Unlimited Goodbye Works.

Farewell Nikon T.T

Wait, this isn't really goodbye. . . is it?
You'll still be around FAKKU's forums won't ya?
I always hoped that Archer would return to Rin. It's not much of a happy ending... So sad T.T :\ What happened to his independent action ability? :)
THANK YOU NIKON....and.... FARWELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shadow redCoMet Staff
I am sure we will all miss you Nikon. All your hard work and effort that you put into the site will never be forgotten and will only continue to improve. I wish you luck for the future.
Nikon, you've been an awesome admin. One of the best I've seen on the Internet. It's sad to see you leave, but as you said, one must always move on in his life. Regarding your life ahead, I wish you the best of luck. :D
Nikon, you're a fucking bro if I ever knew one. Good luck with whatever the future holds for you, man.
in your honor *bows*

Forum Image: http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/7979/kuroganespecialct8.png
Thank you so much for your hard work Nikon
Farewell and goodluck ^^
Goodbye Nikon its been a great ride the best of luck to you and your future prospects.
Here I am, with only a handful of posts to my name, yet I feel compelled to say goodbye. I've lurked here for a long time, and seen first hand all the great work you've done for all of us here. Fakku! really is what it is today because of the effort you invested into it.

Success leads into more success, effort into reward, and change into greater horizons. If you put in even half the effort you put in here, you'll be amazing at whatever you're going off to do. I'm sure of it.

Not that I have any right to say things like that, yet I still felt compelled. So then...


Thanks for all you've done Nikon.


Well, Nikon. I guess everyone has to do their own things now and again.

Come back when you can.Forum Image: http://doulifee.com//Storage/aceatt/Gyakutenprosecutor/ani-godot-forward.gif
Good luck to you Nikon on your new journeys, and it'll be a farwell for now.
Good bye dude! Best wishes at whatever you move on to and feel free to come back to say hello!
its not the end of fakku right? ('course not) i remembered when i first stumbled on this site while looking for the early athena and friends hentai about 2 years ago when this site was still young.. (and what a treasure chest i stumbled upon on)
you developed this site well and im sure the rest of the admin will keep it that way unless better.

hey good luck Nikon. hope you still comeback and visit from time to time, im sure you would.. (and give us those fap-fap-fapping updates!)
xD Good luck man, thanks for all the hard work and YOU BETTER COME BACK AND CHECK UP ON US xD

You WILL be missed~
Good Bye. I hope your life is filled with riches and goodness! or Greed and badness if that is what you desire instead. And please, do come back anytime.
good bye and good luck, just remember to drop by and say hi sometimes.

you will be missed.

i feel sad. :/
I don't post often but I had to say-

Thanks for everything and good luck in your future endeavors and in life in general, we all thank you for your work.