[F4U] Curiosity XXXed the Cat

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Jacob wrote...
Servexia wrote...
I keep getting script errors on checkout... I'll get this eventually tho. =/

Adblock.... ok now back to waiting for deliveries. ;p

What version of Adblock are you using?

Safari AdBlock by BetaFish, 2.42.

Hmm, which isn't in the safari gallery. Think I'll switch back to Adblock Plus... for security and hentai. =p
From the man himself

Tsujoi Social Media Manager
ya got me, i pre-ordered.
El ORLY *PokerFace*
Jacob wrote...
From the man himself


How must it feel to be noticed by senpai when you yourself are a senpai...

Truly outstanding..
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
The first chapter was surprisingly heart warming!
Bought this book for a few days, the content is awesome. I don't know much about the artists' world, but this book is worth buying.
Compare this to other books I owned, this go second in my favorite book list, just right after "the job of the service committee member". All worth the money. Sadly I can't buy the physical copy, cuz I moved around too much. But yea this worth your money buy the physical copy guys.
just finished reading the entire thing. other than the NTR which aint my thing lol, everything was pretty dope. i enjoyed how funny most of it was and the art style reminds me of some of the graffiti you see here in socal. keep killin' it on those releases fakku !!

also i HAD to buy the poster, can I request the entire fakku staff to sign it if ya'll dont mind?
thanks fam !!

also quick question: when do the decks come out ?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Everyone is in agreement that the first and last chapters feature the best girl, right?
i still have to wait another week to buy this one

damn you credit card!
GlassesTheMegane wrote...
just finished reading the entire thing. other than the NTR which aint my thing lol, everything was pretty dope. i enjoyed how funny most of it was and the art style reminds me of some of the graffiti you see here in socal. keep killin' it on those releases fakku !!

also i HAD to buy the poster, can I request the entire fakku staff to sign it if ya'll dont mind?
thanks fam !!

also quick question: when do the decks come out ?

We're happy to sign it! Send an email to store@fakku.net with the request so @crazy-ben sees it and makes it happen. And yeah man I loved this book, F4U is rad as hell
Tsujoi wrote...
Everyone is in agreement that the first and last chapters feature the best girl, right?

sadmir Moe Connoisseur
Why are the download links taking so long?
Disappointed once again because the download links once again are missing their release times and i just purchased today, i think that makes 3 or so missed digital book release dates for me :(
sadmir Moe Connoisseur
Cyph wrote...
Disappointed once again because the download links once again are missing their release times and i just purchased today, i think that makes 3 or so missed digital book release dates for me :(

They're never on time but they're usually not this late either. The past few books were only delayed 4-8 hours.
This was my fault because of the holiday, they should be online now. Sorry about that everyone
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
Book shipping out.
boltsandguns Electroshock TheRapist
My copy is in. Better start work on that shelf soon.

Forum Image: https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1540/24705940079_4850bf874a_b.jpg
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
The one time I thought I was going to be first in the damn mailman was late
Forum Image: https://my.mixtape.moe/cndbom.pngForum Image: https://my.mixtape.moe/uobkzz.png
Cat-ness NekoMancer
animefreak_usa wrote...
The one time I thought I was going to be first in the damn mailman was late
Forum Image: https://my.mixtape.moe/cndbom.pngForum Image: https://my.mixtape.moe/uobkzz.png

Mine came in yesterday
Cat-ness wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
The one time I thought I was going to be first in the damn mailman was late
Forum Image: https://my.mixtape.moe/cndbom.pngForum Image: https://my.mixtape.moe/uobkzz.png

Mine came in yesterday

Oh God! that back cover.... its beautiful
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