FAKKU Books: Official Suggestion Topic

Anita7054 Cannon Fodder
Cursed opinion: any tankabons by Kizuki Rei translated would be great

Gyarus galore, male prostitutes, unique body structures, hardcore sex, but really depraved stuff like vomiting, gangrape, ugy bastards, mind-break etc.

Forum Image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D_Jtp1aUEAAgkDq?format=jpg&name=900x900

Forum Image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D9GBCFvUcAI4AMp?format=jpg&name=900x900

Forum Image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dq-TW3CVsAAnt-o?format=jpg&name=large

Forum Image:  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/COhZ6acWgAAVISA?format=jpg&name=medium
Chitose and other works from Seto Yuuki. (Appreciate Chitose isn’t finished yet)
Hello there,

Not sure if this has been proposed already, but the author of the manga Tsugumomo is really interested in pushing an uncensored version of his manga out. Seem like he has more and more trouble living with the tight censorship he has to do in the magazine he's published in.

He's recently been publishing almost uncensored pages on his Pixiv account ( https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2675549 ) so that more people can enjoy his art style.

If you could, it would make a lot of people happy to have this published.

Syllys wrote...
Hello there,

Not sure if this has been proposed already, but the author of the manga Tsugumomo is really interested in pushing an uncensored version of his manga out. Seem like he has more and more trouble living with the tight censorship he has to do in the magazine he's published in.

He's recently been publishing almost uncensored pages on his Pixiv account ( https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2675549 ) so that more people can enjoy his art style.

If you could, it would make a lot of people happy to have this published.


Have proposed this many of times.
Is there any chance you guys could possibly do any works from Oyster?

Forum Image: https://hbox.jp/image3/content/108591/cover.jpg
Shokku-chwan Netorare Analyst
I would like to make a request for you guys to publish karami zakari vol.1 & vol.2 by katsura airi

100% would buy
darkfriend Always Finish Inside
Hope this is the right place to request doujins. I didn't see a thread specifically for doujins, but the FAKKU store is adding new doujins fairly frequently now so that seems to be a successful business.

Can we get the Mahou Shoujo series of doujins by Raita? One of my favorite artists of all time, and the characters seem to be pretty popular as they keep putting out new figures for them. There's 18 or 19 volumes of the doujin out so far as I can tell, so it'd be amazing if they could be compiled into a single volume or two.

Hell they even did a real short anime teaser (like really short - 6min or so), and it's a shame no real series ever came of it. Mainstream work includes Valkyria Chronicles and Fate Grand Order.

Note: I'd link doujin images, but I don't know where to get the images without hitting unacceptable sites.
Anita7054 Cannon Fodder
darkfriend wrote...
Hope this is the right place to request doujins. I didn't see a thread specifically for doujins, but the FAKKU store is adding new doujins fairly frequently now so that seems to be a successful business.

Can we get the Mahou Shoujo series of doujins by Raita? One of my favorite artists of all time, and the characters seem to be pretty popular as they keep putting out new figures for them. There's 18 or 19 volumes of the doujin out so far as I can tell, so it'd be amazing if they could be compiled into a single volume or two.

Hell they even did a real short anime teaser (like really short - 6min or so), and it's a shame no real series ever came of it. Mainstream work includes Valkyria Chronicles and Fate Grand Order.

Note: I'd link doujin images, but I don't know where to get the images without hitting unacceptable sites.

Doujins are mainly licensed and translated by other companies. Fakku is mostly the distributor in those. You might want to ask them instead.

One of them you could ask is irodoricomics
This one has basically no words but is censored so i'd be cool if fakku re-released this. Forum Image: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2d318f_fdb7604479274770b098cf3917241e97~mv2_d_1447_2048_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_1447,h_2048,al_c,q_85/2d318f_fdb7604479274770b098cf3917241e97~mv2_d_1447_2048_s_2.webp https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76988629
Nyotaika Rinkan Ryoujoku by tes_mel. their art is too good!
Forum Image: https://megumi.b-cdn.net/media/catalog/product/cache/2/thumbnail/500x600/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/H/M/HMN540.jpg

I second this.
The Fox's Wedding and Total Dilemma plz!
性活週間 by Michiking

Something something in Japanese I cant read

Forum Image: https://ebook-assets.dmm.co.jp/digital/e-book/dmmmg_0759/dmmmg_0759pl.jpg
Forum Image: https://img.doujinshi.org/big/849/1699251.jpg how about this be the next book before or after the new year. It's done by aiya and we already have most of the chapters translated.
Almendra Not-A-Mecha-Pilot
would be awesome if you could get MEME50's Astolfo and other FGO doujinshi.
Forum Image: https://melonbooks.akamaized.net/user_data/packages/resize_image.php?image=212001162170.jpg
Forum Image: https://melonbooks.akamaized.net/user_data/packages/resize_image.php?image=990000209871.jpg
Would it be possible to get ミルクまみれ by Fukuyama Naoto

Forum Image: https://ebook-assets.dmm.co.jp/digital/e-book/b064bcmcm01473/b064bcmcm01473pl.jpg
Tsugumomo. It’s an amazing and ecchi series.
Almendra Not-A-Mecha-Pilot
Ban's new FGO doujinshi would be great to have on here
Can you add Kitsune-san no H na Hon 12 by Tsumetoro.
i saw some one say Tsugumomo on here, i would buy the shit out of that. like idc what the price would be, i would buy the whole series guaranteed