What's in for non-subscribers?

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I couldn't quite make out the details of the subscrition system. What exactly are we going to pay for?

My first interpretation: FAKKU is going to release the stuff as monthly magazines (as in 'release these magazines in their entirety'). A subscriber will receive all the releases from the point he starts to pay while previous releases have to be brought. I am actually pretty okay with that system except that I start wondering why I am paying a monthly fee in the first place instead of just buying each magazine separately. An annual, biannually or even quarterly fee at a discount would make a lot of sense to me.

My second assumption was that a paying customer gets access to the entire backlog immediately but loses it once he stops paying (as in 'service'). If that were the only option it would be a worrisome development because I value persistence very highly - so high that I would gladly pay extra for it. I am not the type who is okay with buying all sort of things and losing them because I don't want to commit to someone or something.

So, what are the options for non-subscibers?

PS: Do FAKKU Books have a preview function? I'd like to form a general idea (art, plot, premise, etc.) before I buy something. Publishers of traditional manga usually give away a few pages or one chapter from a collection of one-shots or a coherent story in order to hook potential buyers on the product. We think FAKKU can step up their game here.
My understanding is that Fakku Books are just things you purchase and are separate from the subscription service. The new service is giving us simul published magazines from Japan in English and I believe you only have access to the magazines (the entire log) for as long as you are subscribed, unfortunately. However I believe Jacob said he would consider downloads in the future.
As for non-subscribers, Jake said he'd think of doing some free chapter rotation possibly.

I agree that some kind of preview for the Books should be made as there isn't one. I'm very picky with my hentai so I would like to sample before I commit.
The subscription will give you access to the entire library of magazines, including any back issues that were released before your subscription started.
Too bad; we were hoping a model more similar to physical magazines. Maybe you will eventually consider something like a purchase option.

Will the subscription content at least be visible for non-subscribers so that we can see what we are missing out on?
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
RNGtan wrote...
Too bad; we were hoping a model more similar to physical magazines. Maybe you will eventually consider something like a purchase option.

Will the subscription content at least be visible for non-subscribers so that we can see what we are missing out on?

I don't see why it wouldn't be, everyone can see the content Fakku has published so far as well.
SirDougles Minister of Shitposts
RNGtan wrote...
So, what are the options for non-subscibers?

Not much at this time. Some of the old content is still viewable, but for how long is up in the air. FAKKU is moving to a more stricter structure really, since it wishes to remain as legitimate as possible. Over the next few months, this site is going to become very different. We might see something for non-subscribers.

Personally I don't care much for subscriptions to porn sites, not because of the "you can get it for free" argument, but more of the "it's like taxes" argument. You pay taxes, most of the time its the same amount each year. The taxes are to go towards government services. Some services you don't agree with, and you have no control over where your money goes. Same with subscriptions. You pay 13 bucks a month, but if you don't care much for a certain genre then a month filled with that genre is a wasted month to you.

The books are a great idea as it gives the consumer control over what he wants to purchase. I would love to see more books and will buy more that catch my fancy, but I'm not ready to make commitments to anyone. I'm not against the site wanting to become legitimate and I support it's root cause for doing so. I'm just not fond of the structure it wants to use, but that's just me. If people enjoy it then power to them and blessings on the providers.
SirDougles wrote...
RNGtan wrote...
So, what are the options for non-subscibers?

Not much at this time. Some of the old content is still viewable, but for how long is up in the air. FAKKU is moving to a more stricter structure really, since it wishes to remain as legitimate as possible. Over the next few months, this site is going to become very different. We might see something for non-subscribers.

Personally I don't care much for subscriptions to porn sites, not because of the "you can get it for free" argument, but more of the "it's like taxes" argument. You pay taxes, most of the time its the same amount each year. The taxes are to go towards government services. Some services you don't agree with, and you have no control over where your money goes. Same with subscriptions. You pay 13 bucks a month, but if you don't care much for a certain genre then a month filled with that genre is a wasted month to you.

The books are a great idea as it gives the consumer control over what he wants to purchase. I would love to see more books and will buy more that catch my fancy, but I'm not ready to make commitments to anyone. I'm not against the site wanting to become legitimate and I support it's root cause for doing so. I'm just not fond of the structure it wants to use, but that's just me. If people enjoy it then power to them and blessings on the providers.

You never know what you'll end up liking.
Volaverunt wrote...
SirDougles wrote...
RNGtan wrote...
So, what are the options for non-subscibers?

Not much at this time. Some of the old content is still viewable, but for how long is up in the air. FAKKU is moving to a more stricter structure really, since it wishes to remain as legitimate as possible. Over the next few months, this site is going to become very different. We might see something for non-subscribers.

Personally I don't care much for subscriptions to porn sites, not because of the "you can get it for free" argument, but more of the "it's like taxes" argument. You pay taxes, most of the time its the same amount each year. The taxes are to go towards government services. Some services you don't agree with, and you have no control over where your money goes. Same with subscriptions. You pay 13 bucks a month, but if you don't care much for a certain genre then a month filled with that genre is a wasted month to you.

The books are a great idea as it gives the consumer control over what he wants to purchase. I would love to see more books and will buy more that catch my fancy, but I'm not ready to make commitments to anyone. I'm not against the site wanting to become legitimate and I support it's root cause for doing so. I'm just not fond of the structure it wants to use, but that's just me. If people enjoy it then power to them and blessings on the providers.

You never know what you'll end up liking.

This is very true.
623 wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
You never know what you'll end up liking.

This is very true.

This might work for both of you but stop with the "everybody do !" attitude.

We're all adult and some if not lot of us just know precisely what is to their liking because they are more of the fetish/anti-[...]-fetish type rather than "adventurer readers" or what.

Lot of people have venture on the drug path, must I try just because they did ? Hell no, I do what I really want too.

On a same note, lot of hentai readers have die-hard fetish/es or even what I would call anti-fetish/es (meaning : being turned off by some tropes). You aren't bound to have the same one/s as said readers but they also not bound to not have any, should you have no real fetish or anti-fetish.

By the way, I'm from the fetishists & anti-fetishists side so I share this view point :
SirDougles wrote...
Personally I don't care much for subscriptions to porn sites, not because of the "you can get it for free" argument, but more of the "it's like taxes" argument. You pay taxes, most of the time its the same amount each year. The taxes are to go towards government services. Some services you don't agree with, and you have no control over where your money goes. Same with subscriptions. You pay 13 bucks a month, but if you don't care much for a certain genre then a month filled with that genre is a wasted month to you.

It would be fairer to think of both types of readers agreeing/willing to remunerate hentai :
- those consummating any hentai or so, pleased with a maximum amount of any chapters/stories for periodical subscription fees
- those consummating precise hentai (anti-)fetish/es, pleased with choosing at convenience their purchases along individual fees
Fligger wrote...
623 wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
You never know what you'll end up liking.

This is very true.

This might work for both of you but stop with the "everybody do !" attitude.

We're all adult and some if not lot of us just know precisely what is to their liking because they are more of the fetish/anti-[...]-fetish type rather than "adventurer readers" or what.

Lot of people have venture on the drug path, must I try just because they did ? Hell no, I do what I really want too.

First off, yikes, I was just agreeing with Volaverunt. I wasn't saying you have to try it, I was just agreeing that it's possible for preferences to change. I used to be creeped out by loli, but now I read it. Dunno what happened, but it happened.

Fligger wrote...
On a same note, lot of hentai readers have die-hard fetish/es or even what I would call anti-fetish/es (meaning : being turned off by some tropes). You aren't bound to have the same one/s as said readers but they also not bound to not have any, should you have no real fetish or anti-fetish.

By the way, I'm from the fetishists & anti-fetishists side so I share this view point :
SirDougles wrote...
Personally I don't care much for subscriptions to porn sites, not because of the "you can get it for free" argument, but more of the "it's like taxes" argument. You pay taxes, most of the time its the same amount each year. The taxes are to go towards government services. Some services you don't agree with, and you have no control over where your money goes. Same with subscriptions. You pay 13 bucks a month, but if you don't care much for a certain genre then a month filled with that genre is a wasted month to you.

This is an okay point, but I doubt that there will be a month filled with a fetish you dislike considering they are publishing 2 magazines and it's not like they do "NTR" month or something. This problem will be even further lessened when Fakku adds more magazines like BEAST and Shitsurakuten.
There are months I dislike because too much of oppai or other stuffs, or lacking of drawings/style appealing to me or vanilla anal, etc.

Don't assume everybody would develop a (new) fetish just for the sake of "changing".

For example there are people who will never become fujoshis and fudanshis, etc. It's not being "homophobic", just that you're not bi-curious and all. It applies for any fetish.

People change over the time but each on his/her own. So remain the fact : to each, his/her own.
Fligger wrote...
There are months I dislike because too much of oppai or other stuffs, or lacking of drawing appealing to me or vanilla anal, etc.

Don't assume everybody would develop a (new) fetish just for the sake of "changing".

For example there are people who will never become fujoshis and fudanshis, etc. It's not being "homophobic", just that you're not bi-curious and all. It applies for any fetish.

People change over the time but each on his/her own. So remain the fact : to each, his/her own.

I'm not assuming they would, I was just agreeing with Volaverunt that it's a possibility, especially since it happened to me.
Even so I'm still in good to mention the impossibility, especially because :
623 wrote...
You never know what you'll end up liking.

... is not worded as a "possibility" but sort of a "certainty".
Fligger wrote...
Even so I'm still in good to mention the impossibility, especially because :
623 wrote...
You never know what you'll end up liking.

... is not worded as a "possibility" but sort of a "certainty".

lolol that's fair, buuut you could also end up liking nothing new.

Either way it's a matter of semantics and this conversation has become far too silly lol.
Fligger wrote...
There are months I dislike because too much of oppai or other stuffs, or lacking of drawings/style appealing to me or vanilla anal, etc.

Don't assume everybody would develop a (new) fetish just for the sake of "changing".

For example there are people who will never become fujoshis and fudanshis, etc. It's not being "homophobic", just that you're not bi-curious and all. It applies for any fetish.

People change over the time but each on his/her own. So remain the fact : to each, his/her own.

I'm not a big of incest or loli (they are two of my least liked fetishes) but I sure enjoyed Fue's Fella Pure (I even have a nice experience with it) and BeNantoka's loli works. As I said, you'll never know what you'll end up liking.
I assume the months you are refering to are the past times when Fakku uploaded free content (which was very limited to be honest) and the lack of uploads made it seem like only a type of content was the "flavor of the month" or something (maybe I'm wrong).
But now that they have the entire catalog and more new works being uploaded it will be very unlikely that the stuff you like will be overwhelmed by the stuff you don't like. It seems you don't like big boobs, vanilla anal or styles that don't appeal to you. I can assure you that these things are in the Wani catalog, but there are also lot of works that don't feature them.
But well, to each, his/her own. I can't force someone to like something in the end. But it won't hurt to venture into new things. Hentai related of course.
I think non-subscribers will get the short end of the stick. We may be getting free stuff, but in a very controlled fashion.

Then again, this is just a hypothesis.
The same content that Fakku gives/will give will also be available on other sites, but censored and not translated, so to say, pirated scans. It's not like everything will be lost or everything will be unreachable. And there will also be rips, leaks, etc.
Bladesaber Vanilla Enthusiast
To put it as bluntly as possible, Anything I wanted to read on Fakku, and could at one time but no longer, I have been able to find elsewhere. Now admittedly my tastes are pretty tame, usually only revolving around vanilla content, but even the harder stuff I've looked for has been on a myriad of other websites. My advice is find the authors you like, keep a document of their names, and if you can write down the works of theirs you like. It's been doing well for me thus far.
Volaverunt wrote...
I assume the months you are refering to are the past times when Fakku uploaded free content (which was very limited to be honest) and the lack of uploads made it seem like only a type of content was the "flavor of the month" or something (maybe I'm wrong).

There's a part of it.

Volaverunt wrote...
But now that they have the entire catalog and more new works being uploaded it will be very unlikely that the stuff you like will be overwhelmed by the stuff you don't like.

But I'm also/just picky with my hentai reading. You might say I prefer very precise tropes and I'm not quite near to change of fetishes (anal vanilla, vanilla romance, bishies, tomboys, etc) and anti-fetishes (big boobs, lactation, rape, pedophilia, incest with ascendents/descendents...). It would be like forcing me to stop eating meat or forcing me to eat fermented sea-shells.

Volaverunt wrote...
But well, to each, his/her own. I can't force someone to like something in the end. But it won't hurt to venture into new things. Hentai related of course.

When you like the chocolate and desire to eat some chocolate and nothing else, no need to taste everything all over the place. Would be pretty useless even if "it [wouldn't] hurt to venture into new things" :-|

That's why I wrote :
Fligger wrote...
It would be fairer to think of both types of readers agreeing/willing to remunerate hentai :
- those consummating any hentai or so, pleased with a maximum amount of any chapters/stories for periodical subscription fees
- those consummating precise hentai (anti-)fetish/es, pleased with choosing at convenience their purchases along individual fees

Bladesaber wrote...
To put it as bluntly as possible, Anything I wanted to read on Fakku, and could at one time but no longer, I have been able to find elsewhere. Now admittedly my tastes are pretty tame, usually only revolving around vanilla content, but even the harder stuff I've looked for has been on a myriad of other websites. My advice is find the authors you like, keep a document of their names, and if you can write down the works of theirs you like. It's been doing well for me thus far.

It's completely irrelevant to the present thread. We're discussing how to remunerate/buy hentai, not how to swing toward piracy or what.
YQII FAKKU Translator
It's been mentioned elsewhere, but we do want to look into the option of allowing you to purchase specific content as an alternative to subscribing to the entire library. However, that is something that would come at a later date, and it's too early to go into any details at this point (mostly because there aren't any).
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