[Locked] Should I do poetry or books?

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Should I do books or poetry - help me decide!

Total Votes : 5
cruz737 wrote...
I'm saying your writing is horrible, and if you asked for some honest feedback on the threads your promoting, I'd gladly give it to you(if you actually ask for criticism and opinions rather than fishing for complements).

Although if you act this vehemently to any sort of negative response to your "oh so great writing" then you shouldn't be promoting any of your works, anywhere.

Also I don't need to write anything to prove anything to anyone.

First - You say it's horrible but each poem was written in 5 minutes or less - what did you expect?

Second - You say you're better but expect me to believe it without proof? You're right, you don't have to prove it, but good luck if you want me to believe you without doing so.

Third - All I've seen so far is flaming. Not one bit of 'constructive' criticism. That's probably because this topic is IB but those links in the opening post lead to the topics which are not and have never once been in IB.

Fourth - If someone did nothing but flame your work without looking at the amount of time it took you per piece, and then called it trash repeatedly, wouldn't you be a little pissed off?

Fifth - If you have honest feedback or constructive criticism to give I'll be glad to hear it and open minded as long as it has a purpose other than to demean my work without just cause.

With that, I report this topic for lock.
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
Forum Image: http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/5161/exorcistoj.jpg

I cant tell if that was intended or not but it failed to get the message across lol
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Reserving this post for edit before the lock because op is a coward.

1. You never specified this when you made your thread. Even so, it's still poorly written, and if you wanted anyone to take it seriously you should have posted a piece of work you felt you had more time to work with. Making up excuses and then complaining about any backlash makes me think you're an underage child with some superiority complex. Pro tip. Mellow out.

2. I never claimed to better than you. If I did, point out where. Otherwise you're just projecting your butthurt.

3. You never asked for constructive criticism in this thread or the links provided. Re-read my previous response.
At this point I'm guessing English isn't your first language.

4. I would act like mature adult. You clearly aren't.

5. Edit your fucking post then like I told you to, rather than complain like a child.

Tirayuki wrote...

Coward? How so lol? Because I want to lock a thread that is utterly ridiculous that I created for the sole purpose of advertisement in the first place?

You need to get out more.

Then don't request a lock because people didn't praise your poorly written poems and stories. Yes, requesting a lock is completely cowardly.
cruz737 wrote...
Reserving this post for edit before the lock because op is a coward.

Coward? How so lol? Because I want to lock a thread that is utterly ridiculous that I created for the sole purpose of advertisement in the first place?

You need to get out more.
Tirayuki wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Reserving this post for edit before the lock because op is a coward.

Coward? How so lol? Because I want to lock a thread that is utterly ridiculous that I created for the sole purpose of advertisement in the first place?

You need to get out more.

You're just butt hurt by what people are saying.
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
You're just butt hurt by what people are saying.

Hahaha and if everyone in the place you were advertising flamed you at one time for no good reason you wouldn't be?

We have such an honest forum community.
Tirayuki wrote...
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
You're just butt hurt by what people are saying.

Hahaha and if everyone in the place you were advertising flamed you at one time for no good reason you wouldn't be?

We have such an honest forum community.

You should expect this shit on the Internet. You were careless when you created this thread, and now you're butt hurt. If I was flamed, then I wouldn't be butt hurt because I am used to it.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Tirayuki wrote...
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
You're just butt hurt by what people are saying.

Hahaha and if everyone in the place you were advertising flamed you at one time for no good reason you wouldn't be?

We have such an honest forum community.

And you wonder why I was badmouthing your crap? Also I finished my edit, although I should have just made a new post since it's not locked yet.
cruz737 wrote...
I enjoy calling people like you names and insulting you, it makes me feel superior and like I am a mature adult, and I can sleep good at night knowing these things.
Tirayuki wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
I enjoy calling people like you names and insulting you, it makes me feel superior and like I am a mature adult, and I can sleep good at night knowing these things.

False quoting makes you look even worse.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Yes, lashing out at others, accusing them of things they never said, acting extremely defensive rather than patient like most writers should behave and then acting like a victim is clearly the best course of action.

Tirayuki wrote...
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
You're just butt hurt by what people are saying.

Hahaha and if everyone in the place you were advertising flamed you at one time for no good reason you wouldn't be?

We have such an honest forum community.

Just throwing this out there but in IB we don't give a single fuck is being honest makes people butthurt, as has happened in this thread. Personally, I find IB to be a rather honest subforum as users here are not trying to please anyone other then themselves generally.

Take some time to improve your writing. I've read some of it before and it wasn't bad while at the same time it wasn't good. Before you jump to conclusions that means it was OK. Maybe you should take longer than 5 minutes to write poems, it could only help them to be better.

Now you've had some constructive criticism. Quit being so butthurt and crawl back to the writing section and bitch about us there where people might actually give a fuck.

Loner the People's Senpai
OP you should just not post in IB anymore. It's apparent it's not for you.
Also, you seemed stressed.
OP stop acting childish over the fact that your work is terrible. Saying, " it took me 5 minutes" is not an excuse for crap and as Cruz has stated you should have posted writing with quality( if you have any). If you truly are a writer you learn to take criticism and improve your writing by changing the mistakes you constantly make or reading other's work. Again, you are making yourself look idiotic.
Tirayuki wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
I'm saying your writing is horrible, and if you asked for some honest feedback on the threads your promoting, I'd gladly give it to you(if you actually ask for criticism and opinions rather than fishing for complements).

Although if you act this vehemently to any sort of negative response to your "oh so great writing" then you shouldn't be promoting any of your works, anywhere.

Also I don't need to write anything to prove anything to anyone.

First - You say it's horrible but each poem was written in 5 minutes or less - what did you expect?

Second - You say you're better but expect me to believe it without proof? You're right, you don't have to prove it, but good luck if you want me to believe you without doing so.

Third - All I've seen so far is flaming. Not one bit of 'constructive' criticism. That's probably because this topic is IB but those links in the opening post lead to the topics which are not and have never once been in IB.

Fourth - If someone did nothing but flame your work without looking at the amount of time it took you per piece, and then called it trash repeatedly, wouldn't you be a little pissed off?

Fifth - If you have honest feedback or constructive criticism to give I'll be glad to hear it and open minded as long as it has a purpose other than to demean my work without just cause.

With that, I report this topic for lock.

First - The amount of time spent is not equal to the quality, effort, passion, or emotions put into the work. A work you feel truly proud in shouldn't be a game but something you put your full into. By limiting yourself to a time limit, you limit the quality of your work. If you were attempting to practice "creating and constructing" faster that would be fine, but such works should never be displayed so... Self gratifyingly, such works do not have heart in them.

Second - This truly is not a matter of being better or worse, it is a matter of you seeking a position of superiority above others, and then finding it upsetting when your not acknowledged the way you seek. I don't think you started off your topic with this intent but you had an expectation of being well met, that your works were without fault, and you displayed that arrogance in the way you expressed yourself in the op and the continuing replies. Everyone wants to be special, original, acknowledged but imposing yourself onto others is not the way.

Third - Quite a few people have given you, quite good, advice. Your being too emotional, if you calm down and read what they say you can pick up quite informative information, not only with your works but how you should present yourself and how you should behave. You can even gain experience in proper social interactions with others that you can't see eye to eye from many things said here (including the things you said).

Forth - You put too much emphasis on time. A piece of art is more than simply a matter of time. You as well mention over and over that (half) your work is only worth 5 minutes.

Fifth - This "humbleness" is far overdue. This would have greatly reduced the amount of negativity you received, if you had only presented even an ounce of this earlier. But all you conveyed is that you couldn't accept the negativity and ridicule (quite a few justifiable) everyone was giving you. You showed that you were only looking for people to inflate your ego, and everyone picked up on it.

Now my..
One - You shouldn't be imposing your work on people you don't care if you don't want to be rejected, seek out those willing to go out of the way, writing section, if you want your works to be heard.

Two - Everyone always has room to improve. You should always seek others as a means to expand what can be created as opposed to validate and glorify what has already been made. No matter what a person makes they can always do better and should always seek better. Works should never be for glory but for a chance to find feed back and expand. Don't become complacent.

Three - As a writer you will face a lot of criticism and ridicule, but they bother because they want to see better from you, otherwise they wouldn't bother with you. The people who criticize you here are helping you quite a bit, rather its intended or not. This is a valuable learning experience that you should make sure your emotions don't cloud. The responses here are quite tamed.

Four - If you want to be treated well you have to treat others equally. Ill again bring this up, to "impose your works onto those not willing to listen" is not, in any way, a respectable action. To ignore the guidelines of the site, to ignore the opinions others may have by making expectations that only satisfy you. Your actions here started off as disrespectful. Humility would be a trait your in dire need for as a writer.

In conclusion - I'm typing this because I think that it is possible, for you, to change, the way you are now. To me, at this time, you'll walk away from this without gaining anything positive or productive. Not learning anything that will help you improve both as a writer, and as a person, blinded by your emotions. (It might help if you tried detaching yourself from how you feel and from what you posted. To try reading your conversation here with everyone as if you were someone else, and outsider looking in to this, catastrophe.)
Tirayuki wrote...
Too bad it took more than 5 minutes to produce, which was the time limit. So much failure.

Who says he
1) Gives a fuck
2) Didn't make it in 5 minutes?

Doesn't take that long to write.
so much for a rap battle huh
opanihuya wrote...
so much for a rap battle huh

if a rap battle can be fought by a single person, sure!... (dam, i seriously want to see that now!!!!! with a crowd and everything!)
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