Pricing On Box Sets Question


I'm newer to the whole hentai manga scene. I've been purchasing most of the FAKKU books from Amazon and Right Stuf Animae until the physical store is completely up and running here. Most of the Amazon orders come from Fakku.

I've noticed most of the volumes are between 180 - 200+ pages for about $20. The box sets like Asanagi, Butcha-U Pooters, and the new F4U are many fewer pages 129 - 180 for $80. Why are the smaller collections priced much higher than a regular FAKKU volume?

Thank you for your help.
Anita7054 Cannon Fodder
The $19.95 tankabons are published by a corporate magazine publisher who handle all the processes of getting the artist’s work on print and such

The box sets are made entirely of doujins which are self-published by the artist themselves. Thus, they have to pay/work for all processes involved with publishing themselves. The artist themselves raise the price high because of that.
It is more expensive to produce multiple individual booklets as opposed to one single volume (as well as the enclosure), these doujins are B5 size where the tanks are A5 (smaller), and they are meant to be a limited product for a niche audience so that raises the price a touch further.
In addition to the above they come with the hardcover slipcase, so it's hard to just do page count vs. page count.
Thank you so much everyone for the answers. I ordered two of the box sets already and plan to get f4u too. Slowly trying to purchase all of the physical fakku books that I can.
Monster Girl
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