[E-Musu Aki] Honey Pot Style

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Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Hey guys!

Just wanted to let you all know that the printing process with the book is going well. There were a few back and forths with the printer on it, and with this book having been completed during the time frame of AX things got a little delayed as we were catching up with things again once we returned from AX.

The physical book is projected to be here by November, however it won't be until the end of November - so it's likely you won't be receiving the book until December. Sorry for small delay!
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
Double deliveries.
Forum Image: https://a.doko.moe/ovkrnb.jpg
muzicfreq One tired person
Got my stuff in.
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/EWgHlwB.jpg
Smuggins Just Some Guy
muzicfreq wrote...
Got my stuff in.

Nice collection. I got my copy too.

I loved "Stop Quibling About Love". I hope that author gets more books out.
muzicfreq One tired person
Smuggins wrote...
muzicfreq wrote...
Got my stuff in.

Nice collection. I got my copy too.

I loved "Stop Quibling About Love". I hope that author gets more books out.
What really pulled me in with that artist was the story where the guy lures in his landlord by putting the wrong trash out. Kinda wish they had them really hookup
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