Thoughts on first round publications


I just noticed the first round of Fakku! subber content on the main page. I admit myself to be most pleased.

I enjoy the presentation labels, the the translations are top notch (as expected :)) and generally, sticking to the Fakku! of yore we all love.

Just one thing occurred to me, perhaps a consideration for the future: download links. I for one buy all the content I'm interested in (why I'm a proud subber of course), but just as a thought: will the content be available for download as before?

Perhaps (risking severe ire) a higher subscription price for this privilege? Certainly something I wouldn't mind.

Also, what artists can we expect to see awesome works of in the subber circle? If you ever manage to get The UDON-YA circle in your repetoir my love would be unending.

Pretty please?
I need to read the first chapter of one of them before i can read that one first but the rest were fine.
Jacob has mentioned download links potentially in the future.

VGuy wrote...

Perhaps (risking severe ire) a higher subscription price for this privilege? Certainly something I wouldn't mind.

Also, I feel like once downloads are available, someone will just upload all the chapters on a piracy site so idk if paying for that privilege would even be worth it.
Glad you like the chapters so far! There are literally hundreds more to upload. We will be working with a wide variety of artists, including artists that weren't mentioned in the original announcement.

Downloads are something we'll consider in the future (probably next year).
TrixieTang Magical NTR Princess
623 wrote...
Jacob has mentioned download links potentially in the future.
VGuy wrote...

Perhaps (risking severe ire) a higher subscription price for this privilege? Certainly something I wouldn't mind.

Also, I feel like once downloads are available, someone will just upload all the chapters on a piracy site so idk if paying for that privilege would even be worth it.

I know that I managed to find the first gift chapter uploaded on another site despite there being no download button on it. It ain't hard to just screencap and splice - it may be time consuming, but it ain't hard. Personally, I think that the reader should just let you right-click and download the images (the old reader does since they're just embedded in the page with img tags).

The pirates are gonna get their hands on the stuff either way, and it seems like the current no-downloads model is mostly just annoying to those who actually pay for the content. But that's all assuming that there aren't any major bandwidth issues at play here or any restrictions on downloads that have been put in place by Wani.

EDIT: I'm still sitting here trying to get the new F4U chapter to load and no luck yet. T_T
Myurton Kiss Kiss fall in love
TrixieTang wrote...

The pirates are gonna get their hands on the stuff either way, and it seems like the current no-downloads model is mostly just annoying to those who actually pay for the content. But that's all assuming that there aren't any major bandwidth issues at play here or any restrictions on downloads that have been put in place by Wani.

That's pretty much how I feel about piracy and the internet. If people want to pirate it then they will.

Anyways I'm really liking the newly released content, else I wouldn't of thrown money at Fakku.
PewPewK The Wisewolf of Yoitsu
TrixieTang wrote...
The pirates are gonna get their hands on the stuff either way, and it seems like the current no-downloads model is mostly just annoying to those who actually pay for the content. But that's all assuming that there aren't any major bandwidth issues at play here or any restrictions on downloads that have been put in place by Wani.

That's basically true. As Gabe Newell somewhat famously said, piracy is a service problem. You can't stop the habitual pirates (those who simply refuse to pay for your content), so the best you can do is put a stop to those who pirate because the service it provides is better.

In that respect, the hi-resolution download options for all the books has been a brilliant move on Fakku's part. I would love to see this come to the subscription service (and let's be honest, ripping a subscription chapter off the website is not all too difficult; you could build a script that archives them with ease). So not much logical sense in never providing downloads except to encourage piracy of them.
Just read everything since I got off from work and love everything.

The translations were done very well, the quality is amazing, the content is so varied (loved seeing some non-h thrown into the first batch of publications), best of all uncensored goodness.

I think it was a success myself and really is awesome to see really nice content. The price is definitely worth it and I couldn't be happier for you Jake and everyone working with you on this (^^)b
frogman111 Down with brown town
The first round is amazing. It has just the right amount of diversity. I piked three at random read through each. Only one wasn't my taste. The rest where very satisfying. Can't wait to read through all of them.

I can't stress how good it feels to be able to support all these artists. When I was younger I had no choice but to read the scans. Now I have no excuse not to pay for them.

I also love the gold forum section, way less negativity. I'll be avoided the general forums for a while.
I have a question somewhat related to the first issue of publications. Will there be an effort to acquire previous chapters from a collection found in a magazine. Say if chapter 3 is presented but 1 and 2 are nowhere to be found on the site.
Japan Not Japanese
I am beyond pleased.
rockb.blues wrote...
I have a question somewhat related to the first issue of publications. Will there be an effort to acquire previous chapters from a collection found in a magazine. Say if chapter 3 is presented but 1 and 2 are nowhere to be found on the site.

I would like to know the answer to this as well. Especially for the recent School Love Net series which has only chapters 6-7.
DrasticMeasures wrote...
rockb.blues wrote...
I have a question somewhat related to the first issue of publications. Will there be an effort to acquire previous chapters from a collection found in a magazine. Say if chapter 3 is presented but 1 and 2 are nowhere to be found on the site.

I would like to know the answer to this as well. Especially for the recent School Love Net series which has only chapters 6-7.

This is something we are actively working on and it's going to take some time. The first step is showing the artists that they have fans overseas that are willing to pay to read their work, once we have that we can start discussions on getting all of the old chapters (like School Love Net).
Yup, definitely happy with the first round of releases!
Yeah, definitely, first round of releases are amazing. Looking forward for the rest and more.
Other than the navigation, everything looks great so far.
Hiya I was wondering if you guys could make it easier to find the subscription manga I'm paying for. Like Maybe a check mark somewhere that says show only subscription manga.

I kinda on the fence on if I want to keep the membership. I want to be able to see all the stuff to prove to my self that this is what I want.

I've bought all the Books so far and I like those I know what is in them and Can just go back to the one I want when ever. :)

But I don't like how I gotta scroll through the list and look for the subscription ribbon.

Maybe you guys could group the manga from a magazine together. I donno if there is any relation to the manga and the magazine.

Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
Seems like they're still implementing some sort of tab for it.
For now they are now appearing at
Monster Girl
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