What's in for non-subscribers?

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"Later date" sounds (almost) as if it would be "never"... 8{

Should I give you a piece of advice, it would work better / "faster" on the other way (individual purchase, then subscriptions) for "advertize" Fakku. Plus it would go hand in hand with the Fakku books in readers view point.

I guess you may release individual Wani contents (stories, chapters...) one by one, while putting some button to purchase said content, rather than dealing with how to take apart subscribers from non-subscribers and other deciding on some issues (accessing some content or not after subscription expiration, etc).

Just negotiate it with Wani, I'm positive it might even pay "more" than a wide subscription.
YQII FAKKU Translator
We've received a lot of feedback (much of which are things we were already planning on implementing), but everything takes time when you try to do it through the proper channels. Getting the service to the where it's current at has taken up most of our time the last few months, so finally being able to launch it is a huge relieve. We'll probably spend some more time tweaking it, but now we can finally start looking into other improvements—to the subscriptions and FAKKU in general.

The service isn't even a day old, so it's not possible to promise any major changes anytime soon, but I can reassure you that your suggestion isn't falling on deaf ears.
Volaverunt wrote...
The same content that Fakku gives/will give will also be available on other sites, but censored and not translated, so to say, pirated scans. It's not like everything will be lost or everything will be unreachable. And there will also be rips, leaks, etc.

Or on torrents a few days later, translated, uncensored and free like it should be.
Fligger wrote...
But I'm also/just picky with my hentai reading. You might say I prefer very precise tropes and I'm not quite near to change of fetishes (anal vanilla, vanilla romance, bishies, tomboys, etc) and anti-fetishes (big boobs, lactation, rape, pedophilia, incest with ascendents/descendents...). It would be like forcing me to stop eating meat or forcing me to eat fermented sea-shells.

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to force anything on you. I'm just saying that you should give a chance to other things. Maybe you don't like a fetish but perhaps you'd end up liking an artist who draws it. Who knows.

When you like the chocolate and desire to eat some chocolate and nothing else, no need to taste everything all over the place. Would be pretty useless even if "it [wouldn't] hurt to venture into new things" :-|

That's why I wrote :
Fligger wrote...
It would be fairer to think of both types of readers agreeing/willing to remunerate hentai :
- those consummating any hentai or so, pleased with a maximum amount of any chapters/stories for periodical subscription fees
- those consummating precise hentai (anti-)fetish/es, pleased with choosing at convenience their purchases along individual fees

Well, I get your point.
Though anyone can get tired of only chocolate for a month.

GigaSetsuna wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
The same content that Fakku gives/will give will also be available on other sites, but censored and not translated, so to say, pirated scans. It's not like everything will be lost or everything will be unreachable. And there will also be rips, leaks, etc.

Or on torrents a few days later, translated, uncensored and free like it should be.

That's why I mentioned rips, leaks, etc.
GigaSetsuna wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
The same content that Fakku gives/will give will also be available on other sites, but censored and not translated, so to say, pirated scans. It's not like everything will be lost or everything will be unreachable. And there will also be rips, leaks, etc.

Or on torrents a few days later, translated, uncensored and free like it should be.

I really don't get this mentality. Should food be free? Should rent be free? Should your computer be free? Like, what happened to you to make you so entitled?
Volaverunt wrote...
Though anyone can get tired of only chocolate for a month.

Don't get me wrong : ish prefer MEAT *ç*

Well there are things John Doe can get tired of, and some they'll never. There are things John Doe can bear, and some they'll never.

Me linking this or that artist piece of work does not equal liking everything from head to toe about said artist. I would say it would be no more linking but just blind fanbeing -- fine for those who are : they're just them and I'm just me. I don't mind/care how others like their hentai and I expect no more than keeping liking as I wish.

The main point is : there just exist different consumer types (refer to my previous posts) so needless to try convincing them into consuming otherwise, as long as they're harming no one.
Fligger wrote...
John Doe

Forum Image: http://www.michael-hyatt.com/photography/photo_images/prints/bandX/bandX_JohnDoe_LA_1983_copyright.jpg
animefreak_usa wrote...
Fligger wrote...
John Doe

Forum Image: http://www.michael-hyatt.com/photography/photo_images/prints/bandX/bandX_JohnDoe_LA_1983_copyright.jpg

I don't even know that dude... :-|
SirDougles Minister of Shitposts
623 wrote...
I really don't get this mentality. Should food be free? Should rent be free? Should your computer be free? Like, what happened to you to make you so entitled?


YQII wrote...
It's been mentioned elsewhere, but we do want to look into the option of allowing you to purchase specific content as an alternative to subscribing to the entire library. However, that is something that would come at a later date, and it's too early to go into any details at this point (mostly because there aren't any).

I know you guys will come up with something. I'm glad that you are vocal and active and will even listen to suggestions. I personally believe in possibly narrowing the subscription service. Currently it's a set price for the entire library. What if it was a similar price, but you instead subscribed to a tag (much like you have now with personal profile favorites) and so you only could access new content with that tag. Or maybe subscribe to an author, or a specific magazine. I'm just spit balling this and I don't expect answers right away, this shit takes time, but I just thought I would throw a suggestion or two out there.
Rather than complicate the newborn subscription fee system, Jacob is OK to put up a purchase system where you just pay for the sole manga/chapter you want to read.

As for paying the same price but only for a tag (content tags, artist tags, series tags...), that is just a drag for web developpers and of no use for the reader. You might as well pay the "normal" subscription fee and keep searching your favorite tags on your own. It is less complicated for everyone.
623 wrote...
GigaSetsuna wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
The same content that Fakku gives/will give will also be available on other sites, but censored and not translated, so to say, pirated scans. It's not like everything will be lost or everything will be unreachable. And there will also be rips, leaks, etc.

Or on torrents a few days later, translated, uncensored and free like it should be.

I really don't get this mentality. Should food be free? Should rent be free? Should your computer be free? Like, what happened to you to make you so entitled?

It's baffling to me too. And it's not like I never pirated stuff either. But never did I feel like I was entitled to it, I was at least honest with myself.
SirDougles wrote...
I know you guys will come up with something. I'm glad that you are vocal and active and will even listen to suggestions. I personally believe in possibly narrowing the subscription service. Currently it's a set price for the entire library. What if it was a similar price, but you instead subscribed to a tag (much like you have now with personal profile favorites) and so you only could access new content with that tag. Or maybe subscribe to an author, or a specific magazine. I'm just spit balling this and I don't expect answers right away, this shit takes time, but I just thought I would throw a suggestion or two out there.

Sorry but that doesn't seem like a very smart idea.
Volaverunt wrote...
SirDougles wrote...
I know you guys will come up with something. I'm glad that you are vocal and active and will even listen to suggestions. I personally believe in possibly narrowing the subscription service. Currently it's a set price for the entire library. What if it was a similar price, but you instead subscribed to a tag (much like you have now with personal profile favorites) and so you only could access new content with that tag. Or maybe subscribe to an author, or a specific magazine. I'm just spit balling this and I don't expect answers right away, this shit takes time, but I just thought I would throw a suggestion or two out there.

Sorry but that doesn't seem like a very smart idea.

Not to mention that every chapter has many tags, depending on how specific you want to get. How would you categorize such a thing? I think the way they're doing it is best, one price gets you everything.

Yay ! Two trolls in my net again :D

Ah la la... Saying things that displease bawling lurkers sure is amusing ^^
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