Tentacle and Witches episode 2

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Sindalf wrote...
Akasen wrote...
MrTT wrote...
Akasen wrote...
Meh, I don't have a problem because I jumped off CCCP's boat and swam to K-Lite Codec Pack. Then again, I did update the Media Player Classic in this as well.

I was with latest k-lite AND latest MPC-HC v1.5.3 and it didn't work. Then I uninstalled them in favor of latest CCCP (with latest MPC-HC v1.5.3) and it started working...

Although, in retrospect it might be because CCCP disables DXVA by default and from what I read nobody (nVidia, AMD, intel) currently supports 10 bit on their DXVA

So anyone who has a problem:
1. Make sure you update your CCCP or K-lite to latest version.
2. Use MPC-HC v1.5.3 (or later if you read this in the future)
3. Make sure that the DXVA internal filter is disabled. (in MPC-HC options)

Helpful information good sir. You deserve a +rep. Just went and checked my settings and I seem to have disabled all of the DXVA internal filters some time ago. I also went and checked if this was the reason why I was able to watch the video with no problem and found that enabling the filters cause weird green effects on screen.

So to make this clear and simple TURN OFF DXVA FOR NOW. It's causing problems with 10-bit encodes at the moment (so it seems).

Last I checked DXVA does not work at all with 10-bit meaning you can not even use it if you even tried.

Which is the point of turning off DXVA
Edit: Eh, never mind, got it to work by converting the file into another format... Guess VLC just does not like the original format for some reason.
This just makes me a happy little camper.
tentacles, oppai, pettanko, mizugi, and tsundere. love it
Thank you wery mouch
I just have to ask this... why do you guys always release your release (no pun intended) in filesonic and fileserve?
Just curious.
Sindalf Used to do stuff
zeroniv_legend wrote...
I just have to ask this... why do you guys always release your release (no pun intended) in filesonic and fileserve?
Just curious.

We have never released with filesonic unless it was with raze for a joint with ufw just because he likes to. Fileserve is because I use the money it generates to pay for the server we use to seed releases and to pay the translator money for their time. No one wants to sub hentai, atleast anyone good. So in order to get around that problem you have to pay them. If I didn't use fileserve releases would come to a complete halt to like one thing every few months or non existent. I really don't have a choice.
For those wanting to bypass CCCP and use Windows Media Player / KMPlayer then PotPlayer solves the problem. Thank you for the upload.
Yes Yes i want my hard drive to be saturated on this !!!! Now time to put this baby on my big screen tv. like a baws XD
Torrents are gone. T_T (and so are the links apparently)

EDIT; Fixed. =)
Need episode 4!!!
Yay~ I stupidly streamed this. -_- Watching on this torrent now! D<.
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