Nana and Kaoru Full Series

What are the chances that FAKKU will publish the continuation of Nana and Kaoru [Black Label and Last Year]? I am praying they do so I can own the full series.

Do you think we'll just get the first series and that'll be it?

Just wondering what other people think.
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
I mean it's completely possible since they're already working with the publisher for the first series to get access to Black Label, next year and pink pure.
Likewise, I hope for everything to be released, but I gotta admit:

The fact that it is being released at all was incredible to discover! Never thought I'd see the day! Literally didn't realize I had a FAKKU! Account till I accidentally reactivated it while trying to buy the physical books!

It's such a good series, I'm happy if any of it is released!

But shut up and take my money, FAKKU! I'll buy any of the series you release!!