Unlimited Goodbye Works.

Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
To clear up any confusion you may have before reading this post, I want to summarize the following up here: It's been fun, but it's time for me to move on and leave FAKKU. I'd be grateful that you read the rest of the post before commenting.

You know, I had this really long goodbye post typed up and ready to go... but then I deleted it. I'm really not a man of many words as you all probably know by now, and it doesn't sit right with me to make such a long speech over my departure. So I'll touch on a few things. This place has come far in the last almost three years. It's become a really great place for almost anything hentai-related. And you guys should be proud, because it's all thanks to you. Not us admin folk, as most of you might assume. It's you guys that keep this place running. You contribute way more than you think. I've done a lot of things to make this site a better place to visit... too many for me to list; and I hope those things stick around. What it all boils down to though, is that you are all awesome and I'll miss you all. We've had some real good times, but now they have to come to an end. I don't have any answers for where things will go from here, nor will I answer any questions on my decision. As of this post, I am no longer a FAKKU Admin. There are times when you have to step down and move on, and for me that time has come. So don't be sad or anything over my departure.

I wish you all the very best.

- Nikon

Summary: I am Archer. FAKKU is Rin. There comes a time when Archer and Rin have to part, and that time has come for me.
Nikon you have been an amazing admin for the past two years and an awesome friend (which you will continue to be). You were the first person to join me as an administrator and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. You deserve a lot of credit for what FAKKU is today. Everyone has to move on at different points in their lives, yours is obviously now. I wish you the best of luck for the future.

I may be a newbie to most of u, but i can agree with every1 and say great job in being an admin Nikon! hope u will prosper later in life, we will all miss u! XD
Goodbye Nikon and good luck with your futher man. *shakes Nikon hand*
goodbye nikon! i'll miss you. dont forget about us!
goodbye and godspeed!
well man i can only thank you for everything that you did for Fakku(us) and wish you GOOD LUCK whatever you have decided to do next...
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/24820-9QOKWAB.jpg

Best of luck to ya man.
The best of luck to you and thank you
Goodbye Nikon! May you depart in an epic explosion of awesome!
Tch, I only remember having a couple short conversations with you before, yet overall, you seemed like a pretty awesome guy. It is a pity to see you leave.

I hope that you have fun with whatever it is you plan to do.
I've been with FAKKU since it was founded by Jacob, though due to shitty internet service at the time, I was unable to register as a user(long story, not going to go into it here). I know as well as anyone the amount of work Nikon has put into this community to help it along to what it is today, and I salute him for his time and effort spent here online and offline. I don't know you personally in any way shape or form, but It's been real Nikon. Maybe when you get the chance you can hop online and visit for a while? I don't think anyone's going to be deleting your user account the moment you leave or anything. Anyway, see you space cowboy.

Oh, and ~desu to you.
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/53031-Y79EJWO.jpg
[size=0]fgdfgd fdgdfg dfgdfg[/h]
(`-´)> i salute to u Nikon, we probably said a thing or two during my time here
everyone here at Fakku will miss u along with all those we lost this year
Hopefully ur'll come back sometime, maybe not this year or the next, just when u feel like it
お(^o^)や(^O^)す(^。^)みぃ(^-^)ノ゙ Good Bye and luck with wat ur heading for
also MR BADASS (凸ಠ益ಠ)ノ~┻━┻ gives his condolences
Later Nikon... it's sad to see you're leaving but I guess everyone has their time, though I never had the chance to talk with you or get to know you your contributions to Fakku and its community will not go unappreciated.

Thanks Nikon, you will be missed. Peace and Love!

Gambler wrote...
Lesson Learned: Once a member of Fakku, Always a member of Fakku. :eng101:
Have a good time dude, you were a great admin and had some really amazing posts in your time here. :3 I hope the best for you.
I'm shocked because it's so sudden, but everything must come to an end. Not only have you provided top tier editing, but you're also a super nice guy and I'm really glad to have met you. I hope you do well in your life, and I'll definatly keep in contact with you, be it on MSN or at the end of a rifle on Halo.

Forum Image: http://i33.tinypic.com/o0pezr.jpg
Oh wow, didn't expect that kind of news today. Sad to see you go.
Goodbye and best of luck
O_O......wow i didnt expect this to happen, u were a good mod on fakku......well anyway.....goodbye and gudluck