[Locked] WHAT DOES I DO!?

ROFL man thanks I need a good joke for the day
Reply with " im a lonly serial killer with a fetish for intestines and a car that runs on the blood of cuban children." Then tell her that your god and will smite her for her rediculous antix of getting out of russia. Either that or tell her she's looks an awful lot like Adolf Hitler.
ZeroOBK wrote...
Nice to see that some people still can't detect the sarcasm.

You noticed too, eh?
._. maybe if people read the first page they wouldn't make the same mistake. And wow, one user asks for his hentai update. Ridiculous... amost.
Jacob, don't do it. How could face any 2D if you go with her?
What you do is you email her back asking saying something along the lines of

" OHHH Hey There
I'm Jacob the Prince of Fakkudom which is a little country just south of Nigeria, maybe you've got an email from the Prince there too.
Anyhow, Id love to be a caring man for you only here in Fakkudom we dont believe in Planes to fly places there too inefficient! God damned pollution. We are currently in the process of making the technology to make Mobile Suit Gundams which will allows us to do some COOL shit. Anyway the only problem is we dont have the funding for the last step of developement and its kinda our only transport option now(we sold all our vehicles for hentai ohh and btw FYI sooo worth it!!) so if you send me your life savings I can fly over there and be your prince. Sound Good?
Anyway email me back.

P.S heres my pic, dont get too excited now;)"
Forum Image: http://i43.tinypic.com/10e4xs7.jpg

That'll get you the girl my friend
Kurai1321 Nobody Important
Its to bad that if its a scam you might not be able to reply back anyway:(
no girls on the internet so its obvious this guy wants your anus/money
more surprised that in the few hrs this has been up, this thread has gotten to 8 pages
Kurai1321 Nobody Important
seen worse..
depends on the level of spam from people.....
i guess the level here are low since majority are busy fapping.
i wont know though
well jacob u shud give tat girl a 'SERIOUS' reply and take a 'REAL' picture of urself and send it to her/him/it.( the above picture will do juz fine)
actualy :idea: u can yust delete that xD, why do u need to think anyway
my brains hurt see`ng lot of reply`s :?:
All 8 pages are serious business and don't seem to know sarcasm.

lol, kidding.
Okay... Seriously? I know foreign girls are supposed to have butchered english, but I've talked to enough of them to know their english isn't that bad.
Don't say anything bad :D
Fight spam with spam! Send them an email from another spam mail or a link to a website with drive-by viruses.
a Russian girl writing a letter that well in english!!! and they way it is written seems like a bot sent it i would disregard it OR send a reply on a different computer with a new account so make sure you dont get a virus
Forum Image: http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr47/kajunbowser/Anime%20Pics/2243171640103319808S600x600Q85.jpg

Roll on the side of caution, Jacob. Like others have said, "do a barrel roll," lol. Me, I'd stay away for safety's sake but...

Forum Image: http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr47/kajunbowser/Anime%20Pics/chance.jpg
holy shit. she looks exactly like one of my friend except with the hair color. the smile and face are exactly alike.
First it amaze me how fast this topic dicussion growing, 8 page in a few hrs :shock: . Second I really wonder how many ppl can detect our Fakku Admin sense of sarcasm. And Third I like the idea of scam the scammer :D , so one more vote for the Nigerian prince thing
She falls as a ordinary woman in my standards. Well, take your chances Jacob and hopefully get laid or so~
Monster Girl
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