Feminism is a movement of equality and tolerance :)

Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
Shikinokami wrote...
tl;dr: 3 year old forced trap.

I kind of wonder if Lucifer would be considered a legit name in my country (yeah there is limitations here to avoid kids to be harassed at school).

One other question I'd ask is what those kind of feminist (tumblrite mostly) would think about futanari.
Clean privilege guys


Showering and not reeking of shit = clean privilege.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Threads are getting buggy these days.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Well, some parts of the world don't get the "privilege" of being more hygienic. Which correlates to shittier overall health.
About as tolerant as any fascist regime, I'd say. But notably less competent, mind you.
You don't worry about tomorrow anymore, cause you're dead.
Or does anything still echo? Is there any trace left?
Well, I know she still remembers, she sleeps with your picture by her bed.
They shaved your face and they washed your hair clean,
You were wearing the jacket that I met you in.

Well, how could I not have guessed?
She would fall in love with the first boy she kissed in a casket?
God damn it.
God damn, I miss my dead friend.

We buried your body into the hard Oklahoma ground.
John Paul Allison, the orphan boy Pope.
Now she waits for you to haunt her,
She sleeps with your ghost at night in bed.
When you died, you were only twenty-six,
The most real person that I've ever met.

Well, how could I not have guessed?
She would fall in love with the first boy she kissed in a casket?
God damn it.
God damn, I miss my dead friend.

Your cold dead hands, your cold dead lips,
Your cold dead heart, your cold dead kiss.

Well, how could I not have guessed?
She would fall in love with the first boy she kissed in a casket?
God damn it.
God damn, I miss my dead friend.
cruz737 wrote...
Well, some parts of the world don't get the "privilege" of being more hygienic. Which correlates to shittier overall health.

Yes, but in first world countries, even second world countries (even third world countries sometimes) Bathing is a thing. Regardless of what people don't have access to in third world countries, it's just an excuse to be lazy, and smell. There is no need to refuse to shower, it's not doing anybody any good, it's not showing anybody anything (aside from how gross you are), it's not proving any points. Refusing to shower isn't going to magically help the third world countries get water to bathe in, it's not going to do anything for them. Even if it's for that in some way or form (which it's not) it's really doing nothing for anybody.
The only minor excuse I could think of that somebody could have an excuse to not shower, is if they had a phobia of water. Even then, they'd be able to keep fresh, and even then they'd be struggling with a lot more than their hygiene
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Drifter995 wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Well, some parts of the world don't get the "privilege" of being more hygienic. Which correlates to shittier overall health.

Yes, but in first world countries

Then your point is irrelevant to mine. I don't care about your ranting about other lunatics.
cruz737 wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Well, some parts of the world don't get the "privilege" of being more hygienic. Which correlates to shittier overall health.

Yes, but in first world countries

Then your point is irrelevant to mine. I don't care about your ranting about other lunatics.

Except it's not. Have another read.
Damn people, 9 pages...
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Drifter995 wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Well, some parts of the world don't get the "privilege" of being more hygienic. Which correlates to shittier overall health.

Yes, but in first world countries

Then your point is irrelevant to mine. I don't care about your ranting about other lunatics.

Except it's not. Have another read.

Except it is, you're ranting about people refusing to do something because they're lunatics who need to outdue themselves in the oppressed snowflake Olympics. I basically said that there is real forms of disparity, just not in the way these people claim it is.

There's actually people out there who don't get regular access, or any access to showers or clean water to bathe in.(the horror stories of strange parasitic creatures who grow up to be several inches long and literally eat through people are very real in shit hole countries) Saying things like, "Regardless of what people don't have access to in third world countries, it's just an excuse to be lazy, and smell" just makes me think even less of you and shows me that you're missing the point of my post.
Odamust wrote...
Damn people, 9 pages...

Feminism is a very cereal business, at least according to some feminist.
cruz737 wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Well, some parts of the world don't get the "privilege" of being more hygienic. Which correlates to shittier overall health.

Yes, but in first world countries

Then your point is irrelevant to mine. I don't care about your ranting about other lunatics.

Except it's not. Have another read.

Except it is, you're ranting about people refusing to do something because they're lunatics who need to outdue themselves in the oppressed snowflake Olympics. I basically said that there is real forms of disparity, just not in the way these people claim it is.

There's actually people out there who don't get regular access, or any access to showers or clean water to bathe in.(the horror stories of strange parasitic creatures who grow up to be several inches long and literally eat through people are very real in shit hole countries) Saying things like, "Regardless of what people don't have access to in third world countries, it's just an excuse to be lazy, and smell" just makes me think even less of you and shows me that you're missing the point of my post.

I'm well aware there is people in other countries suffering, but if that's the case, your post had no merit and is doing nothing constructive. It's been a well known fact for a long time. What's going to help it? Probably donating to funds that aren't sketchy (which is pretty rare it seems) that will help get clean water and shit to them. What won't help them? Bringing it up in reference to some little shit on tumblr refusing to bathe to be a stubborn cunt. There is literally no reason to bring it up and try to justify that tumblr 'movement' by saying there are acrually people out there suffering. No shit there are. This obviously wasn't made for them, it was made for that person, as I said.

To reiterate: this tumblr wasn't made with third worlders who have no access to water in mind, it's obviously not an effort to help bring their struggles to light. Yes people are out there who don't bathe due to a lack of water.

Regardless, you are right about their struggles, but how do you help? Making people more aware does very little. Those who will do something already know and are doing something.

Also, it seems you took me out of context or read my post wrong; I said the people in first world countries refusing to bathe are being lazy and using it as an excuse to not bathe. I'm not saying the third worlders are doing that. If you really thought I said that, you are seriously stupid. Even if the wording is slightly off, that's retarded for anybody to think.
Also, you seem to be under the impression I care about how much you think of me. Mate.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Drifter995 wrote...


Again, you're bitching about tumblr snowflakes(which again is far from my point). I don't need to repeat myself again.

Drifter995 wrote...

Bringing it up in reference to some little shit on tumblr refusing to bathe to be a stubborn cunt. There is literally no reason to bring it up

The levels of irony here are amazing. Especially when I didn't mention them or tried to justify tumblr moaning.

Drifter995 wrote...

Making people more aware does very little

Neither does ranting about idiots on the internet. Are you implying my initial post was one that was meant to spread awareness?

Drifter995 wrote...
Also, it seems you took me out of context or read my post wrong; I said the people in first world countries refusing

Drifter995 wrote...
Yes, but in first world countries, even second world countries (even third world countries sometimes) Bathing is a thing. Regardless of what people don't have access to in third world countries, it's just an excuse to be lazy, and smell.

3 different groups in first statement, including the group you said you didn't mention. In your second statement you're literally saying that people in 3rd world countries are making excuses.

Holy fuck, how can you be that retarded? If it is an error, at least own up to it completely instead of trying to blame me for your massive incompetence.
cruz737 wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...


Again, you're bitching about tumblr snowflakes(which again is far from my point). I don't need to repeat myself again.

Drifter995 wrote...

Bringing it up in reference to some little shit on tumblr refusing to bathe to be a stubborn cunt. There is literally no reason to bring it up

The levels of irony here are amazing. Especially when I didn't mention them or tried to justify tumblr moaning.

Drifter995 wrote...

Making people more aware does very little

Neither does ranting about idiots on the internet. Are you implying my initial post was one that was meant to spread awareness?

Drifter995 wrote...
Also, it seems you took me out of context or read my post wrong; I said the people in first world countries refusing

Drifter995 wrote...
Yes, but in first world countries, even second world countries (even third world countries sometimes) Bathing is a thing. Regardless of what people don't have access to in third world countries, it's just an excuse to be lazy, and smell.

3 different groups in first statement, including the group you said you didn't mention. In your second statement you're literally saying that people in 3rd world countries are making excuses.

Holy fuck, how can you be that retarded? If it is an error, at least own up to it completely instead of trying to blame me for your massive incompetence.

I'm on my phone so I can't be arsed splitting it up. Waaay too much effort to do, so dot points is the go


-No. Why did you bring it up then?

-Again, why post it then?

-I'm literally not. Allow me to spell out what you are taking so far out of context that you are crying externally; Regardless of what happens in third world countries, (this means, it doesn't matter what happens to the less fortunate, to clear that up) it's just an excuse to be lazy and smell (it's just an excuse for the fortunate to ve lazy and smell.)
The first three groups bit was saying bathing is a thing meaning there is no excuse for not bathing in a first or second world country which you are clearly responding to
Again, don't take it out of context and you'll be fine. As said,the wording was a little off, but it's still fine. If anybody here is the retard, it's you for missreading/ interpreting something so goddamn straight foward.

Get your feeling our if your ass and read things properly.
Tell me again about inconsistencies in my two posts wwhich don't exist. If you're clutching at straws to try and make you bringing up that in reference to tumblr snowflakes, it's about as effective at making your point relevant as a box of dick flavoured cornflakes is to great dingo raid of the early 00s

And no, my post in not irrelevant. It was in regards to yours about the snowflakes, so no irony that I can see

Also, no, I'm not neg repping you. I'm just sitting here trying to get reception to reply
Let's go for ten!
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Drifter995 wrote...

I'm on my phone so I can't be arsed splitting it up. Waaay too much effort to do, so dot points is the go


-No. Why did you bring it up then?

-Again, why post it then?

I didn't bring it up. My initial post was just saying, "hey this things kinda does exist but in a completely different form". Also again, if you're going to insist that's me advocating/campaigning/championing a cause, you're going to have to explain why. It was nothing more than acknowledging of a fact.

Drifter995 wrote...

-I'm literally not. Allow me to spell out what you are taking so far out of context that you are crying externally; Regardless of what happens in third world countries, (this means, it doesn't matter what happens to the less fortunate, to clear that up) it's just an excuse to be lazy and smell (it's just an excuse for the fortunate to ve lazy and smell.)

You talked about 3 groups and then one explicitly. There is no taking anything out of context if you didn't convey your message properly.

Drifter995 wrote...

The first three groups bit was saying bathing is a thing meaning there is no excuse for not bathing in a first or second world country which you are clearly responding to

1.You mentioned 3rd world countries too.
2. You said bathing was a thing in those 3 groups, that again doesn't automatically mean it's accessible in all. Only an idiot would believe that everyone in 1st and 2nd world countries have every single thing they need available to them. Those 2 are not directly related.
The US despite being a "1st world country" has a pretty big homeless population and unfortunately there's a big with mental illnesses/issues. I don't think anyone rational would tell them there's not reason for them not to be bathed/hygenic because they live in a 1st world country.(inb4 that's not my point because it is.)

Drifter995 wrote...

interpreting something so goddamn straight foward.
Also, no, I'm not neg repping you. I'm just sitting here trying to get reception to reply

I'm not going to assume you're not retarded, if that's what you're asking from me. You made a blatant mistake and then you try to rationalize it as something even stupider.

Also I don't care about -reps. No one should be egotistical enough to get worked over an anonymous disapproval.
Are we still talking about feminism?
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Coconutt wrote...
Are we still talking about feminism?


Despite it being filled with lunatics, you'll eventually find some form of dissenting opinions there.
Forum Image: https://38.media.tumblr.com/aadf1e3751aa3d35c200c5db9bf20ae2/tumblr_n9glh0r1DR1rdwac3o1_400.jpg
Forum Image: https://38.media.tumblr.com/67e854573321d247240b695fba16af04/tumblr_n9glh0r1DR1rdwac3o2_1280.jpg
Forum Image: https://31.media.tumblr.com/44034780c2b5032dd964b0816eaa3442/tumblr_n9glh0r1DR1rdwac3o3_500.jpg
Forum Image: https://31.media.tumblr.com/6799f1462a9f322eb59089c428e9e7d5/tumblr_n9glh0r1DR1rdwac3o4_1280.jpg
Forum Image: https://38.media.tumblr.com/3ae6b77c951486e087256a2d33bc54ac/tumblr_n9glh0r1DR1rdwac3o5_1280.jpg
Forum Image: https://31.media.tumblr.com/cb439ab2c18c0b086af2ec1cdaef5a1b/tumblr_n9glh0r1DR1rdwac3o6_500.jpg

There's other stuff I could probably link/post provided I find the sources for the research.
Monster Girl
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