Thoughts on western comics?

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Things like Jab comix and Shad
Jab varies in quality, there’s a handful of Jab comic I like but most I don’t. Shad is just straight up way too edgelord for my tastes. He’s got some talent to be sure but MAN does everything else about his aesthetic turn me off tho.
I can't think of any professional western H-comics but things like shapeshifter and manaworld are pretty good.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Fact: Fakku has the western tag for a reason. ;)
Despite the jokes, I actually do try to read the story in hentai.

Non-western, typically a lot of words are put towards setting up the scenario, or used as "commentary" during the fun.

A typical problem with Western is that they put the focus on the wrong areas with the dialogue, and use a lot of it. I don't care about your deep lore I just want to nut lol.

Also the difference in size in word balloons between JP and Western is huge, and typically Western is color as well. Creates a huge eyesore where the bubbles are placed haphazardly, searingly white on a colorful page, and huge paragraphs of words.
As much as i love Japanese hentai nothing beats Alfie and i roved out is pretty great too. Melkor has pretty nice art but terrible stories and S.EXpedition is good but has gone on for to long. kid is brilliant too though his work just looks Japanese.
Smuggins Just Some Guy
I was coming here to mention "I Roved Out" so instead I will just second that. The latest KS book is really good.
Squigl best squigl
Western comics just don't seem to hit right often with me, it's hard to explain
luinthoron wrote...
Fact: Fakku has the western tag for a reason. ;)

God and it's bare too
I think it's because they don't sell as much too, most people like hentai for the typical japanese vibe it has to it, which doesn't fit as well when the person who does it doesn't have this japanese way to write them
I'd like for the western scene to grow from it is now, but currently I have to agree that the quality is all over the place, and good comics are far in between.
fazerfactory wrote...
I'd like for the western scene to grow from it is now, but currently I have to agree that the quality is all over the place, and good comics are far in between.

The industry can never grow though as it's games are heavily censored on the more popular outlets for releasing them and the more go to funding sites like Patreon are at war with "Japanese style art" . It's doomed before it even began.
Is there any good recommendations for manga fans who have never read a western comic?
Shadman is a Nazi. Bleck.
They are okay. They look kind of cartoony so I usually don't go out of my way to look for it
Some are good, to me it depends on how they draw it. It doesn't have to be anime style, but at least it need to be a style that to japanese style main reader can get used to.
I've seen it, quality can vary a bit, in general I am ambivalent about western comics, the style is definitely different, not quite bad different, but not quite good either. There is a niche tho to be fair.
Smuggins Just Some Guy
bipnip wrote...
Things like Jab comix and Shad

If you want a mix of styles, try Slipshine. I follow a couple of their artists on Patreon. I would recommend Neapolitan and The Rock Cocks. Titty Time is also decent.

I have backed a couple KS from Filthy Figments. Again, a variety of quality and tastes. I kind of like the anthologies they do, because you get a bunch of different artists and can follow up on ones you like.

There is also Iron Circus which has a variety of tastes and styles. They do regular Kickstarters to get their books out.
Most people meme shadman and don't really jerk off to his stuff, which most of the time is rather questionable or gross. I have to admit tho that he is still a talented artist.
payoje90 wrote...
Is there any good recommendations for manga fans who have never read a western comic?
. Alfie and I roved out in search of truth and love are god tier. I’m sure if Fakku published Alfie it would be their highest selling book ever easy.
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