Ive just realized something about hentai manga

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How the fuck do you 'utilize' the material while holding the book?
hold with left hand, fap with right hand. Problem solved.

This is why digital is superior!

Why commit one hand to holding if you have the option of using both?
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
This is why digital is superior!

Why commit one hand to holding if you have the option of using both?

Digital Master Race!!!!!

Now if there was some way to actually move the pictures automatically so as not to interrupt fun time.....
dasBattleship01 wrote...
Digital Master Race!!!!!

Now if there was some way to actually move the pictures automatically so as not to interrupt fun time.....

It's not perfect but CDisplay/CDisplayEx have slideshow features with configurable timers. Don't worry though, I'm sure digital media will become even more automagic in the future! The future of digital porn is already looking bright!

Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
I don't fap while I read physical copies. I read them and once I'm done I fantasize about certain scenes while I get off.
erolover Ero Maniac
While I vastly prefer physical copies, I'll admit that ease of fapping is the one thing I like about digital copies more than physical (at least on a computer, I don't know about doing it on things like tablets/phones). I'm ambidextrous when it comes to fapping, thanks to reading hentai on a computer, so I don't need to hold a book with my left hand. Still, it's really hard for me to hold on to an open book because my hands are small.

Misaki_Chi wrote...
I don't fap while I read physical copies. I read them and once I'm done I fantasize about certain scenes while I get off.

That's pretty much what I do now. I've tried humping the bed while reading, but my arms start to get tired.
FleetingFate Flat is JOOOOOSTISU!
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
dasBattleship01 wrote...
Digital Master Race!!!!!

Now if there was some way to actually move the pictures automatically so as not to interrupt fun time.....

It's not perfect but CDisplay/CDisplayEx have slideshow features with configurable timers. Don't worry though, I'm sure digital media will become even more automagic in the future! The future of digital porn is already looking bright!

holy shit, I thought stuff like that died after facebook bought Oculus
Those jews.. ; -;
W.O.C183 always fapping
Misaki_Chi wrote...
I don't fap while I read physical copies. I read them and once I'm done I fantasize about certain scenes while I get off.

Thank you, thank you, you've helped me find my roots. So many possibilities now, I'm gonna be busy.

Inb4 Edit: Death by self-snu snu.

Still, this thread kinda doesn't belong.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
To be frankly honest, I can use my feet to hold the book, though I tend to not fap to books because I don't wanna glue the pages together.
Mongoloid294 Cheeki Breekian
I typically put my manga down on a desk or surface. This makes managing the manga while fapping much easier.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
>implying you fap while reading a porn book

Read it first then whack off to what you liked.
Misaki_Chi wrote...
I don't fap while I read physical copies. I read them and once I'm done I fantasize about certain scenes while I get off.

But what if you have a terrible imagination and/or memory?
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
I don't fap to hentai. Also slide show.
JuicyPorkChops Hentai Senpai
I don't. I read my physical copies to enjoy the story and appreciate the art. If I wanna get off to it, I read the digital version. That way I don't have to struggle so hard trying fap while flipping pages.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Azuran wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
I don't fap while I read physical copies. I read them and once I'm done I fantasize about certain scenes while I get off.

But what if you have a terrible imagination and/or memory?

I mean if I forget what I just read in less then ten minutes I would probably go see someone about that lol.
it's kinda hard, i give you that

but i still manage.
raichama Audio Technica Fanboy
If H-Manga were the same size as normal Japanese manga or even American manga, if would be pretty easy to fap with the right and read with the left. But because H-manga is printed on such huge paper, it's way too heavy to do anything with. Some of the physical copies I've seen in K-Books R18 section are almost as thick as hardcover books in the US.
Holoofyoistu The Messenger
when you use a computer, you have to awk reach aroud your torso to the mouse to advance the paage, when u read a book, you have to hold it with one hand and not let it fall closed. They should sell stands in the store to solve this.
I think i just had a million dollar idea
AngeloSmasher wrote...
How the fuck do you 'utilize' the material while holding the book?

That's why you get a digital copy too!
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