An Official Shitsurakuten Tweet Concerning It's Future


Recently, while going through Akibablog (a reputable, Japanese manga and hentai blog that many artists retweet when a comic they are in gets featured there) I happened to find this tweet from the official Shitsurakuten Twitter page. I do not understand Japanese, but a DeepL translate of the tweet says the following:

[Big Announcement] COMIC Zarakuten is changing!

As we announced in our December issue notice, COMIC Dirakuten will be "electronic monthly" starting with the December 2020 issue.

You will be able to read it every month, while continuing the immorality of the past.

Starting on December 20th, it will be distributed in advance on Komiflo on the 20th of each month, and on the 24th of each month, starting on December 24th, it will be available at e-bookstores.

The print edition will be discontinued once a month, but we look forward to your continued patronage. (Editor in Chief)

From this we can see that Shitsurakuten will now be electronic only with the printed version being discontinued, and that Shitsukrauten will resume being a monthly magazine.

  • For those of you who can read Japanese:
    • Is this translation close to correct? Was there anything lost in translation?

  • To FAKKU Staff:
    • Were you aware of any changes occurring to the magazine? (This was tweeted ten days ago).

    • Regardless of whether you knew of the changes or not, do you believe that this will affect the other magazines? (You guys have said that you felt confident in taking Dascomi and Aoha BECAUSE Shitsurakuten and X-Eros were both going bi-monthly).
YQII FAKKU Translator
Sorry, I forgot to reply to this thread, but we've inquired about this change. I imagine the magazine will keep the same quantity of chapters spread over two months, which if so is a welcome change as it makes the flow of data more consistent. I'll update the magazine preview sticky once I know anything more.