The WRITER'S Lounge

Today was tiresome.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
Xenon wrote...

leonard267 wrote...
The novelisation of the Boring Boy is a possible candidate.

I will humbly request royalties.

In the bizarre event when I become a publisher and when you get yourself involved in MY interpretation of the Boring Boy.
Xenon FAKKU Writer
Shikinokami wrote...
Edit: I guess I was wrong about him, and my bad for my comment.

I'm proud of you for doing that. I understand the temptation to mock what you perceive as bad writing from the confines of somewhere distant from the eyes of the author, but watching you do that to someone I respect without giving much reason caused me to speak out in that way. I would do so for anyone on our section.

I think I have more respect for you for having the balls to link him here yourself and apologize. Good on you. Very well done.

leonard267 wrote...
In the bizarre event when I become a publisher and when you get yourself involved in MY interpretation of the Boring Boy.

Then let it come and be done with already, my good man. However, I'm not certain the world will ever be ready for you to become a publisher, more so for some Frankenstein's monster of a piece I initiated to come to public light. That being said, no activity at all in either collaborative pieces in quite a while. I am disappoint.

I am at work in my submission to your contest though, leonard. It shall be done before the weekend finishes, I hope.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
high_time wrote...
well for me i prolly dont do parodies of things i didn't like. i kind of wanting to do parodies because i like something.

It really depends on the material or whether there is anything to make fun of. Personally I am proud of the Mudslinging thread where I attempted to write a story based on the stories of others and there are things that can be made fun of.
leonard267 wrote...

It really depends on the material or whether there is anything to make fun of. Personally I am proud of the Mudslinging thread where I attempted to write a story based on the stories of others and there are things that can be made fun of.

that can do too :D

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Stop harassing High with Strange Journey.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
CO2 wrote...
Stop harassing High with Strange Journey.

Agreed. I should harass him with by rewriting his highly acclaimed event entry!

Introduction to Doki Doki Suru:

Doki Doki Suru roughly translates from Japanese to mean the uneasy feelings brought about by dread or nervousness and often mistaken for the feelings of anticipation or excitement. Having read it myself, I feel that the title is ironically analogous to the feelings I have right now attempting to make sense out of it.

A mere glance through its text is potentially life changing, a testament to the power of the imagery this text evokes. Just the mere thought of it is enough to make my eyes water and my bowels and other muscles at the bottom end of my torso lose function. It is unbelievable that the story is set in the most humble of places nestled far away from the troubles of the world.

Doki Doki Suru is a story of a farmer and his encounters with love whilst toiling in the fields in the Dutch East Indies. Belying his unobtrusive exterior lies a man with extraordinary abilities that are beyond the realm of comprehension! It is indeed not an exaggeration to claim that this magnum opus of high_time's is mind blowing.

The rewrite of Doki Doki Suru aims to make this masterpiece more accessible to the masses due to its incomprehensible nature. I hope my good friend and author of Doki Doki Suru, high_time, would be appreciative of this effort. What on earth was I thinking offering to do this?!
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
Far away from the hustle and bustle of the sprawling concrete jungles of the modern urban cities of the former Dutch East Indies and safely nestled in the peace and tranquility that is the strange and exotic countryside lived a farmer who looked unobtrusive and rather unassuming.

His job was tend to plant the seedlings, tend to the crops, reap the harvest and sell it to whoever who wish to purchase the harvest under the supervision of his ancient and near-decrepit grandfather who owned the farm he was working at. As circumstances would have it, he was poised to inherit his grandfather's mantle as owner of that farm. However, in recent years thanks to innovations in farming technology and the inability of his grandfather to keep up with the times, the farm encountered financial problems.

Driven to desperation, the farmer's grandfather decided to grow crops that would fetch a high price in the black market, a rather euphemistic way to say that those crops are raw materials for mind altering substances. For those who don't get it, in recent years, our hero is made to plant dope. It was of course not without consequence. While what happened to that farmer was exactly unknown, as the days went by, it became more and more obvious that he was losing his senses.

Yet, he managed to keep a diary of sorts of which he named "Doki Doki Suru". The title of that diary was a language alien to his native land which meant feelings of nervousness, anxiety or dread. At first glance, it made little to no sense with fantastic scenarios being fleshed out in grisly detail. Ironically, the title of that diary was an apt description of the feelings of those who were made to re-read his diary.

Here is a summary of the contents of that diary on a certain date:
I just woke up from 10 hours sleep. Goddamn.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
Shikinokami wrote...
I just woke up from 10 hours sleep. Goddamn.

Not to worry. If you wish to fall asleep again, feel free to help yourself to the contents of whatever is written here!


Summary of the contents of the diary:

1. Threw an object, hit the old man. The old man was either unconscious or dead, either way, his limp body is used as a scarecrow.

2. Herds of cows and aliens from outer space paid obeisance to that scarecrow of a unconscious body before abducting it and leaving a toilet in its place.

3. The toilet transforms, so he claims, into his fiancée who masochistically obliges to engage in some hanky-panky with the farmer.

4. Many other onlookers looked on for what they saw was two persons flailing on the ground like beached fish. They appeared to be pleasuring themselves at the sight of it though the farmer claimed that they do not possess reproductive organs.

5. He made mention about the size of his manhood and his virility. He claimed that his manhood was so large that it caused aeroplanes to crash, bombs to detonate and botched military exercises.

The day started with the farmer cleaning his face with sulphuric acid and 'wiping his chainsaw' using his pants. After this seemingly everyday routine (if one were to look past the acid and the chainsaw), he started his exercise of throwing discuses (bizarrely described as love toys in his diary) out of the attap house which he called his abode. Partaking in such an activity carried risks, not least that of causing a nuisance and possible bodily harm.

Sure enough, on that very day, an accident happened when his poor grandfather, the owner of the farm, was hit by one of the projectiles from the farmer's abode. Regrettably, that ancient man died because of that. It was not so much the bodily injury but the shock of being hit that took the poor dotard's life. Though the farmer knew it not, he was now the owner, albeit a crazed one, of the farm.
^We can make some serious shekels out of that.
I always ave ideas for books, but they never seem good enough while I write down the ideas. Any suggestion for a newbie on getting plot, character development and writing a book itself.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
kevblaze wrote...
I always ave ideas for books, but they never seem good enough while I write down the ideas. Any suggestion for a newbie on getting plot, character development and writing a book itself.

I don't do stories, opting for monologues or essays because the only character is myself. I suppose if I tried doing stories, it would be most likely satirical in nature, based on things I see and hear rather than conjured up with my imagination.

So, my advice is to read the works of others, flip through history books and study events that are more often than not steered by personalities and get your hands on any material that depicts events and people.

Also, I am almost convinced that creativity is well concealed plagiarism.

That said, what ideas do you have? Care to share?
leonard267 wrote...
kevblaze wrote...
I always ave ideas for books, but they never seem good enough while I write down the ideas. Any suggestion for a newbie on getting plot, character development and writing a book itself.

I don't do stories, opting for monologues or essays because the only character is myself. I suppose if I tried doing stories, it would be most likely satirical in nature, based on things I see and hear rather than conjured up with my imagination.

So, my advice is to read the works of others, flip through history books and study events that are more often than not steered by personalities and get your hands on any material that depicts events and people.

Also, I am almost convinced that creativity is well concealed plagiarism.

That said, what ideas do you have? Care to share?

Thanks for the link and the advice. My idea i had since 6th grade is pretty much something along the lines or a world where magic exists and a Country in civil war against good and evil, it follows a 17 year old male on the good side and his 15 year old sister, only to find out that the good side is actually corrupt and what to have thought was the bad side is actually trying to make a change for the good.

I know that it is cheesey and cliche, but i have improved it over the years, making it slightly darker and some room for some romance and drama. This is just a brief explanation since I am going to work on improving it.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
kevblaze wrote...
leonard267 wrote...
kevblaze wrote...
I always ave ideas for books, but they never seem good enough while I write down the ideas. Any suggestion for a newbie on getting plot, character development and writing a book itself.

I don't do stories, opting for monologues or essays because the only character is myself. I suppose if I tried doing stories, it would be most likely satirical in nature, based on things I see and hear rather than conjured up with my imagination.

So, my advice is to read the works of others, flip through history books and study events that are more often than not steered by personalities and get your hands on any material that depicts events and people.

Also, I am almost convinced that creativity is well concealed plagiarism.

That said, what ideas do you have? Care to share?

Thanks for the link and the advice. My idea i had since 6th grade is pretty much something along the lines or a world where magic exists and a Country in civil war against good and evil, it follows a 17 year old male on the good side and his 15 year old sister, only to find out that the good side is actually corrupt and what to have thought was the bad side is actually trying to make a change for the good.

I know that it is cheesey and cliche, but i have improved it over the years, making it slightly darker and some room for some romance and drama. This is just a brief explanation since I am going to work on improving it.

May I know what you mean by 'good side' and 'bad side'? I presume you are talking about the warring factions in that civil war? Would also like to know what era is that set in.
im not really a fan of overly dark stories. if possible, i wanna have some things as naive as possible. i want my innocence back.
high_time wrote...
i want my innocence back.

It'll never be, and I'll always rejoice in that thought.
i guess it means that i've always been innocent :DDDDDDD