Anime Expo 2011

Once again we will be at Anime Expo in Los Angeles! If you are attending make sure you find us. We are doing a ton of awesome things so make sure you read this whole post!

[color=#9D0A0A]Limited Momoka Print[/color]

Similar to Anime Boston we are going to have a limited edition California themed Momoka print for sale! We are only going to print 100 of these, so come to our booth in the exhibitor room early on the first day to make sure you get one. We will be signing autographs and will also have a limited print of Mirai for Danny Choo available at our booth, so make sure you ask about that. We sold out almost immediately at Anime Boston so don't miss out! You can view a preview in the spoiler below.


[color=#9D0A0A]Exhibitor Room[/color]

We will be at Booth #918 in the exhibitor room all weekend. The booth name is listed as Sanshee in the program guide. Come by the booth and meet us in person! This is where we will be selling the Momoka and Mirai prints and it will be our main base of operations. We might be giving out some free stuff over the weekend. You can view a map in the spoiler below or get the full version here.


[color=#9D0A0A]Panels and Events[/color]

Mike and I will be hosting a bunch of panels in addition to hanging out at the booth all weekend. We will try to get to the panel rooms a little bit before each panel starts to give out some prizes, so line up early. You can view the full list of panels and events below, make sure you go to them!

Hentai Worth Watching
July 1st at 10:30 PM in LP 3

Danny Choo + FAKKU Meetup
July 3rd at 11 AM in WS 1

Visual Novels and Eroge
July 3rd at 9:30 PM in LP 2

July 4th at 4:30 PM in LP 2

[color=#9D0A0A]Danny Choo + FAKKU Meetup[/color]

I will once again be hosting a dual meetup with Danny Choo! It is titled "Fakku x Culture Japan Meet and Greet" on the schedule and will be taking place in room WS1 on July 3rd at 11 AM. If any females (or males for that matter) cosplay the FAKKU mascot Momoka at the meetup I will be giving out out some special prizes! Read the full post here.


Pictures from last year


sweet i'll be able to catch the Hentai worth watching and Q&A... ill be going to the hatsune miku concert...
Jacob wrote...

Hentai Worth Watching
Date: 2011-07-01
Time: 22:30:00
Room: LP 3

Hmm July 1st is day one of the Con, typically day 1 has the JAST USA Panel around the same time, I hope both don't conflict with each other. I've always attended that panel since 2007.
HungLikeAZombie wrote...
sweet i'll be able to catch the Hentai worth watching and Q&A... ill be going to the hatsune miku concert...

the same with me...can't wait to listen and maybe ask a question at these panels.
I'll be going this year again
Really cant wait, this is gonna be an awesome few months
Ink & Iron Festival this month, Anime Expo the next <3
Not to mention the Tim Burton exhibit that's going on till Halloween =)
The Hentai Worth Watching panel, you going to bring up Bicycle Fairy again? :D
vietxmikey wrote...
The Hentai Worth Watching panel, you going to bring up Bicycle Fairy again? :D

i hope so and kanojo x kanojo x kanojo...
twistedknightmare wrote...
I'll be going this year again
Really cant wait, this is gonna be an awesome few months
Ink & Iron Festival this month, Anime Expo the next <3
Not to mention the Tim Burton exhibit that's going on till Halloween =)

Fakku trip to the museum? Yes? Yes?
That'd be awesome, actually! =)

Schedule has been posted on the Anime Expo website, time to start getting my own schedule together, I also noticed that the 3 Fakku panel conflict with other panel and concerts I wanted to see, looks like I'll only be able to go to two of the three.
I can't even go now.. damn birthday plans and my family.. it my birthday let me spend it on my own thing.
animefreak_usa wrote...
I can't even go now.. damn birthday plans and my family.. it my birthday let me spend it on my own thing.

ouch sucks, sry to hear that, but happy early birthday then? enjoy the remaining days at what ever age you are now and enjoy being older? I hope things change so that you can go though.
thanks for the update, sorry about that freaky...also happy early b-day. now i'm off to go check this schedule.

edit: so why does the schedule have to be in pdf files?
meh im going with 2 friends that look down upon hentai yet I want to attend all the fakku events XD anyone got an idea how i can pull this off?
Darkhilt wrote...
meh im going with 2 friends that look down upon hentai yet I want to attend all the fakku events XD anyone got an idea how i can pull this off?

if they don't like it then fuck'em...
Dude I hope I can go... I've been posting on Fakku about my AX adventures for the last couple years :D, had a blast last year but this year I might not make it cause of my jerk-off bosses :P
I am going this year! And I shall be wearing my MEGA MILK shirt. Only bad thing is I'm going for one day, the 2nd. :c
I will wear my Hen-Tie shirt!
DesuFakku wrote...
I am going this year! And I shall be wearing my MEGA MILK shirt. Only bad thing is I'm going for one day, the 2nd. :c

same here :/ not that bad though second day is the best hopefully jacob will be there at a random booth giving out fakku stickers again that would be awesome especially since i wont be able to make it to the Q&A. please be at a booth again D:
Can't wait till AX11 so I can attend the panel and get myself a Mega milk shirt. Btw Are you guys going to have a gathering for coffee or lunch?