Fanatacism: How netorare is it?

Smuggins Just Some Guy
The art looks awesome, specially the color work. I was wondering what other vanilla lovers rated this on for Netorare, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 9-8 being Ima Real? Not wanting to get into a Neto vs Vanilla discussion, just want to know if this would be a worthwhile purchase for me.

Particularly since the tagging on these books can be pretty shite, see Misdirection where almost half the book should have forced/rape...
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
The book is not vanilla at all. There are two vanilla chapters in the end of the book not related to the main story (which can be argued that the book isn't entirely non-vanilla). But the entire main story is not uplifting whatsoever, so the two random chapters at the end didn't clear the taste that the main story left in my mouth :P
Romana FAKKU Letterer
I personally wouldn't even call those last two stand-alone chapters vanilla. They're both fucked in their own ways.
As a fellow vanilla lover, netorare-wise, it's a bit hard to say as the main story revolves around master/servant relationships and not a gf/bf or wife/husband one. It does have a good amount rape with mindbreak which I don't have a thing for. The 2 non-main story chapters at the end were okay with me even though they're not exactly vanilla either.
In my opinion its at about a 7 on the NTR scale maybe 6 there are 4 chapters for the main story the 1st is not ntr, the rest are and the other side stories are definitely not what you're looking for if what you want is something like Ima Real. So unless you want it for the 3 NTR chapters i wouldn't recommend it.
Smuggins Just Some Guy
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the info.