Subscription costs more than Netflix and Crunchyroll

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Subscription costs more than Netflix and Crunchyroll, actually is costs as much as both COMBINED.

You honestly should cut it down to half
Being an adult company means we have a lot more hoops to jump through to do business, the main one being accepting payment from customers. As a result we have to pay higher fees to the companies that do the actual payment processing. So in regard to price, we aren't competing with other services like Crunchyroll, Netflix, Hulu, etc. It's more appropriate to look at what other adult sites charge for membership and go from there, when you do that you'll see that we are priced appropriately.

Other adult sites, have a innumerable amount of content available for much so that if you are looking for a casual fap or god dam hours of viewing pleasure it wont cost you a dime.

If you compare it with the massive amount of content of Netflix, or the super HD same day simulcast anime of crunchyroll. Both of which cost more to produce. but somehow fakku now cost more than both or those combined.

I like you fakku, i like you a lot, all am saying is that you are shooting your self in the feet.

If you compare yourself to other adult medial, you lose.
If you compare yourself other other anime/manga and general entertainment providers you lose.

You have a very niche audience, watch it disapear.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
You're not looking at premium adult content sites. You're looking at Pornhub where anybody can upload things, and yes they do provide subscription content as well.

This is one of my personal favorite premium adult content sites and it costs 19.95 a month:

If you're looking at actual premium adult content sites you'll see the prices are competitive.

If you're wondering the difference between x-art and porn hub and why the price difference, it's because x-art produces its own videos. They make it a point to have high quality video and photo shoots and cast models and often use real life couples to do their videos.

Pornhub allows anyone to upload material and the "premium" content on their site is just simply other porn companies uploading their copyrighted material on there and they get a cut from it. Not to mention Pornhub is practically the Amazon of porn sites. That'd be like demanding us to have the same shipping prices as Amazon.
Romana FAKKU Letterer
Another one of my favorites which is pretty much photos only is suicidegirls.Com Their monthly subscription is 12 dollars a month and it's all self produced content, be it in house or model submitted.

Seeing as most of their shoots are in house and consists of a model, a photographer, and maybe someone to do lighting, it's a safe bet that a single chapter of our manga releases costs more to produce.

But either way when you get down to it you're comparing apples to oranges. This is manga, not an amature porn video someone is making. You may not like the subscription price but this what we have to charge so that everyone involved in production gets paid. If we had the same subscriber numbers as crunchyroll or Hulu we could offer it at a cheaper price, but our product isn't theirs.
To add another service we can somewhat compare to:

Hard Blush is furry based adult art service ran by Doxy/Onta. On Hard Blush, furry artists publish their comic works. Paying for a membership on Hard Blush gives you access to reading these comics by those various artists. There are about 50~80 comics on Hard Blush. Their membership is $17.99 ~ $20.99 a month.
Well, beyond the fact that dealing with adult materials adds more bells and whistles to Fakku's publishing bill, they're also having to consider profit. Fakku is fully aware that the loss of ad revenue from free users is going to be extremely significant, and they have to keep shelling out money to get more publishing deals.

What Fakku has done to legalize hentai manga in the states has come at a far greater cost to them than any of the people on this site complaining about the loss of porn. Fakku is spending more money than ever to produce content, yet is receiving far less money than ever at the same time.

Be happy your subscription price isn't higher.
:) I understand what you are saying, and i respect fakku for taking the stride and stepping up to realize this kind of content in the west.

However, i was simply making a point, which still stands.

When faced with the prospect of payment and subscription charges most people would turn to similar free content if it is available. Even more so if the price is to high to afford.

I wish that in the future content like this is widely available from legitimate sources. things like, physical magazines been sold in the west would be nice.

I wish, that the math works out in your favor fakku :D
Ok, I get your point about sites like x-art and the difference between them and something like pornhub, and also the hoops that you have to jump through since it's adult content.

Here is what I understand about what you do, you get the manga from official sources, translate it, and post it on your site, in this sense you are much like Crunchyroll for the hundreds of titles they provide, minus the server costs for the simulcast which takes infinitely more HW resources and bandwidth, in that sense I would like to understand how are you different?
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
greek123 wrote...
Ok, I get your point about sites like x-art and the difference between them and something like pornhub, and also the hoops that you have to jump through since it's adult content.

Here is what I understand about what you do, you get the manga from official sources, translate it, and post it on your site, in this sense you are much like Crunchyroll for the hundreds of titles they provide, minus the server costs for the simulcast which takes infinitely more HW resources and bandwidth, in that sense I would like to understand how are you different?

Crunchyroll gets their translations and timesetting done by the company IIRC. Crunchyroll just hosts it.
Also Crunchyroll started with a multi-million dollar venture capital, not sure what Fakku started with.
greek123 wrote...
Ok, I get your point about sites like x-art and the difference between them and something like pornhub, and also the hoops that you have to jump through since it's adult content.

Here is what I understand about what you do, you get the manga from official sources, translate it, and post it on your site, in this sense you are much like Crunchyroll for the hundreds of titles they provide, minus the server costs for the simulcast which takes infinitely more HW resources and bandwidth, in that sense I would like to understand how are you different?

Crunchyroll just hosts
Crunchyroll is not adult content

Fakku does all the work themselves with raw content from the mag
Fakku is adult content
Kaimax Best Master-San
Drifter995 wrote...
greek123 wrote...
in that sense I would like to understand how are you different?

Crunchyroll just hosts
Crunchyroll is not adult content
Crunchroll Received a huge capital investment before going Legal

Fakku does all the work themselves with raw content from the mag
Fakku is adult content
Fakku used their own money to go Legal

Added for more clarity on the whole issue of pricing

The only similarity that CR have with FAkku is just this for now:
Both were "Free sites" before becoming a Legal Company.
It was a calculated risk. As much as this leaves a bad taste in my mouth look at Martin Shkreli *gag* ugh. Okay what he did is not what Fakku did in an ethical sense but he took a drug and priced it to his competition *choke* the rat bastard.

What Fakku is doing is the same-ish. Other adult sites, or the majority of, are priced much much higher than this one. Thing is Fakku also realizes it's a niche market inside of a niche market therefore by pricing it in-line or below they expected a reduced backlash. They then ensured the reduction of backlash by giving us all a year to prepare for them going entirely legit. A lot of us aren't happy with it, no, but this has been a lot more gental than it could have. Trust me if they were out for purely money they would have slapped a 21.99 price on this and saw what happened. Granted that could still happen which is why I wont subscribe but I understand the logic behind the decisions and they're not wrong as hard as that is to swallow.
XenotheWise135 wrote...
Fakku is fully aware that the loss of ad revenue from free users is going to be extremely significant, and they have to keep shelling out money to get more publishing deals.

This is something you guys don't have to go through. I know Jacob said it's coming later in the year, but try to figure out a free-option that uses ads so you don't have to lose ad revenue ASAP. Crunchyroll gets like 10 million hits a day and they got a shit ton of ad revenue from their free users. They get a lot of money from their subs too, but the ad revenue would be ridiculously high.

I understand that you guys are starting up, are a porn site, don't have as much staff, no million dollar capital investments, and are just in a different league, but there are things that you guys can do improve the situation.

The free option I'd say is almost a must at this point, you guys need ad revenue. Make it so that after 1-4 weeks after the original release date the content will be up for free with ads (excluding books). Make it so people cannot view the content unless they have ad block turned off.

I know you guys do not want to lower the subscription price and I get it, but I still believe that subscription tiers will really help you. The loyal subscribers will keep their 13/month subscription, and in the process you'll grab more subs. Trying to figure out how to implement subscription tiers would be difficult because to you'll have to figure out which content would be available and which would not. I'd say the solution to that is that the lower priced subscription could only be subscribed to one magazine or if you get more, half of the number of magazines you get content from.

I think the proposals I offered aren't too far fetched, especially the free option with ads. With this one subscription tier with no free option, you guys are really limiting yourselves. In the short run, it may make sense, but in the long run it may come back to bite you in the butt.
MegaBulborb wrote...
XenotheWise135 wrote...
Fakku is fully aware that the loss of ad revenue from free users is going to be extremely significant, and they have to keep shelling out money to get more publishing deals.
Make it so people cannot view the content unless they have ad block turned off.

That's like... the worst thing ever xD sorry. But that's like website suicide in my opinion. Forbes just did this recently. If you have adblock installed you can't view their site at all. So I guess I'm not going to Forbes anymore for random news things.

Of course the free or trial options are important. But with what content do you purpose we make free? At the moment our editors are busy with working on upcoming books and working on chapters from Comic X-Eros and Comic Kairakuten for our subscription users. Having enough content to have the ability for some to be free will come eventually, but right now both labor and content is limited.
Kisuka wrote...
That's like... the worst thing ever xD sorry. But that's like website suicide in my opinion. Forbes just did this recently. If you have adblock installed you can't view their site at all. So I guess I'm not going to Forbes anymore for random news things.

Of course the free or trial options are important. But with what content do you purpose we make free? At the moment our editors are busy with working on upcoming books and working on chapters from Comic X-Eros and Comic Kairakuten for our subscription users. Having enough content to have the ability for some to be free will come eventually, but right now both labor and content is limited.

I agree about the ad policy. I don't agree with people indiscriminately ad-blocking everything, but people ought to have the right to choose. So I hope that Forbes doesn't set a trend.

As for free/trial content, what's potentially on the table? If nothing now, what do you hope to be able to offer when the time is right? I think it'd be nice to offer access to some older magazine content but I don't know how flexible your business is.
Fakku's only gone legit for a short while, and they've started translating Comic X-Eros and Comic Kairakuten even less. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see free content until a year from now.

And that's okay. Fakku's only got so much manpower. Right now, they're building up their foundation. We shouldn't go demanding things when they've just started out.

Also worth pointing out: if we're talking about price, Doujin-Moe charges $20 for the first month of membership, and $15 every month after that--for stuff that they don't even own legally. Yeah, Fakku's handing stuff to us on a silver platter, comparatively speaking.
Kisuka wrote...
MegaBulborb wrote...
XenotheWise135 wrote...
Fakku is fully aware that the loss of ad revenue from free users is going to be extremely significant, and they have to keep shelling out money to get more publishing deals.
Make it so people cannot view the content unless they have ad block turned off.

That's like... the worst thing ever xD sorry. But that's like website suicide in my opinion. Forbes just did this recently. If you have adblock installed you can't view their site at all. So I guess I'm not going to Forbes anymore for random news things.

Of course the free or trial options are important. But with what content do you purpose we make free? At the moment our editors are busy with working on upcoming books and working on chapters from Comic X-Eros and Comic Kairakuten for our subscription users. Having enough content to have the ability for some to be free will come eventually, but right now both labor and content is limited.

I already stated it:
Make it so that after 1-4 weeks after the original release date the content will be up for free with ads (excluding books). Make it so people cannot view the content unless they have ad block turned off.

After a certain time period, make everything (except for book content) free like how it is over in Crunchyroll or Funimation. Now before you say you're different than them, I get it, but that doesn't mean it's not a good idea. I don't care if you make it 3 months after the original release, you do what you think is appropriate. This way, when the randoms that come across your site, they will have something to view and you will get ad revenue! Yay! Look at that, everyone wins.

And what's so bad about making content unviewable unless you have ad block turned off? I'm not saying have the whole site unviewable, just the free chapters. I mean, right now if you don't have a subscription you can't view anything anyways, so what's the big deal? I think people can manage turning off ad block to view some free content with ads on the sidebars.

On Hulu for example, they have the ads built into the video. So maybe have the ads built into the chapter. Basically, it'd be like an ordinary page. Then that way you wouldn't have to turn off ad block and you'd still be forced to see the ads.

In addition have doujinshi be used as free content as well. I mean, you can't make a profit on that anyways. Not sure what's the policy on ad revenue with doujinshis but that'd be something to look into.

Anyways, I'm just trying to help. I've been nothing but supportive of this decision and I'm fully aware of all the hard work the Fakku staff is doing. I just want you guys to be even more successful and I believe what I've proposed is not far fetched and could really help. But hey, if you want to right me off, that's fine too. I mean, I'm just a random user that's bought a few books, what do I know?
MegaBulborb wrote...
Kisuka wrote...
MegaBulborb wrote...
XenotheWise135 wrote...
Fakku is fully aware that the loss of ad revenue from free users is going to be extremely significant, and they have to keep shelling out money to get more publishing deals.
Make it so people cannot view the content unless they have ad block turned off.

That's like... the worst thing ever xD sorry. But that's like website suicide in my opinion. Forbes just did this recently. If you have adblock installed you can't view their site at all. So I guess I'm not going to Forbes anymore for random news things.

Of course the free or trial options are important. But with what content do you purpose we make free? At the moment our editors are busy with working on upcoming books and working on chapters from Comic X-Eros and Comic Kairakuten for our subscription users. Having enough content to have the ability for some to be free will come eventually, but right now both labor and content is limited.

I already stated it:
Make it so that after 1-4 weeks after the original release date the content will be up for free with ads (excluding books). Make it so people cannot view the content unless they have ad block turned off.

After a certain time period, make everything (except for book content) free like how it is over in Crunchyroll or Funimation. Now before you say you're different than them, I get it, but that doesn't mean it's not a good idea. I don't care if you make it 3 months after the original release, you do what you think is appropriate. This way, when the randoms that come across your site, they will have something to view and you will get ad revenue! Yay! Look at that, everyone wins.

And what's so bad about making content unviewable unless you have ad block turned off? I'm not saying have the whole site unviewable, just the free chapters. I mean, right now if you don't have a subscription you can't view anything anyways, so what's the big deal? I think people can manage turning off ad block to view some free content with ads on the sidebars.

On Hulu for example, they have the ads built into the video. So maybe have the ads built into the chapter. Basically, it'd be like an ordinary page. Then that way you wouldn't have to turn off ad block and you'd still be forced to see the ads.

In addition have doujinshi be used as free content as well. I mean, you can't make a profit on that anyways. Not sure what's the policy on ad revenue with doujinshis but that'd be something to look into.

Anyways, I'm just trying to help. I've been nothing but supportive of this decision and I'm fully aware of all the hard work the Fakku staff is doing. I just want you guys to be even more successful and I believe what I've proposed is not far fetched and could really help. But hey, if you want to right me off, that's fine too. I mean, I'm just a random user that's bought a few books, what do I know?

comics arent the same as anime or tv shows. You buy magazines to see its content.

Besides, ad content when everyone is using adblockers
hgatedc wrote...
MegaBulborb wrote...
Kisuka wrote...
MegaBulborb wrote...
XenotheWise135 wrote...
Fakku is fully aware that the loss of ad revenue from free users is going to be extremely significant, and they have to keep shelling out money to get more publishing deals.
Make it so people cannot view the content unless they have ad block turned off.

That's like... the worst thing ever xD sorry. But that's like website suicide in my opinion. Forbes just did this recently. If you have adblock installed you can't view their site at all. So I guess I'm not going to Forbes anymore for random news things.

Of course the free or trial options are important. But with what content do you purpose we make free? At the moment our editors are busy with working on upcoming books and working on chapters from Comic X-Eros and Comic Kairakuten for our subscription users. Having enough content to have the ability for some to be free will come eventually, but right now both labor and content is limited.

I already stated it:
Make it so that after 1-4 weeks after the original release date the content will be up for free with ads (excluding books). Make it so people cannot view the content unless they have ad block turned off.

After a certain time period, make everything (except for book content) free like how it is over in Crunchyroll or Funimation. Now before you say you're different than them, I get it, but that doesn't mean it's not a good idea. I don't care if you make it 3 months after the original release, you do what you think is appropriate. This way, when the randoms that come across your site, they will have something to view and you will get ad revenue! Yay! Look at that, everyone wins.

And what's so bad about making content unviewable unless you have ad block turned off? I'm not saying have the whole site unviewable, just the free chapters. I mean, right now if you don't have a subscription you can't view anything anyways, so what's the big deal? I think people can manage turning off ad block to view some free content with ads on the sidebars.

On Hulu for example, they have the ads built into the video. So maybe have the ads built into the chapter. Basically, it'd be like an ordinary page. Then that way you wouldn't have to turn off ad block and you'd still be forced to see the ads.

In addition have doujinshi be used as free content as well. I mean, you can't make a profit on that anyways. Not sure what's the policy on ad revenue with doujinshis but that'd be something to look into.

Anyways, I'm just trying to help. I've been nothing but supportive of this decision and I'm fully aware of all the hard work the Fakku staff is doing. I just want you guys to be even more successful and I believe what I've proposed is not far fetched and could really help. But hey, if you want to right me off, that's fine too. I mean, I'm just a random user that's bought a few books, what do I know?

comics arent the same as anime or tv shows. You buy magazines to see its content.

Besides, ad content when everyone is using adblockers

I keep wondering about that too, I can't imagine many aren't using adblockers nowadays. The revenue can't be that significant, and certainly not enough to pay all the labor involved now.
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