
FAKKU Convention Schedule 2024 Hey FAKKU! Sorry about the late update, but here's our current list of where you can find us for the 2024 con season! …


Otakuthon 2015! (Pre-Registration open, second concert!) Pre-Registration is open, 45$ until June 1st, then 50$ until July 24th. At-door is…
Cosplay opinions please I plan on cosplaying Gasai Yuno, i already got the wig,makeup and all but i'm not sure which outfit to go for black leather dress school uniform Wedding outfit Or w…
[ Poll ] Bring Fakku Booth to Hawaii's Kawaii Kon 2016!! Just a poll to see who wants it in Hawaii.
Anime expo cosplays and questions~ I will be bringing momoka and mega milk to the convention this year ;;; Super nervous!~ Also whats a good time to start lining up for the panels? …
AX around the corner anyone going to ax this year? Coming up in a few more weeks. I went to the fakku panel last year and it was pretty funny lol
New York Comic Con 2015 East Coasters! Anyone going to NYCC? This year will be my first year going, anyone have tips on being prepared for the madness?
Animecon 2015 Netherlands So did anyone here went to Animecon here in the Netherlands? ^^
Katsucon & MAGFest 2016 Seeing as it's about little under half a year left.. thought I'd ask if anyone was going to Katsucon 2016? I'm most likely going to be there... Cosplay plans: Kanon(umineko)…
A-kon and AnimeFest I'm planning on going to both. I'm cosplaying as Zatsune Miku (Yes...Zatsune. Red and Black.) and Elizabeth from Persona 3. Are you going? And if so, who are you going as?
conventions What conventions r u going to for example will u be at New York comic con in october
Bought a FAKKU book at Fanime 2015 Is there a way to validate my account for future Fakku previews?!
[ Poll ] Anime North! 2015
Cosplay and the Cosplayers Within. For a while now, about 3 years, I've been seriously into cosplay. However, being plus sized it can be a little hard to do! --Please note, what I'm about to say isn't meant to offend, just to clarify h…
Pan-Con Seattle This is a small event thats happening for one day. It is a Theme maid/butler resturant. You can either volunteer as an artist, maid/butler, or simply enjoy your meals and eat there! Food looks tasty t…
Otakon 2015 Anyone out there going to Otakon this year? Also does anyone know if there will be a booth for FAKKU! there? I've never seen one before, but I think it would be cool if they had one this year! =w=
Any anime conventions in New York/N.Y.C.? Hey guys,I'm from the state of New York & I love anime & manga & I know for a fact that the New York Anime Festival has been discontinued,but to those of u who are living in the big apple …
Anime Expo 2015: Is it worth going for all four days? Hey guys I was wondering something. I'm planning a trip to go down to AX, but I've only been there once, for one day. If my and friends and I go for just 2 1/2 days, would we be missing out anything m…
Small conventions in California Hiya people! I was wondering if anyone knows of any conventions or gatherings in California. Preferably in the Bay Area and excluding Sacanime and/or Fanime since I know those have grown/a…
So i plan on doing a male FAKKU mascot Now i'm not sure if i should just wear the female one and up the size a bit for me, or redesign the mascot for a male, i have no shame so that helps. I want to wear this cosplay at supanova which if y…