[Locked] WHAT DOES I DO!?

This seems totally legit. How do I respond to this attractive and obviously real woman?

Just a warning, with you being a FAKKU admin, you might want to keep it at the back of your head this could be some elaborate malicious joke.

Otherwise why not try to get to know her?
Hmm...I'm surprised Gmail's awesome Spam Filter actually let that one go through. What was the subject?

Jacob wrote...
This seems totally legit. How do I respond to this attractive and obviously real woman?

lol the sarcasm. :lol:
smells like a scam to me...
Do you have any 2d sisters? 8)
well first you can start by saying you like her personality and her out look on her future, something along those lines. also that you seem intersted and u should see where it goes from there
Jacob wrote...
This seems totally legit. How do I respond to this attractive and obviously real woman?

*sarcasm not included*
I love the smell of sarcasm early in the morning...
Inform her of your love for the USSR, but that under the current circumstances you must leave her for you have battle to do in warm land of known as to me that is not where you from is.

Wishes luck best you~

lol... I like how they even try and make it look like shes really "Russian" by giving her bad grammer/syntax.


Email her back posing as Nigerian royalty.
I don't know if this helps, but the addresses on yahoo accounts can't have spaces in them last i knew. So for one, it's probably a scam. Secondly, I don't trust anything that's engrish in such a way as this one. So, check and see if the message has any other addresses it was sent to. If you find anything weird, just spam evil comments!
Some of you gentlemen need to learn for to sarcasm.

Protip: she has a penis.
act as if your a woman and say that you aren't into that kind've thing
If it were me? I would reply with my social security number, bank account # with PIN, and all of my credit card numbers just to show that I trust her. But that's just me though.. :roll:
Tell her about fakku, i'm sure she will love it. :wink:
Send her a Hen-Tie T-shirt.
Be polite and honest(If you can).
Curtle wrote...
Send her a Hen-Tie T-shirt.

Ahahahaha this is probably the best answer so far.

Though this one was a close second:

MidgarKonotsu wrote...
Email her back posing as Nigerian royalty.

And as for all of these..

HaKyouzu wrote...
Just a warning, with you being a FAKKU admin, you might want to keep it at the back of your head this could be some elaborate malicious joke.

Otherwise why not try to get to know her?
jrrockz wrote...
well first you can start by saying you like her personality and her out look on her future, something along those lines. also that you seem intersted and u should see where it goes from there
astarothe wrote...
I don't know if this helps, but the addresses on yahoo accounts can't have spaces in them last i knew. So for one, it's probably a scam. Secondly, I don't trust anything that's engrish in such a way as this one. So, check and see if the message has any other addresses it was sent to. If you find anything weird, just spam evil comments!
kataomoi wrote...
If it were me? I would reply with my social security number, bank account # with PIN, and all of my credit card numbers just to show that I trust her. But that's just me though.. :roll:
Callonia wrote...
I don't think she's interested in anime. First of all, Russia. There's a high chance she wants to get past the immigration by marrying an american once the said american is married after some legal processes she divorces the idiot and strikes out on her own on american soil.

I have lack of trust.

That or it's just other Junk mail. I should mention that i get alot of fake singles mail too.

I don't think she's interested in anime. First of all, Russia. There's a high chance she wants to get past the immigration by marrying an american once the said american is married after some legal processes she divorces the idiot and strikes out on her own on american soil.

I have lack of trust.

That or it's just other Junk mail. I should mention that i get alot of fake singles mail too.
Ok if you really wanna go and do this ask for more info about her if you can't git any thing back well you know you fucked up.
Monster Girl
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