My Bride is the Demon Lord!? Reprint Status

Wondering if anyone knows the status of the reprint for My Bride is the Demon Lord!? It says late November 2020 in the stickies post but it's still out of stock. Was hoping to include it in my black friday purchase.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
januaryako wrote...
Wondering if anyone knows the status of the reprint for My Bride is the Demon Lord!? It says late November 2020 in the stickies post but it's still out of stock. Was hoping to include it in my black friday purchase.

The books are due to arrive in this week, please try to be a little patient with this one as we're wrapping up our Black Friday sale and warehouse is working with reduced staff due to trying to maintain a safe working environment for them during COVID. They're going to have their hands full for basically until the end of the year.