FAKKU Writers' Lounge

Peaceful and quite is a silent murderer.
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Peaceful and quite is a silent murderer.

I prefer it when the lounge is full of life though ^^ One reason I keep coming back.
Find_Vega wrote...
Its not that big. There are many servers that people log onto... its complicated, I guess. Think of it as one big MMO, but instead of questing and dungeon crawlin, you socialize and stuff. You can even buy a house in there.

Wah I don't think I can really fit with the complicated system xD


Well I mean peaceful and quiet like the current pace, I kind of get uncomfortable when things got too crowded =D
high_time wrote...
Find_Vega wrote...
Its not that big. There are many servers that people log onto... its complicated, I guess. Think of it as one big MMO, but instead of questing and dungeon crawlin, you socialize and stuff. You can even buy a house in there.

Wah I don't think I can really fit with the complicated system xD


Well I mean peaceful and quiet like the current pace, I kind of get uncomfortable when things got too crowded =D

Its simpler than I can explain it ^^
I suppose I simply prefer a more crowded and lively place. But that's just me. To each their own.

Also, I think one of winners will surprise you all. You don't realize the greatness easily. e_e
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Also, I think one of winners will surprise you all. You don't realize the greatness easily. e_e

Oh my, I can't wait to see ^^
Yeah. His entry basically made me go....

Mind = Blown
Find_Vega wrote...
Its simpler than I can explain it ^^

Hmm....still I think I wanna stick on being active on fewer places tho =D

Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Also, I think one of winners will surprise you all. You don't realize the greatness easily. e_e

I already expect one of those to be a relatively unknown name, no sweat~
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Yeah. His entry basically made me go....

Mind = Blown

I love those moments. I do remember reading one of my friends stories about these creatures in a tournament style battle... >.> though, near the end, I realized that it was a fanfiction of pokemon XD

High_Time wrote...
Hmm....still I think I wanna stick on being active on fewer places tho =D

I can respect that.
Then what is your reason to invite more people into this place?

Active = crowded/lively

No matter how you fight it, that's the only leap this place can possibly take from my view. Because when it's usual visitors are all posting and online at the same time; it's in the level that you seem to desire.
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Then what is your reason to invite more people into this place?

Active = crowded/lively

No matter how you fight it, that's the only leap this place can possibly take from my view. Because when it's usual visitors are all posting and online at the same time; it's in the level that you seem to desire.

No no, it was just my explanation of the place. I retired from that place after a certain point, and I don't plan on going back ever. It lacked what the lounge has filled in, and I'm glad to be here... So when I see it thrive with activity, its a nice feeling. I really don't want this place to die off, ever.
Well I can live at really lively place as long the pace of the conversation isn't too fast for me to follow through. But if that's the case I'll usually lurk around~

My definition of peaceful and quiet is not really the same as being completely dead, it's just at the point we can have relaxed conversations with a follow-able pace


For what reason? I just wanna see how I can change things, that's all~

Forum Image: http://www.rockypatterson.com/DUMBING/LookAlikeBush.jpg



Okay time for my class, later then gaiz
I hope I'm not being too sentimental? I've grown fond of this place
That's okay. I'm not saying that this should die.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
Xenon wrote...
The greatest parody in the history of literature:

Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal

”I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled ...”

The way Swift writes is like how Leonard267 writes. Long sentences that leave the reader wondering what the bloody hell the writer is trying to suggest. And boy, I am going to annoy everyone by writing like him.
Fun fact : Jonathan Swift pioneered a way to slice up babies for the community~

And then I thought I was the first one thinking that slicing up babies might be fun

Fun stuff : Sigmund Freud coined the stuff that you once know as those Hentai cliches / stereotypes far before the Japanese did

Let's hail him as the Godfather of Hentai, for more info read his book Interpretation of Dreams
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
Ahh... Slicing babies. The Chinese tried that whenever there is a despot running the country during a period of drought, famine and war.

And I swear, Sigmund Freud must be Japanese.
So Chinese is the actual pioneer of slicing babies, and Jonathan Swift popularize it~

I think Freud's actually a Jewish in addition of Japan enthusiast~
Monster Girl
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