[Locked] First Impressions on Renai Sample - Digital Edition

Hi Guys,
First of all i would like to thank the whole team fo their hard work. Renai Sample was wonderful and i can't wait for the release of the next book !
Now i will try to tell my impressions on the book (I'm Italian and i will try to be as clear as possible, if not please forgive me).
I read Yesterday night the whole Book on my Ipad ( I read it Online on Fakku.net; I've not downoaded it cause i'm waiting for the PDF Version that's the only one supported on the tablet ). The story was amazing, reading it with a HD display is fuckin awesome but i found some little problems.
At the moment it's only possible to read the story with the Ipad in a vertical position ; If i put the device in an horizontal position i can't see any images, the only thing i can see is a white screen ( I tried with differents pics but i couldn't see any ). However this was not a big problem.
What i found really annoying was the impossibility to remove the red bar on the top of the Doujin ( I mean the red bar where you can see the Fakku Logo on the left corner ). I tried a hundread times to remove it by clicking in the middle/on the top of the page without succes. ( When i press the top of the page the red bar disappears for 1 second but then it comes back immediately ). After several attemps i managed to make it disappear ( By clicking lots of time on the top ) but when i changed pics going on the next page the red bar was there again xD.
This was really annoying cause it was very hard to read the higher part of every page with tath Red bar.
On the contrary the possibility to switch pages by pressing on the left corner was great and perfectly working.
And that's all :). I Hope that what i said here may help you improve your work.
If you have any tips i should try to solve those problems just let me know.
(Maybe you coul find the device informations useful : Apple Ipad Air - Version : iOs8.0.2 - I Used Safari and Chrome).
Thanks again Guys !
You should repost in this topic: https://www.fakku.net/forums/books/new-reader-introduction-feedback-and-bug-reporting-thread

We are taking feedback/bug reports on the new reader, we'll be pushing out a new version soon that should fix a lot of it.