[Seto Yuki] Chitose

JohnFNSeiler Resident Flatscan
You Snooze, You Lose!

It's been three years and Hori still can't pull the trigger and ask out his cute classmate Chitose. He's studied hard to get into the same school; he's taken up the same hobbies; and even gets his hair cut by her, but he can't gain the courage to utter those three little words. After joining the fine arts club at Chitose's request, he meets Mika and her spirited younger brother, Takayuki, who couldn't be more different. What the men do have in common is they both have their eyes on Chitose, and as the siblings start to make their move, will Hori finally reveal his true feelings or will he be left in the dust?

Chitose by Seto Yuki is full of hot group sex, cute women in revealing lingerie, and bittersweet love that's just out of reach. And with this new release, Seto puts together another symphony that's made them a fan favorite for decades. Compiling over 200 pages including two book-exclusive color short stories, Chitose is a love that's too good not to give up on!

Forum Image: https://t.fakku.net/images/upload/Cover.jpg

Release Dates
Pre-Order - March 14, 2024
Digital - March 28, 2024
Paperback - Winter 2024

Pre-Order Now!
MisterSmall Hentai enthusiast
I am really excited for this one.
Did not expect Fakku to pick up a Seto Yuki book, which makes this a very pleasant surprise.

All the more so considering this one is published by ti.net
definitely one of the most popular series of recent years.
Meh. While this is probably Seto's best work art-wise, I found it pretty disappointing as a story. Level C was a far better story and he even took some things from that for this. Also, from what I've heard, his new work is trying to chase the Chitose dragon and it's not going too well.
God I hope there's a continuation to this story, it's soo good. it would be a crime if this was it. and the color pages gives hope for a fully colorized version. please make it happen! but if not at least please make more of this story!