of misprints out there. I wish there was something I could fix in an immediate manner for the books, but once it's printed and assembled, there's not much that can be helped.

The specific reprint issue is: Chapter 2 where the page order in the book is: 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35

This will be fixed, but unfortunately this error is out there